Home – Home – Jornals – Professional Education in the Modern World 2018 number 4
2018 year, number 4
S.I. Chernykh
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
S.I. Chernykh, V.I. Parshikov
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: образование, субъект образовательного взаимодействия, управление образованием, обучение, воспитание, инверсии образовательного процесса, education, the subject of educational interaction, education, training, management of education, inversion of education
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The paper aims at consideration of tactical ways of education development in Russia taking into account the concepts offered by the communities of specialists. The authors make case to figure out the common in the concepts, that could contribute to the breakthrough in educational policy and forward leading positions in education to the Russian Federation. The methodology of research is based on the structural and functional analysis of various sources, that specify educational strategies in the developed countries and in Russia. Materials and discussion. Russia’s entering the VI technological mode, formation of digital economy, technological social sphere have resulted in formation of new meanings and values of education. This has changed its landmarks and focused on individual learning. Critical thinking, creativity, cognitive and cross-discipline skills, cooperation and a complex problem solving have appeared instead of fundamentalism as a new basis for teaching and education. New basis has changed the nature and amount of formal and non-formal educational technologies, making the Government and civil society, seen as the subjects of interactions, to renew old models of education management and create the new ones. This process is supposed to require analysis of the global synergetic effect that has arisen from the total integration of earlier separated social systems. «New» education requires «new» control; «new» management assumes formation of new ecosystem of training and upbringing as they are closely connected within education. Conclusions. The contradiction in the speed of modernization of training\upbringing and their ecosystem is considered to be the main one that determines destructive processes in modern educational space of Russia. Their ecosystem contains external conditions which condition doesn’t always allow to construct the changes necessary for educational breakthrough. Due to this fact, education management is characterized multipolarity of concepts and needs the synthetical construction based on the common goal of education. If we speak about personality formation, than currently we assume that requires, interests and motives to the process and organization of the «structure» of the main actors of educational interactions such as Government, civil society, family, individual, and business sector differs to antagonism extent. The authors believe that further development and optimization of educational interactions are possible only in case of «concentration» of these requests, interests and motivation on a personality
V.A. Koshel1, P. Pavlidis2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, the Russian Federation 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: стратегические цели образования, субъект-субъектные отношения, педагогическое взаимодействие, социальный статус преподавателя, strategic goals of education, subject-subject relations, pedagogical interaction, social status of a teacher
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High dynamics of social processes results in rather contradictory tendencies in the education system. These tendencies characterize the content of education and directions of its development in the transitional era. This era is seen as era of transformation of industrial capitalism into digital capitalism. The contradictory processes in education resulted from human transfer to digital civilization, reveal the serious crisis. The modern generation is against of training when the teacher is seen as a talking head and students are just passive listeners. The world Information treasury is seen as an “outside brain” and it is possible to connect anytime. You just need to know how to do it. This could appear not a complicated task whereas it is rather complicated to grasp the methodology of formation of creative thinking and to enhance the brain functions of students. The paper aims at revealing the key contradictions in modern education, which are determined by historic crucial point, changes in socio-economic development of civilization. Authors make case that development of productive forces and transformation of economy are very significant being determining factors of social changes and educational paradigms. Technological progress, applied sciences and innovative technologies become the determining factors of modern social production which specifies contradictory peculiarities in development of education system. The mission of modern education is seen as an opportunity for personal formation aimed at social progress.
