N. A. Knyazev, O. I. Korolchuk
Keywords: quality of higher education, education and science as integral social phenomena, post-industrial society, qualitization of modern society, concepts of quality, quantity, measure
Pages: 5-12
The article determines and describes the main stages of the theoretical analysis on the «quality of higher education» concept. The philosophical and methodological principles of application of the «quality» concept are introduced. It is shown that these principles are applicable to provide conceptual strategies in the higher education system development in the post-industrial society.
E. A. Pushkareva
Keywords: integration of education and a science, a scientific component of education, crisis of educational-scientific sphere
Pages: 12-17
In clause specificity of modern integration processes in a domestic science and education is analyzed. The urgency of a problem is connected with search of ways of an output of a science and education from the crisis situation shown in inadequacy of development by a theoretical-methodological scientific component of modern domestic education. The author brings to a focus that specificity of integration of education and a science directly is connected with character of that historical epoch in which there is a education and development of this process, and also directly is connected with historical traditions (including regional), setting an orientation and actually specificity of development and education, and a science.
A. V. Nalivaiko, V. I. Panarin
Keywords: methodological and world outlook functions of philosophy, philosophy of education, globalization, àêñèîëîãèÿ, ïðàêñèîëîãèÿ, ontology
Pages: 17-24
The problem of development of domestic formation in conditions of globalization is based on a necessary philosophical reflection, and should be considered in a context of questions of social philosophy, in a context of questions of specificity of modern development of Russia which cause development of modern domestic formation. There is a deep interrelation of philosophy of formation with political, strategic, tactical doctrines of educational activity. The radical changes which have been last in a public life of Russia, have caused to a turn of transformations in sphere of formation. In clause it is shown, how being the factor of reflection social dynamics of life, formation, as well as all society, experiences deep system crisis, there is an active search of ways of an output from this crisis.
In clause education as cultural phenomenon and the major party of ability to live of a society is analyzed. A basis of the methodological analysis of educational processes is the philosophy of education. The main task of modern philosophy of education becomes judgement of the base bases of education and a pedagogical science, development of an ideal of the formed person, finding-out of a place of education in modern culture. The basic function of philosophy of education consists in development of ways and ways of the sanction of the arisen crisis of education, and also in creation of an image of new school. In opinion of the author, philosophy of education as the independent scientific discipline can offer a fundamental substantiation of an ideal of erudition and the purposes of modern education.
In the article, such aspect of the deformity of social consciousness as legal nihilism is under analysis, as well as the role of education in the correction of this process. A special attention is given to the problem of estimation of the law from the positions of morality as one crucial source of the Russian legal nihilism. The author proves the impossibility of the estimation of state and law from moral positions. Social order is designated as the limiting positive pole of law.
The article is devoted to the research of legal entity as a social relation. The aim is to show the necessity of teaching the law according to the traditions of society. The author studies legal entity according to the cosmic model of the world. The result of research is that the person including legal entity is a social relation, which is determined by the actual law and other social rules which are completed by the law.
Å. Ò. Konyukhova, Ò. V. Konyukhova
Keywords: model of mindset formation, competence, success mindset - individual and personal value, innovative technologies
Pages: 42-46
The importance of the problem of the success mindset can be derived from the necessity of creating in the educational space of the higher education institution an integral complex of conditions, which foster professional formation of the prospective specialist and his/her success in the professional activity. The competence orientation in the educational space of the specialist training gives rise to the problem of revealing the "field" of success of the person in the social and work activities. There are considered some questions concerning modern perusal of the «success of the person» context and the introduction of innovative technologies of training of the successful specialist. The offered model provides formation of the success mindset as a competence and personal value of the prospective specialist.
V. I. Ivashchenko
Keywords: pedagogical system, drawing and geometrical training, design-technological thinking, personality, social adaptation
Pages: 46-52
This paper describes the results of investigation of the design-technological mentality formation in a process of graphic disciplines studies and how the mental level of the design-technological thinking influences the social-personal potential of the mechanical engineer. The research was carried out within the framework of the departmental analytical special-purpose program "Development of the higher education scientific potential (2006-2008)"; project RPN "Development of teaching materials and educational technology for training high level engineers for innovation activity in scientifically based high-technological machine building industry". The proposed principles have been realized at the «Aircraft engines» Department of Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU).
