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Физика горения и взрыва


Выпуск № 6

Методы оценки усредненной чувствительности взрывчатых веществ

Л.В. Дубнов, О.Л. Жуковский
Страницы: 96-99

Аннотация >>
Предложены два подхода к оценке чувствительности ВВ к внешним воздействиям. Один из них связан с оценкой опасности той или иной технологической операции в процессе изготовления или переработки ВВ. Второй определяет обобщенную степень опасности обращения с данным ВВ. Рассмотрены методы оценки усредненной чувствительности. Дана классификация промышленных ВВ по их усредненной чувствительности.

Выпуск № 6

Исследование процесса реализации энергии комбинированных зарядов ВВ в полезные формы работы взрыва

A.M. Гришкин, В.Ю. Давыдов, И.Д. Головлев
Страницы: 100-103

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В работе исследованы комбинированные коаксиальные заряды, состоящие из ВВ типа ГФТА по центру и инертной смеси по периферии. Определены форма фронта детонационной волны и скорость его распределения, угол разворота фронта, скорость ударной волны, распространяющейся по периферии. Проведены исследования фрагментации металлических трубок, наполненных комбинированным коаксиальным зарядом.


Выпуск № 3

Is Turbulent Burning Velocity a Meaningful Parameter?

D. Bradley
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, U. K.
Страницы: 5-7

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The concept of turbulent burning velocity arises from an analogy with that of the laminar burning velocity. Experimental measurement or theoretical computation of .the latter must take account of the effects of flame stretch. This is also necessary for turbulent flames and when flame propagation originates at a point source, there is a temporal development of the turbulence acting on the flame and also of the thickness of the flame brush. Under these conditions, whilst the turbulent burning velocity is a measure of the propagation rate of the front relative to unburnt mixture, it cannot be a direct measure of the mass rate of burning.

Выпуск № 3

Thermal Decomposition of Gap and Gap Based Double Base Propellants

S. S. Dhar, S. N. Asthana, H. Singh, G. N. Natu
Explosives Research and Development Laboratory,
Pune 411 008. INDIA
Department of Chemistry, University of Poona, INDIA
Страницы: 27-31

Аннотация >>
Tliis paper reports the thermal decomposition pattern of GAP and GAP containing double base (DB) compositions. Dynamic and isothermal TGA reveal two stage decomposition process for GAP. At temperatures below 200° С reactant-product interface diffusion while at higher temperatures, nucleation based diffusion processes appear to be operative. Inclusion of GAP resulted in drop in temperature for onset of free radical reaction.

Выпуск № 3

Unsteady Combustion of Solid Propellants Subject to Dynamic External Radiant Heating

S. F. Son and M. Q. Brewster
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana — Champaign
Страницы: 31-36

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A theoretical and experimental investigation is being conducted on the effect of a dynamic external radiant heat flux on the combustion of energetic materials. These studies have illustrated the need for including the effect of the mean radiant heat flux and in-depth absorption. Also, a method for obtaining the linear frequency response function over a range of frequencies from a single test using series of radiant pulses is demonstrated. Experimental results have been obtained for an AP/HTPB propellant.

Выпуск № 3

Experimental and Numerical Approach to the Study of the Frequency Response of Solid Propellants

С. Zanotti and P. Giuliani
CNPM — National Research Council, Milan — ITALY
Страницы: 36-41

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The experimental study of the frequency response of burning solid propellants has been done using, as external forcing energy source, a CO2 laser (60 W, 10.6 pm). The laser radiant flux intensity was sinusoidally modulated and the response of the burning propellant was detected measuring the recoil force generated by the gases coming out from the burning surface using a strain-gage load cell which can operate inside the combustion chamber at the operating pressure. The tests were performed in the subatmospheric pressure range and a composite propellant (AP.HTPB/86.14) was used. The combustion chamber was filled by inert gas (N2) and for each working pressure several tests were carried out at different radiant flux frequency modulations in the range from 5 to 50 Hz. The results evince that the recoil force amplitude depends on the forcing laser frequency with a maximum for every working pressure. This experimental data set was then used to compare the nonlinear frequency response curves obtained by numerical integration of the combustion model equations. Comparisons between experimental and numerical results at 0.3 and 0.5 atm are shown and the general trend, obtained by numerical simulations, of the propellant frequency response vs pressure in a broader range is presented and discussed.