V.I. Panarin1, O.V. Mamonov1, O.E. Puchkov2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation 2Public Chamber of Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: глобализация, экономика знаний, образовательная парадигма, инновационное образование, подготовка кадров, интеграция, высшее профессиональное образование, модернизация, рынок образовательных услуг, образовательные программы, globalization, knowledge economy, educational paradigm, innovative education, staff training, integration, higher professional education, modernization, market of educational services, educational programs
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Development of global education under the conditions of globalization is seen as a challenge to Russian education, which affects the development of national educational system. The impact factor is determined by the measures of the government, regional authorities, scientific-pedagogical community, business sector and studying people. The growth of economic, technological and humanitarian significance of knowledge, high competition in the knowledge and technology market have resulted in significant changes in higher education. Currently, the universities deal with innovative development of enterprises, science and research, application of the results obtained; the universities define cultural and human development of society. Globalization has brought together all areas of society into the tangle where hierarchical system of development has been transformed into the system where the priority is either functional and tensor and various activities became either super-level and sublevel; the subsytems and their elements became a complicated structure of relations. This globalist system can be imagery described as a system where every man is for himself; every man is for all people; all people are for every man and all people are for all people. The education has become either the consumer of the products produced by other branches of social development and the supplier of its own services. Finally, it has been segregated into specific branch of society with economic laws and producing specific features. National education should aim at development of regional education systems that create advanced technologies in all the branches of economy, integrate into the world educational space and influence its development by means of suggesting its own models of innovative education. The authors see the system-based approach to education system, its relation to other social activities and its aims as one of the instrument for building the models of innovative education in Russia. .
S.Yu. Piskorskaya, A.E. Goncharov
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: большие данные, информационно-коммуникационная культура, профессиональное образование, Big Data, the culture of information and communication technology, professional education
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In this paper we discuss the social philosophical and educational aspects of Big Data. Coined as a term for the mechanism of collecting, storing, and processing huge amounts of data, Big Data has lead to visible shifts in scientific research and the understanding that there is now a novel culture of information and communication technology. We discuss the processes of gathering Big Data and its affect on all areas of social development, including research and finances. One of the applications of this technology is in the sphere of higher education; a function, forecasting Big Data development has been determined and is discussed in the following paper. A vivid example of using this technology in the process of university teaching and research is given based on a novel interdisciplinary project of Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Krasnoyarsk, Russia). This project is aimed at building a geographical information system on the basis of large amounts of geographical data collected by remote sensing equipment.
S.G. Novikov
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University, Volgograd, the Russian Federation
Keywords: общество знания, актор глобального развития, гипербуржуазия, дуалистический идеал, homocreator, knowledge society, global development actor, hyper-bourgeoisie, dualistic ideal
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The article deals with the role of education as an instrument of preserving Russia as a global development actor. The author analysed the problem by means of methodology that includes global-stadial concepts (D. Bell, J.K. Galbraith, P.F. Drucker, M. Castells, K. Marx, etc.), I. Wallerstein's world-system analysis, and a system-holistic approach to education (V.S. Il'in, N.K. Sergeev, V.A. Slastenin and others).This scientific toolkit shows the way of mankind development, nature of the world; the paper proves the necessity of molding not a "specialist", but of a holistic personality. The author shows that the future of mankind and Russia mainly depends on whether the opportunities opened by new technologies will be used in the interests of the majority of the world's population or of hyper-bourgeoisie. In order not to be on the "roadside of history", Russian education should form the actor of "Resistance and Development". The basic values of this person are seen as freedom, justice. solidarity, and development. It is guided by post-materialistic motivation, has competencies that meet the challenges of the post-productive world, strives for creativity, focuses on a dualistic ideal (a combination of personal and social interests allows you to solve common problems without suppressing personal preferences). In the interests of forming the actor of "Resistance and Development" it is necessary to increase financial investments in the institute of education, to ensure its accessibility and quality, supporting talented children and their early development, to extend the research methods of education, focusing on the formation of a systemic vision of the world. The author highlights that education is not an "expense item", but a sphere of investing in the Future.