The aim of this article is to describe philosophical foundations of modern educational technology with application of mathematical methods and informational technologies. This educational technology was developed by the author with the aim of quality increasing for higher law education in our country. Modern problems of the domestic law education are touched upon in the article. It is necessary to get over these problems to realize the effective training of highly qualified and highly-moral specialists in the branch of jurisprudence. Highly-moral and well educated jurists are necessary for our country to realize democratization of all public life spheres. Therefore, educational quality of specialists in the branch of jurisprudence in this time is a problem of the State importance.
The subject of the author's analysis is connected with a unique experiment in the sphere of higher education in Novosibirsk from the year 2006 till present time. The main aim of this experiment is student's participation in a new administrative project of teaching the management personnel through solving practical problems. The unity of the student's theory and practice has showed high social results in different aspects of our life. Young people want to see our country as a powerful motherland.
The subject under analysis is the change in relation between functional and value-related components of contemporary education system. Domination of functionalism is reflected by its unlimited informatization, which results in its turning into programming and, finally, gets automated. If we want to keep a humanistic character of our education we need to reproduce in it all forms of culture, not just the scientific ones. The School must be a place of life. We need a kind of ecology of education system.
T. V. Khomchenko, N. I. Krune, I. L. Belenok
Keywords: informational competency, the competence approach, informational competencies, part-time and distance courses
Pages: 70-77
The paper is dedicated to the problem of formation of informational competency of the students, studying in part-time and distance courses. It presents the analysis of papers, concerning definition of the following concepts: «competence», «competency», «informational competence», and problems of the distance learning. Within this context, the importance of the problem of forming the informational competency of the students is described. The role of distance education in forming the informational competency is also considered. The author examines main ideas of the competence approach, its importance apart of knowledge-reference approach. This paper indicates the benefits of introducing the distance training IT-studying elements to the part-time educational form.
Keywords: a mass communication, the information, mass-media, the information, globalization, mass media, a masscult, a post-modernist style
Pages: 78-83
In given clause questions of becoming of mass-media are considered, to be resulted the philosophical analysis of postmodernist displays of communication process. Alongside with it theories of foreign philosophers are resulted, whose works have made base in studying mass-media. The object of scientific research of mass-media, in particular the information and a society is considered. What characteristics in interaction of a society and an information stream.
In the article there is considered the activity of the governing institution, directed to organization of the mass communication interaction, which is realized on the level of everyday routine professional practices, analysis of the content of the mass communication facilities, determination of the informational risks and working out the reaction efforts, development of complex media-plans, establishing connections with the expert communities and the proponents of certain views in order to engage the citizens into realization of the strategic socio-political and economical programs. Sociological examination is understood not as an element of governing influence on the mass communication processes but rather as a system of diagnostic and analytical procedures, providing effective interaction between the power and the socio-political subjects. The author proposes a classification and some stages of application of the diagnostic procedures for the improvement of the efficiency of interaction between the governing institution and the media.
A Simple Paradox and A Stark Perspective are presented in this paper. The simple paradox is that we have called many ancient philosophers 'wise' and 'great' but we have largely ignored or reversed their wisdoms. Three of the 'greats' who have lasted longest are Lao Tse, Socrates/Plato and Jesus/his authors. All three sources advocated 'not knowing', more than once. Christian, Rational, Intellectual Philosophers have reversed that spirit or attitude. If the 'greats' were right and wise, then we - Christ-ian-based, Rationalist, Intellectual Philosophers - have almost everything at least half wrong: upside down ("The first shall be last." Top people are the bottom. Power tends to corrupt.), back to front (mirror reversed. We need to say "And vice versa,"and "Nohow, contrarywise" to most of our most sacred 'cow' beliefs and attitudes." We also have things inside out (our positivist focus on superficial, surface-observe-able, literal meanings and evidence is mistaken - less than half the truth and the less important and powerful half). All the 'greats' warned us against vanity and thinking we know, in vain. The stark perspective, more and more evident every day in global warming and our mistaken annihilating of millions of species (especially rain-forests), presents us with a predicament. We must believe that impossible measures can and must be taken if we are not to decimate or possibly annihilate our own interdependent family of life-kind in this century. Rain needs rainforests; rainforests need rain. We need both and more. I list only a few of the 'impossibles' which we have to make possible … or else …
Today I invite you to focus your attention on the following questions. Given the dogmatism and exclusivity of many forms of religious belief, how can the religious experiences of our students be liberated so that they can travel along broader avenues? Given the fact that we are now living in what has for better or worse come to be known as a global village, how can we help our students assess whether some forms of religious belief are better adapted than others to these new circumstances? Is it possible for us and our fellow global citizens, despite our many individual and cultural differences, to share a common faith? If so, what form would that type of faith take? And how can we help our students develop the tools they will need to come to terms with these questions, which are all the more difficult because they are both intensely personal and profoundly public?
