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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


N. G. Zarechneva, A.V. Piliukova
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: иноязычное образование, метод обучения, взаимодействие, коммуникация, глобализация, интеграция, foreign language education, teaching method, collaboration, communication, globalization, integration


The article highlights the changes that occur in the sphere of foreign language teaching. According to the ontognosiological concept of sense formation formulated by N.P. Chupakhin, the knowledge meaning is seen as correlation of knowledge demand and topical possibilities. The authors show that this research outlines demand for foreign language knowledge that results from potential capacities of their knowledge depends on motivation. The article is devoted to the communicative approach in the area of foreign language teaching in the context of globalization and integration. The authors have analyzed the advantages and effect of communicative method, its topicality and priority in the integrated foreign language teaching. The article deals with the principles of communication and interaction of the language learnt and foreign language culture. This method can be applied in order to enhance oral speech skills for overcoming the language barrier by means of communication practice and integration into international environment. The communicative method aims at enhancement of foreign language teaching by means of teachers and students interaction on the basis of linguistic theory and communicative methodology of language teaching. The paper outlines the importance of information sources of a foreign language that expand capacities and quality of education as well as form efficient education process and activities of teachers and students. The article analyzes experimental results on application of communicative methodology in teaching students of Radio and Physic Faculty. The topic significance deals with the problem of learning process modernization with applying communicative methodology and communication in e-teaching. This is seen as an important condition for integration into international environment. The paper discusses the advantages of education and innovative technology in comparison with traditional forms of training.