N.N. Krasnova
Gorno-Altai State University, Gorno-Altaisk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: правовое образование, права человека, глобальные трансформации прав человека, право-обязанное поведение личности, legal education, human rights, global transformations of human rights, law-obliged behavior of an individual
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XXIst century faces the global sociospheric processes in which the problem of human rights is aggravated at the international and global levels, despite international legal instruments on human rights adopted in the mid-ХХ th century. The article aims at specifying the socio-cultural nature of international concept of human rights. The author explains specific features of this phenomenon at the international and global levels, the role of legal education in solving conflict situations. Dialectical methodology, system-based philosophical approach, comparative legal, socio-cultural research methods, integration of results. The legal principles that make the basis of international legal instruments on human rights are taken from the Western sociocultural and legal traditions. They assume either balancing legal mechanisms and contradictions inherent in a given culture in the area of human rights, forming the main vectors of changes and aspects of the given problem in the form of their three-dimensionality or «triad». These are: “the rights of the oppressed (minimal) - the formal universal equality of rights - the rights of imperious personalities (maximum)”. At the global level, two more vectors of extreme polarization of the problem are added. On the one hand, “total powerlessness of people in global processes”. On the other hand, “the lawlessness of persons endowed with global power”. Such global transformations in the field of human rights exacerbate relevant global issues. The main way to resolve contradictions is holistic, when the problem itself is put wider. It is: the problem of rights and the right to duty of a person in society - in the relevant social strata, at certain levels of social organization, taking into account the existing social and natural conditions. Such a formulation of the problem and its practical solution are impossible without a full-fledged legal education, in which the said concepts should form the basis and form a developed legal understanding and legal culture of the individual.
M.P. Iatsenko, M.A. Boyarskiy
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: интеграция, эффективность, глобализационные процессы, государство, оптимизация, integration, efficiency, globalization processes, the State, optimization
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The article explores the main directions for solving problems related to the study of the national characteristics of the State in a period of social crisis. The authors focus on the need to develop fundamentally new methodology, without which such a learning process is defective. In this connection, the authors highlighted the leading concept of characterizing our liberal education. They also draw attention to the need to use pedagogic experience, which proved itself in the history of the educational system in Russia. The article analyzes the leading concept of the origin of the State and society, as well as features of their functioning in different historical periods. The paper shows the main traditions that allowed young people to form a harmonious socio-cultural outlook, where the role of State structures covered adequately. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of major transformation, which bears the globalization processes and has identity of individual societies. The authors analyze mondialism as one of the dominant concepts, accompanying modern globalization. The authors argue that many problems are caused by the uncertainty of the axiological orientation that characterizes the educational system not only to Russia but also the entire world. Failure to address socio-economic problems of the modern Russian State increasingly actualizes the problem a new humanitarian education, which would take into account to the maximum extent of our history and features of modern life. The authors make case that it is important to revive unique theoretical works of Russian thinkers of the past in order to study the nature and role of the State in the world.
I.V. Brylina
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: региональный университет, кластерный подход, передовая экономика, тройная спираль, regional university, cluster approach, innovative economy, triple helix
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Advanced economy in Russia makes cluster approach a dominating vector of economic development. It plays significant role for the single innovative environment where university plays the key role. The paper tries to prove the efficiency of cluster approach in building advanced economy in the country, define the capacities of university and find out the role of regional universities in clustering of Russian economy. The article applies scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison and forecasting. The author uses specific methods as theory of cluster analysis and analysis of the works of famous scientists and philosophers. The paper finds out that world markets of intellectual property and competition among universities in the area of science and education play the key role. The author outlines that synergy effect in economic development and raising of education and living standards are supposed to be reached through interaction among the participants who define socio-economic development. The article reveals the capacities of cluster approach to organizational structure of interaction among universities, business and state as an innovative form of their integration. Establishment and functioning of clusters is the most efficient and promising way of advanced economic development. The paper shows that efficiency of cluster approach in the cluster-net partnership is explained by the principle of relation that results in significant synergy effects. The author specifies the role and place of university in clustering economy. The idea is based on the fact that promising strategy of clustering economy is seen as a strategy where regional universities involved in development and transfer of new technologies play the key role. These universities are seen as the advantage of regional strategic development. The history of cluster-network partnership is considered on example of West Siberian and Far-Eastern Federal Districts.