Y. I. Dubrovin
Keywords: constitutional reform of federalism; political processes regulation; «state system culture»; self-government of municipalities; «new managerism», government model; democracy of participation
Pages: 105-112
The specific character of modern administrative reforms in German is that these reforms are realized with a large-scale constitutional reform of federalism. The constitutional reform influences to the central administrative authorities directly. The main course of reforms includes such spheres as legislation, civil service, budget and incomes distribution, education, preservation of the environment, and struggle against terrorism. The distinctive feature of reforms is the change of local government system on the basis of the «new managerism» strategy and democracy of participation.
The purpose of the article is to show the significance of semantic-pragmatic aspects in the research of language of science. The author analyses the systematization of life's logic of scientific cognition, and also the phenomena of intelligence, signs as the language objects having very complicated structure. Formal logic alone isn't capable to reflect it. The dynamics of language of science is considered in the logical aspect, proceeding from inconsistency to contraposition and then to integration.
The article considers the peculiarities of the hermeneutical approach to the educational processes. The author describes the meaning of the process of education in forming person's values and describes experience and feelings as the basic mechanism of the process of education. The author distinguishes pupil's personal experience as an important component of the educational process, substantiates the idea that education has to open and develop pupil's personal experience, and defines the importance of the sense creation in the process of education. The author distinguishes some cardinal components of organization of the processes of education and upbringing on the basis of hermeneutic.
The article is devoted to the research of the reflection of temporal relations in language within the framework of historical background of the "time" notion and its language forms. A linguistic problem connected with the "time" category is revealed through determining the means of nomination of this category and description of the semantic complex embodied in language signs. The submitted work is based on etymological researches of the concept of "time". The etymological material presented in this work from different languages confirms that the base for nomination of ancient views of time lying beyond vision and perception was associated with simple physical actions performed in space.
E. V. Demina
Keywords: differential psychology, individual differences, abilities, language ability, development of the language personally, verbal association, qualitative analysis of the language ability, variation of the language ability
Pages: 131-136
The article reviews the contributions of the domestic research, conducted in the context of the Teplov - Nebylitsyn school of differential psychology, into the development of contemporary problems of individual differences in the human language ability. The role of evaluation of qualitative characteristics of language abilities in the linguo-didactic aspect of development of a student's language personality is highlighted. The thesis of individual conditionality of association as a minimal unit of text generation is emphasized. Some psychological diagnostics data on the individual differences in the teenagers' language ability based on the analysis of the ratio of different predication tactics by the associative experiment method are presented.
In the article, the notion of hypothetical knowledge is thoroughly examined with the help of the category of the possible. The category of the possible is one of the categories, allowing the researcher to go beyond the reality and generate hypothetical knowledge. The possible is defined as a form of cognition. The author provides a brief historical outlook of the category of the possible as well as dwells upon philosophers' views about this category and its role in the cognition of reality. The importance of the possible is admitted in the modern philosophy where there is no chance to state the truth of any theory. There is considered the notion of possible worlds, which is necessary to interpret the objects of reality. Possible worlds give the direction of events.
The purpose of the article is to bring attention to the function of language as an instrument of interpersonal translation of the consciousness contents; that is, a sign system in various modifications such as colloquial speech, writing, artificial languages of gesticulation and facial gestures. They are considered and studied as the means of dialogue between the people in the direct and mediate forms.
A. ??. Bakuradze
Keywords: management, philosophy of management, value, worker, manager, social organization, motivation to work, satisfaction, non-satisfaction
Pages: 148-155
The problem of the value of the person in the philosophy of management is discussed in the article. Admitting the person as being the main value of the contemporary social organization makes it necessary that the manager creates motivation in it. This motivation will help to satisfy different workers' requirements while the efficiency of the work is high. Much attention is paid to the satisfaction of the workers with the process of the work and to the problem of satisfaction and non-satisfaction. The author proves that the manager who admits the value of the person must study the workers' needs, which determine their motivation to work, make it possible to satisfy these needs and also find and maintain the factors that influence the level of satisfaction, in spite of a contradiction between the value of the person and the value of effectiveness of the organization activity.