Выпуск № 3

Structure of Diffusion and Premixed Laminar Counterflow Flames Including Molecular Radiativa Transfer

Т. Daguse, A. Soufiani, N. Darabiha, J. С. Rolon
Laboratoire d'Energetique Moleculaire et Macroscopique,
Combustion du CNRS et de VECP, Ecole Centrale Paris
Grande Voie des Vignes, 92295 Chatenay-Malabry, France
Страницы: 55-60

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The interaction between radiation and combustion is studied theoretically in the case of strained counterflow nonluininous laminar flames. Both H2 – 02 diffusion and C3H8 – air premixed flames are considered. Calculations are based on detailed chemical kinetics and narrow-band statistical modeling of infrared radiative properties. It is shown that radiative transfer decreases the temperature level, which affects particularly the production and consumption of minor species and pollutants. For H2 – 02 flames, a low strain rate extinction limit due to radiation is found. It is also shown that the commonly used approximation of optically thin medium is inaccurate, even for the small scale laboratory flames considered here.

Выпуск № 3

Experimental and Numerical Study of Transient Laminar Counterflow Diffusion Flames

F. Aguerre,. N. Darabiha, J. C. Rolon, S. Candel
Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris,
92295 Chatenay-Malabry cedex, France
Страницы: 61-66

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In the present article, we analyze the nonsteady behaviour of counterflow diffusion flames submitted to a time dependent injection velocity in the case of hydrogen — air flames. The numerical study, using a finite difference implicit Linear Multistep Method and employing complex kinetics, is done for sinusoidal injection velocity variations, for moderate values and also for values near the extinction limit. The frequency response is obtained in these different cases. The experimental setup comprises two axisymmetric nozzles. In order to change the inlet velocities periodically, we use a vibrating mechanism in each burner. The amplitude and the frequency of injection velocities of the opposed nozzles are synchronously modified. The OH radical emission intensity is used to measure the flame response to velocity fluctuations. The experimental results are compared to numerical calculations. A good concordance is obtained in this comparison.

Выпуск № 3

Recent Advances in Computational Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles

R. F. Walter
W. J. Schafer Associates, Inc. Albuquerque,
New Mexico USA
Страницы: 66-71

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The nonequilibrium gasdynamics processes of importance to hypersonic aerobraking vehicles are reviewed. Recent improvements in understanding these phenomena and in the detailed numerical modeling of these processes will be discussed. The paper concludes by describing the extent to which these models have been incorporated into multidimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computer codes.

Выпуск № 3

Investigation on Aluminum Particles Combustion in the Flame of Solid Rocket Propellants

R. Akiba, М. Kohno, A. Volpi, S. Tokudome, Т. Shibata
Страницы: 115-119

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Aluminum is widely used in modern solid rocket propellants for many purposes, but mainly to increase the specific impulse by raising the flame temperature. Most of the aluminum, present in powder state in the propellant, do not vaporize onto the burning surface so tending later to agglomerate into large particles difficult to burn even in the flame. The aim of this work is to study the behavior of the aluminum particles onto the burning surface and into the gaseous region of the propellant flame structure. Different diagnostic techniques have been used: SEM on the burning surface of extinguished samples, pictures taken during combustion by filtered still camera and a new developed laser diagnostic. By the use of an UV laser beam and a high speed shutter TV camera, the Al particles onto the burning surface has been visualized. A suitable Image Processor to extract information from the frames has been adopted. Tests on a HTPB.12/AP.68/A1.20 propellant in the pressure range 10–50 atm has been performed. Results show the reliability of the diagnostics here used and have contributed to a better characterization of the tested propellant.

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