R. Neudorfer1, E.A. Kapitonova2, A.V. Shindelov2
1Agroimpuls Bavaria, Munchen, Germany 2Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: зарубежные сельскохозяйственные стажировки и практики, будущий специалист АПК, специализация стажировок, совершенствование подготовки кадров, дуальное образование, международный опыт, internship abroad, prospective agribusiness specialist, internship profile, staff training improvement, dual education, international experience
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Regional labour market faces the urgent need in specialists with higher agricultural education. Many young people do not see the opportunities for employment and career after graduating from agricultural institutions. Therefore, they don’t intend to enter agricultural higher institutions. Those students who graduated from agricultural institutions don’t work in the sphere of agriculture. Agricultural universities face the problem of making education more attractive, marketable and requested by the youth. The author see internships abroad as one of the criteria contributing to raising the attractiveness of agricultural education as the necessity in specialists with international experience arises in modern society. It leads to development of international cooperation among universities and opportunities for students to get practical experience abroad. The paper highlights the significance of agricultural internships abroad for students trained at agricultural institutions. The authors specify the goals, tasks of internships and their specific features. The paper explores the experience of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University in organizational support of these internships and describes agricultural internship in Bavaria (Germany) which is implemented under cooperation between NSAU and Agroimpuls Bavaria. The authors show statistical data for previous 15 years: the number of students who had internship in Bavaria, Faculties they are trained at, international programs they further applied to and the contribution of internship into their employment after graduation. The authors analyze the reports and reviews of 224 students who passed internship in Germany. The authors make conclusion about the role and significance of international internship for students and organization of agricultural internships at agricultural higher institutions.
R.R. Zakieva
Kazan State Energy University, Kazan, the Russian Federation
Keywords: профессиональное образование, содержание образования, образование, качество, vocational education, education content, education, quality
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The paper highlights the situation on the selection and structuring of the content of professional education. The author analyzes psychological and pedagogical resources and considers theoretical and methodological approaches to its solution. The author finds out that express-test is effective method of assessment of students trained at technical higher institutions. This conclusion is made on the basis of psychological and physiological features, personal and professional development of students, specific training at institution (general and logical thinking, enhanced spatial thinking, technological level, higher concentration on the subject, visual memory, refocusing, faster and more exact thinking processes, inert personality when learning etc.). Students’ age peculiarities, major, efficient means and methods of training quality control contribute to development of students’ cognitive activity. It is one of the leading mechanisms of students’ higher independence and responsibility.
K.G. Kiazimov
Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Moscow, the Russian Federation
Keywords: пенсионный возраст, геронтокультура, геронтообразование, люди пожилого возраста, личностное самоопределение, модель геронтообразования, дополнительное образование, retirement age, gerontology, training of old people, old people, self-identity, model of gerontological education, further training
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The article analyzes the problems of professional training and employment of people of retirement age. The author shows that pension reforms on the course causes the problem for old people employment. The processes that occur in social and economic life and higher proportion of old people in Russia result in the need to build gerontological culture of society focusing on the role of old people in social development. The gerontological education assumes influencing people in their preparation for older age; revealing resources for development and participation in the public life for productive activities. The paper outlines that it is necessary to solve the problem and prepare people for retirement. Lifelong learning and being open-minded are seen as the reasons for old people efficient employment. Old people need to solve their problems efficiently not relying on governmental and public authorities. The article highlights the tendencies of professional training development that should be considered when teaching old people. These tendencies include: continuity of education, standards of professional training, democratic education, education availability, free compulsory education, equal rights in for professional and higher education aimed at personal development. The article represents professional standards and competency-based approach for training qualified personnel. The concept «competency» is the dominant criterion when evaluating staff qualification as it is the main parameter of professional training and qualification of national employees. The author proposes the measures on improving professional training and employment of old people.