In the article the author defines the elements of a new outlook. Being realized in the values and aims of modern education, these elements are called to provide a new quality of professionalism, culture and morals of the people having higher education. Discussing the problems of «internal values», their importance for the young generation, the author follows the pragmatic reference points. On the basis of sociological and philosophical researches (Vasiljev V.V., Shukshunov V. E., Romm T.A.) on self-actualization problems, the author makes a conclusion that new generation is in the situation when young people have to rely only on their abilities and talents. Educational practice of domestic and foreign experience is also discussed in the article. The author considers the structure features of the person's creative culture and puts forward some suggestions concerning the principles of a person-creator formation. These principles are based on such personal values as realism, system approach, rationality, differentiability and controllability.
A. I. Sleptsov
Keywords: creative self-realization of pupils, exploratory activity of pupils, education of research activity, particularities of the rural social space
Pages: 162-169
The purpose of the article is to reveal the particularities of the creative self-realization of pupils in the research activity. There are reflections in the article about the philosophical premises of the domestic theory of the education of the research activity in the context of the creative self-development of the person. It is substantiated that the influence of the rural social space on the system of factors promoting creative self-realization of pupils in the exploratory activity can be both positive and negative.
G. A. Tretjakova
Keywords: value bases of education, spiritually-moral orientations, psychological essence of value orientations of the person
Pages: 169-176
In the conditions of aggravation of global problems the necessity becomes more urgent of comprehension of the value bases of life of the person. The psychological problem of essence of the value orientations of the person is caused today by public need of theoretical understanding of the laws of formation of spiritually-moral goals and morally-valuable orientations on the basis of which the person builds the attitudes towards the world and performs the acts.
In the conditions of growth and deepening of the knowledge about human being, it is necessary to study the issues concerning the formation of an integral conception of the developing upbringing. A very important role is played here by the philosophy of upbringing as an inalienable part of the philosophy of education, which is becoming more and more pivotal within the entire complex of knowledge about human being. The author of the article builds upon the understanding of "upbringing" as a process of goal-oriented influence on the pupil, the purpose of which is accumulation of the necessary for life social experience and formation the accepted by the society system of values of the person. The modern philosophy of upbringing forms the goals of upbringing and raises the question about the relation between the values of upbringing and the values of culture. This determines a new image of human being which turns out to be adequate to the challenges of the third millennium.
T. S. Bazarova
Keywords: social creativity, social worker, social-transformation orientation of personality, social initiative, individual style of activity, the subject of social creativity
Pages: 185-191
The purpose of the article is to analyze the definition of "social creativity". The essence of social creativity, its basic procedural characteristics are considered in the article. The author reveals the criteria and indicators of social creativity, substantiates the urgency of formation of socially-creative personality of the prospective social worker in the course of professional training, and describes the pedagogical conditions which are necessary for that.
The purpose of the article is to show that education in present condition must change the former concentration of the main efforts of the young specialist on the professional activity only. The author notes that the purpose of life is often substituted by the purpose of professional activity. Realization of the purposes of life, which exceed professional aspiration, is a main way of shaping independence. This or that orientation of the person on the purpose of human existence is reflected in consciousness in minimum or complete spiritual independence. The author introduces the notion of "subjective-personal problem", within the framework of which he studies the sources of self-movement of consciousness.
T. S. Kosenko, N. V. Nalivaiko, V. I. Panarin
Keywords: globalization, system of education, specificity of formation, integrative factor, policy of upbringing
Pages: 197-203
In the modern world upbringing is becoming the main integrative factor and condition of person's development; whereas the integration processes in the systems of upbringing realize the functions concerning mastering the world culture, translation of the social and individual experience, foster the development of an integral world outlook based on the principles of cosmic humanism, and organize humanity into a unified inter-connected system. The global problems, in their essence, are connected with the fate of the entire humanity: they require goal-oriented coordinated actions and unification of efforts of the majority of the planet population; they are an objective factor of the world development and cannot be ignored while forming modern system of upbringing.