N. G. Zarechneva, A.V. Piliukova
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: иноязычное образование, метод обучения, взаимодействие, коммуникация, глобализация, интеграция, foreign language education, teaching method, collaboration, communication, globalization, integration
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The article highlights the changes that occur in the sphere of foreign language teaching. According to the ontognosiological concept of sense formation formulated by N.P. Chupakhin, the knowledge meaning is seen as correlation of knowledge demand and topical possibilities. The authors show that this research outlines demand for foreign language knowledge that results from potential capacities of their knowledge depends on motivation. The article is devoted to the communicative approach in the area of foreign language teaching in the context of globalization and integration. The authors have analyzed the advantages and effect of communicative method, its topicality and priority in the integrated foreign language teaching. The article deals with the principles of communication and interaction of the language learnt and foreign language culture. This method can be applied in order to enhance oral speech skills for overcoming the language barrier by means of communication practice and integration into international environment. The communicative method aims at enhancement of foreign language teaching by means of teachers and students interaction on the basis of linguistic theory and communicative methodology of language teaching. The paper outlines the importance of information sources of a foreign language that expand capacities and quality of education as well as form efficient education process and activities of teachers and students. The article analyzes experimental results on application of communicative methodology in teaching students of Radio and Physic Faculty. The topic significance deals with the problem of learning process modernization with applying communicative methodology and communication in e-teaching. This is seen as an important condition for integration into international environment. The paper discusses the advantages of education and innovative technology in comparison with traditional forms of training.
S.M. Shuinshina1, E.A. Alpeisov1, K.K. Burunbetova2, A.A. Zhakupov1
1National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin, Kazakhstan, Astana 2Centre of excellence, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Keywords: преемственность, целостность образования, учебные программы, обновление содержания образования, естественнонаучные дисциплины, continuity, continuity of education, curricula, reworking of the content of education, natural courses
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The article considers the problems of ensuring the continuity of educational curricula for secondary, higher and postgraduate education on natural sciences based on the updated content of secondary education. At present, the Republic of Kazakhstan is upgrading the education system and the content of secondary education. In this regard, new state compulsory school standards, typical learning plans, and curricula have been developed. But these changes are not taking into account in educational programs of higher and postgraduate education to the full extent. Therefore, an absence of continuity in the contents of educational programs of secondary education and educational programs of higher and postgraduate education is evident which affects the quality of education system as a whole. The necessity of education continuity is institutionalized in the regulations and standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Typical general educational and professional learning programs are developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard, and working programs are developed on the basis of appropriate standard curricula. The article provides the rationale for reworking the curricula for training prospective teachers, taking into account the updated content of compulsory education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The paper uses typical curriculum of Physics and considers the aspect of continuity in regards to the principle of training continuity at different levels of education. The authors speak about urgent need to develop the national system of staff teaching and educating and revision of training programs for students of pedagogical universities-future teachers of general education organizations, in accordance with new requirements, is necessary at present time.
V.A. Zibrov, Iu.V. Sueva, Iu.S. Muravyova
Institute of Educational Management of Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, the Russian Federation
Keywords: внутришкольная система, оценка качества, образование, образовательная организация, модель, school-based system, quality control, education, educational institution, model
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The article is devoted the model of intra-school system of education quality control, which is able to provide the receipt of objective information about the state and development of the educational process seen as the main component of curriculum. The significance of this problem is explained by the need to create a comprehensive assessment of the quality of education, due to the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS) and the need to assess their achievement at all levels. A significant part of the work is devoted to the analysis of national and foreign experience in education quality control, which resulted in highlighting the main approaches to the comprehensive assessment of the quality of education in the institution.. The authors outline the components of the model of intra-school education quality control. They define the goal, object, subject of assessment; procedures, technology, reasonable criteria and indicators. The paper contains the guidance on establishment and development of intra-school systems of comprehensive quality control in the institution. This is seen to be aimed at improving the effect of educational technologies and students’ personal development as well as their competencies. The article focuses on the organizational and functional structures, standards, diagnostic and assessment procedures that provide a comprehensive quality control of students’ educational achievements and institutional efficiency. Following the data obtained, the authors make case about the model of internal system of education quality control, which is able to forecast the changes in learning outcomes.
M.I. Aldoshina
Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev, Orel, the Russian Federation
Keywords: поликультурность, поликультурное образование, этнокультурность, этнокультурный контекст, гуманистическая педагогика, субъект-субъектность, университет, multiculture, multicultural education, ethnoculture, ethnocultural context, humanistic pedagogics, subject subjectivity, university
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The problem of professional specialist formation in University education arises in sociocultural situation of multicultural world. This year is specific for Vasiliy Sukhomlimskiy’s 100-anniversary, who was the famous and outstanding soviet teacher and scientist. This anniversary contributes to reconsidering and searching for new senses and meanings in traditional reading of his ideas. The paper explores ethno cultural aspects of national professional education in multiculture environment; she reviews education in the context of ethnical aspect as an activity on transmitting the knowledge (values, moral and ethical milestones, historical traditions etc.), concrete culture (ethno cultural context) but not some abstract cultural and historical experience (polyculture context). Current sociocultural situation in multinational Russia faces the problem of ethno cultural context in the content of professional education. Professional education guarantees preserving and transmitting of ethno cultural traditions following the fact that there is no ideal balance between poly ethics and ethno culture in sociocultural situation in Russia and Europe. The author specifies famous teachers of the past views on the problems of modern university education. The article aims at considering the theory and practical implementation of ethno cultural context of university education in the conditions of multicultural environment. The author explores multicultural education in university where the object of research is supposed to be hermeneutic aspects of pedagogical experience and knowledge of Vasiliy Sukhomlinskiy in multicultural education at university. The paper sees cultorological approach in the context of content competency-based approach requirements as a methodological basis. The article focuses on theoretical ideas of Vasiliy Sukhomlinskiy applied in practical training of personality in the soviet school and their transmitting to modern university education in polycentric world.
M.R. Arpentieva1, S.V. Gridneva2, A.I. Tashcheva2
1Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk, the Russian Federation 2South Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation
Keywords: образование, бизнес, стандартизация, индивидуальность, смерть университета, компетентностный подход, education, business, standardization, individuality, university destruction, competency-based approach
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The research aims at analyzing national education. Globalization as a cultural phenomenon assumes distribution of economic, legal, sociological, and other theories, including digital technologies, in the sphere of their application in science, art and education. Globalization aims at transmitting values, models of self-perception and world perception, as well as models of communication between countries considered to be carriers of universal human culture, «civilization» (Europe and the USA) into barbarian countries of the «second» and the «third» worlds. In the process of globalization, education is particularly evident. It moves from upbringing and training of Homo sapiens person to «training» of the specialist, Homo habilis, and, further, to the «formation» of the consumer, Homo consúmens, after which the formation of a «robot-resistant» person of service or Homo officialis. The latter is naturally supplemented by Homo dominus, the formation of which can be completely different, but, in general, is not a necessity: Unification of power, cephalization of control (mondialization) actually counteract development. Digital technologies are just a small part of the process. Destruction of traditional education at the university is associated with the fact that the modern university is outdated, unable to form a level of competence of students, sufficient to effectively solve problems in all areas of activity and in all specific situations. The author highlights that in a rapidly changing society, in which new fields of activity and new situations appear, training should be more dynamic. The purpose of such training in the university is seen in the formation of key competencies related to the chosen major and specifics of professional self-realization. Thus, instead of the supposed «expansion» and «dynamization», education narrows and becomes more and «stationary». Elements of scientific search, co-creativity, are withdrawn, replaced by the production of templates, allowing to achieve a state of competitiveness in relation to robots and technologies in general.