The article is devoted to the philosophical and methodological aspects of the problem of education in the context of the spiritually-intellectual becoming and development of the personality of the specialist. The meaning of education consists in creation of subjective life and social relations. A leading role is played by spiritual creation. Creation as a semantic characteristic of the classic university is a basis of working out the conceptual positions of its development in the conditions of constantly updated information field of the modern social reality.
I. S. Votchin, Y. N. Sharavina
Keywords: communication modeling, notional content of communication, communication process, social phenomenon
Pages: 211-219
There is discussed in the article the problem of communication modeling and the definition of the notional content of communication. The authors analyze, from the viewpoint of general psychology, various models of communication. The analysis is based mainly on foreign literature. The authors indicate ambiguity of the notional content of communication and propose using modeling as the research method, which allows interpreting communication both as a social and psychological phenomenon, on one hand, and as a process, on the other.
The purpose of the article is the philosophical substantiation of the possibility of individuality in the reproductive activity. The author has analyzed such concepts as individuality, individualization, individuation, revealed their logical connections with such categories as opportunity, reality, and activity. In the article, the biological, cultural and social preconditions of individualization, defining formation and development of various types of technics, are considered. The author distinguishes the intrinsic characteristics of technical activity, displaying the individual creativity in various forms and at different levels.
The article is devoted to the problem of determining the logical-axiological foundations of psychological development, and distinguishing ontological categories of modern scientific knowledge of the post-nonclassical period. There is the necessity to change the binary system of analysis to a triadic one. There is presented a historical description of the development of the systems of analysis from binary to triadic; the future dynamic forecasts are mentioned. The existing triadic analysis systems in different fields of science, including psychology, are described. On the basis of the triadic paradigm a mental development model is proposed, where as the units of analysis there are taken regulatory, areal, and affective factors which are actualized in the observable psychological phenomena.
N. V. Dmitrieva
Keywords: envy, psychological mechanisms of envy, inner personal conflict, positive and negative kinds of psychological defenses against envy
Pages: 234-242
In this article the problem of envy is discussed. The structure of inner personal conflict as the result of envy is analyzed. Different kinds of high and low forms of psychological defense are described.
G. M. Seryogin
Keywords: diagnostics of the quality of training; diagnostics of understanding; components of diagnostics of understanding; levels of understanding of mathematical material
Pages: 242-247
In article the question of interrelation between the concepts of diagnostics of understanding and diagnostics of the quality of training is considered. The basic criteria of the quality of training are mental and functional changes in activity, dialogue and consciousness which result from realization of the educational program. One of the basic functions of diagnostics is the quality control of the process of training. The essence of components of diagnostics of understanding mathematical material is revealed in the description of the stages of diagnostic activity. At its closing stage the diagnostics in the form of description of the condition of diagnostics' object is made. The diagnostics of pupils' understanding of the offered mathematical material allows making a decision on an estimation of level of understanding and introducing corrective amendments into the technology of training.
Article purpose - consideration of the psychological reasons of motivational behaviour of the person. The main theme of article is the mentality of the person arisen as a regulator of relations of an organism and environment. The general characteristic of the presented work consists in research of the declared theme of article from the different points of view. Thoughts are put in article basis that the motive, being the reason of all acts of the person is defined by psychology need, requirement thanks to which, human life gets purposefulness. Conclusion: the motivation reason is concluded not only in feelings, but also in each link of process of reflexion as it always comprises also an incentive component.
The article describes a model of formation of the dialogue experience of the Russian-speaking pupils in the conditions of a poly-cultural educational environment. The author substantiates the necessity of creating the "School of ethno-cultural dialogue" experimental project, describes the meaning of the "dialogue competence", and shows the levels of readiness for ethno-cultural dialogue and the stages of formation of the dialogue experience.
Today the philosophy of culture acts as the following: 1. Methodology of systematic humanitarian knowledge. 2. Part of cognitive process. 3. Axiology of the value-related behavior and personality orientation. 4. Semantic and attitudinal universalia as well as aggregate forms of human activity. Viewing the traditional culture as a pedagogical system in this light will serve education practice substantiated by culture-based approach through modeling educational ambience in the traditions of the Russian culture School. Implementing this Idea requires an ethno-cultural education standard, a procedure allowing us to measure the results of the content mastering as expressed in social and socio-cultural student's competency.
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