E.A. Avtandilian
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, the Russian Federation
Keywords: карма-йога, Санкхья, Веданта, Дхарма, Карма, личность, характер, духовное развитие, самскары, санньяси, грихастха, раджас, тамас, саттва, правритти, нивритти, долг, самоотречение, жертва, бесстрастие, karma-yoga, Sankhya, Vedanta, Dharma, Karma, personality, character, spiritual development, samskara, sannyāsī, gṛhastha, rajas, tamas, sattva, pravritti, nivritti, duty, self-denial, sacrifice, dispassion
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The article is dedicated to philosophical and psychological analysis of the concept of Karma yoga at the works of Swami Vivekananda who is supposed to be one of the most outstanding representatives of the Indian spiritual thoughts. The analysis is carried out in the context of classical Indian philosophy. The paper explores the impact of Karma yoga methods on personality development. The author investigates the impact of karma on the character of the individual; he studies the possibility of applying ancient knowledge in order to create a more harmonious models of individual spiritual development in the modern world. In Russian literature, Swami Vivekananda is generally regarded as a philosopher and thinker. The article considers his ideas in the context of the so-called «ancient Indian pedagogics». Ancient Indian one, because the concept of «karma yoga» does not belong to Vivekananda, but is, according to one of the Russian scientists, the cultural heritage of the «creative genius of the Indian people». Vivekananda, being one of the most famous spiritual leaders of India, gave this ancient concept a new, modern sound, relevant to our days. Questions related to the education of the individual, able to make the right spiritual and moral choices, personality, the ability to sacrifice, etc., in a broad sense, can be attributed to the field of pedagogy, understood as an indissoluble unity of education and upbringing.
V.V. Sobolnikov, T.V. Vyugova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk the Russian Federation
Keywords: эмпатия, редукция, личность педагога, конфликтное взаимодействие, взаимосвязь уровня эмпатии и конфликтности, медиативная техника, empathy, reduction, the personality of the teacher, conflict interaction, the relationship between the level of empathy and conflict, media technology
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The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of empathy as a psychological means of reducing the conflict behavior of teachers in the process of mediation. Most of the pedagogical collectives of modern schools are characterized by increased conflict. This causes not only high nervous loads, but also engenders rivalry, discredit, avoidance and adaptation to conflict in the pedagogical environment. As a result of the increase in emotional tension, conflict interaction takes on forms of destructive nature. The psychological characteristics of the teacher's personality and the specific nature of his work have determined the choice of empathy in the total number of mediational techniques as a means of reducing their conflicting behavior. This justifies the relevance of the study of the selected problem in the face of growing levels of conflict in the society. The scientific interest lies in a deeper study of empathy as an effective means of reflexive management of the conflict behavior of teachers. The methodological basis assumes provisions of the personality-activity and value-semantic approaches to the study of the personality of the teacher as a subject of communication and empathy; principles of reflexive control; system of assumptions that reveal the nature of interaction and interpenetration of emotional and cognitive processes. Some theoretical approaches to the analysis of empathy are considered, and its results served as the basis for formulating a number of conceptual provisions that reveal the psychological nature of empathy as a means of reducing conflict resistance and mechanisms of positive impact on the educator. The authors suggest the set of conceptual assumptions that can make the basis of a model of one of the effective means of conducting the mediative process. Further the research is enhanced by the need to conduct a special study of the problem in their interrelations and the subsequent elaboration of the methodology for carrying out the mediative process in the pedagogical environment. Conflict solving and restoration of working relations on the basis of the relationship between empathy and reduction constitutes the prospect of further work in this direction.
V.A. Korytkov1, A.V. Leopa2
1Military unit 71592, Yekaterinburg, the Russian Federation 2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: военный специалист, военно-профессиональная деятельность, профессиональная адаптация, адаптированность к профессиональной деятельности, компоненты адаптированности, критерии, параметры, military specialist, military professional activity, professional adaptation, professional activity adaptation, adaptation components, criteria, parameters
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The article explores the problem of the adaptation of military specialists to professional activity in process of military training as a result of their professional adaptation. The research explores the concept of adaptation. The authors speak about objective and subjective factors that determine the process of adaptation of prospective military specialists. The article considers the adaptation of military specialists to professional activity as a system; it investigates the main components as well. The authors analyzed psychological and pedagogical proceedings of national and foreign scientists, and systemized the concept «adaptation». They formulated the concept «adaptation of the military specialist to professional activity» as a result of professional adaptation as a system of formed military skills, important adaptive qualities and emotional-volitional characteristics of the individual, allowing them to successfully perform their duties in conditions of military service. The paper explores the main components of adaptation seen as the basis for determining the criteria and parameters for adaptation of military specialists to professional activities when being trained in military majors with specific application on practice. The authors elaborated the system of subjective and objective criteria for adaptation of military specialists. Subjective criteria related to various professionally important qualities of military specialists include motivation-value, emotional-volitional, content-cognitive criteria. As a criterion having an objective basis, an activity-behavioral criterion is proposed. The parameters of these criteria have been developed, which make it possible to objectively and comprehensively assess the results of the process of adapting military specialists to professional activity during their military occupational specialties training.
A.A. Medentsev1, I.V. Cherdantseva2, A.V. Cherniaykin1
1Tomsk Institute of Retraining and Agribusiness, Tomsk, the Russian Federation 2Tomsk Agricultural Institute, Tomsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: основная программа профессионального обучения, профессиональные компетенции сельскохозяйственного рабочего, трудовые операции, технологическое оборудование, содержание профессионального обучения, формы профессионального обучения, методы профессионального обучения, демонстрационный экзамен, управление интегрированной моделью профессионального обучения, principal professional training program, professional competences of agricultural workers, job, equipment, content of professional training, forms of professional training, methods of professional training, demonstration exam, management of integrated professional training
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The paper explores the issues related to professional training of agricultural specialists in integrated educational and industrial environment. The authors analyze current requirements to the content, forms and methods of professional training. The article considers scientific approaches to development and design of content of professional training in integrated educational and industrial environment. The authors explain the importance of advanced, activity-based, integral, competency-based, module and education approaches in building the system of professional training. The authors focus on formation of positive motivation and valuable attitude to agriculture in integrated educational and industrial environment. The paper describes the forms of teaching that contribute to integrated professional training in the institution and agricultural enterprises. The authors specify the functions of education actors at the stages of planning and implementation of professional training. The article shows the areas of teachers’ and tutors’ responsibilities in institutions and agricultural enterprises. The authors specify the components of studying days, teaching methods that take into account specific features of professional training in integrated education and industrial environment: project method, method of working plans, method of administration, method of learning through action and method of developing cooperation. The article explains specific features of applying the methods in order to define the level of professional competencies and their components, especially practical experience. Following the requirements of professional and educational standards, the authors designed the practical guidance on organization and implementation of integrated professional training. They point out the principles of administration seen as system and integrity; objectivity and completeness of information; focus on the purpose and objectives of professional training that reflect the requirements developed by professional school in cooperation with the enterprise. The authors speak about lifelong improvement of education quality and conditions for this; involvement of stakeholders, teachers and students in administration process of integrated model of professional training and polysubjectivity of consumer. Considering the principles mentioned above, the authors designed a draft scheme for integrated professional training and administration functions for each component of the scheme.
Steinberg, V.Ye., Vakhidova, L.V., Eldar Gabitova, Ye.M., Ivanov, V.G., Manko, N.N.
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after m. Akmully
Ufa, Russian Federation
Keywords: professional education system, 4th generation standards, special and university competencies, professional education issues, regional production cluster
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The article considers a testing approach to explanation of special and university competencies of prospective specialists through detailed analysis of professional and educational issues of the regional production cluster.