2016 year, number 4
N.A. Karnaukhova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 karnaukhova-nina@rambler.ru
Keywords: Hedysarum gmelinii, Fabaceae, ксеромезофит, анатомия листа, адаптация, Хакасия, Бу рятия, Hedysarum gmelinii, Fabaceae, xeromesophyte, anatomy leaf, adaptation, Khakassia, Buryatia
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According to the anatomical features of the structure of the leaf in 10 natural populations Hedysarum gmelinii of Khakassia and Buryatia been studied. It is widespread in southern Siberia polymorphic species growing in diff e-rent conditions of moisture. Structural and quantitative analyzes of restructuring taking place in the anatomical structure of the leaf and given their ranking point.
L.V. Volkova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 wolklv@mail.ru
Keywords: Aconitum krylovii, Aconitum septentrionale, онтогенез, онтогенетическое состояние, жиз ненная форма, длиннокорневищный вид, Горный Алтай, Aconitum krylovii, Aconitum septentrionale, ontogenesis, ontogenetic stage, life-form, long-rhizomatous species, mountain Altai
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Ontogenesis of a rare species of flora of Siberia, endemic of mountain Altai, Aconitum krylovii Steinb. is described. At the initial stages of ontogenesis the life-form of individuals are the short-rhizomatous, adult individuals are the long-rhizomatous. The long-rhizomatous life-form to species of the genus Aconitum described for the fi rst time. In natural cenosis of Altai together with A. krylovii Aconitum septentrionale morphologically very similar to A. krylovii grows. Signs on which this two species can be distinguished at different stages of ontogenesis are shown.
A.Yu. Astashenkov, V.A. Cheryomushkina
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 astal@bk.ru
Keywords: Nepeta mariae, морфология, архитектурная модель, морфогенез, побегообразование, Nepeta mariae, morphology, architectural model, morphogenesis, shoot formation
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Constructional complexes changing in ontogenesis were described in the context of the architectural model concept of Nepeta mariae Regel individuals based on the uniaxial residue. The ontogenesis studied in Tajikistan is complicated, rarely simple. The stages of morphogenesis are: a primary shoot →a sympodial axis → a primary bush → a clone, in rare cases morphogenesis ends with the stage of a primary bush. Th e structural-functional series of shoots of the individuals of different ontogenetic states was described.
A.L. Ebel, S.I. Mikhailova
Tomsk State University, 634050, Tomsk, Lenina prosp., 36 alex-08@mail2000.ru
Keywords: Impatiens glandulifera, f. albida, инвазивный вид, жизнеспособность семян, антоциан, Impatiens glandulifera, f. albida, invasive species, seed viability, anthocyanin
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The article provides information about the environmental and reproduction characteristics of white-fl owered (anthocyanin-free) form of Impatiens glandulifera Royle, the annual species of West-Himalayan origin, which is commonly grown in culture and now referred to the number of invasive plants in Siberia. A stable population of this species with significant admixture of white-flowered form ( I. glandulifera f. albida (Hegi) B. Boivin) was found by the authors in 2013 in the outskirts of Tomsk (Tomsk Region). Description of community with domination I. glandulifera were made twice, in 2014 and in 2016 respectively. In conjunction with the dominant species, other 40 species of flowering plants were recorded both times (however, the species composition changed somewhat). Regular flowering and abundant fruiting of white-flowered form during four growing seasons (2013-2016) was observed. In the study population, all three color forms of I. glandulifera (i. e. lilac, rose, and white) are formed viable seeds, which are characterized by physiological dormancy (B1 type). High laboratory germination rate of I. glandulifera seeds (over 90 %) was revealed. Based on the research we concluded a successful naturalization of white-flowered (anthocyanin-free) form of Impatiens glandulifera . Obviously, this phenomenon is recorded for the first time in Russia.
N.N. Tupitsyna1, V.V. Chepinoga2,3
1V.P. Astafyev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, 660049, Krasnoyarsk, Ada Lebedeva str., 89 floranatalka@mail.ru 2V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, SB RAS, 664033, Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya str., 1 Victor.Chepinoga@gmail.com 3Irkutsk State University, 664003, Irkutsk, Karl Marx str., 1
Keywords: Polygonum, Polygonaceae, флористические находки, Байкальская Сибирь, Polygonum, Polygonaceae, fl oristic findings, Baikal Siberia
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The critical revision of collections of the V.I. Smirnov Herbarium of Irkutsk State University (IRKU) revealed new and rare Polygonum species for regions of Baikal Siberia. New species for Irkutsk Oblast’ are - P. boreale (Lange) Small, P. borgoicum Tupitz., P. sabulosum Vorosch., P. tenuissimum A.I. Baranov et Skvortsov ex Vorosch. New species for Zabaikalskii Krai are P. calcatum Lindm., P. humifusum C. Merk et K. Koch. For P. rectum (Chrtek) Scholz we found number of new localities within the Baikal Siberia.
I.A. Artemov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 Artemov_1@mail.ru
Keywords: конспект флоры, национальный парк "Сайлюгемский", кластер "Аргут", Республика Алтай, list of plant species, national park "Saylyugemskiy", cluster "Argut", Altai Republic
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A synopsis of 457 vascular plant species and subspecies of the cluster "Argut" of the national park "Saylyugemskiy" is compiled. Protected, endemic and alien species of the flora are revealed.
T.V. Zheleznichenko, T.I. Novikova, E.V. Banaev
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 zhelez05@mail.ru
Keywords: Nitraria sibirica, культура in vitro, прорастание семян, околоплодник, скарификация, стратификация, эмбриокультура, покой семян, Nitraria sibirica, in vitro culture, germination of seeds, pericarp, scarifi cation, stratifi cation, embryo culture, seed dormancy
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Th e effects of different pretreatments, including stratification, chemical scarifi cation (with H2SO4) , application of gibberelic acid (GA3), combination of chemical scarification with GA3 application or embryo culture method, on in vitro seed germination were studied . The general germinating ability, energy and dynamics of germination were analyzed. The best conventional method of treatment was combination of chemical scarification and application of GA3, while seedlings emerged after a week of incubation and the overall germination amounted to 27.54 %. Th e embryo culture method using after short of chemical scarification lead to first seedlings formation on the third day of cultivation and a multitude of seedlings was noted on the 4th or 5th days. The overall germination amounted to 39.2 % in embryo culture, which demonstrated the high efficiency of biotechnological approaches.
G.I. Vysochina1, V.A. Kostikova1, E.S. Vasfilova2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 vysochina_galina@mail.ru 2Botanical Garden, UB RAS, 6200144, Yekaterinburg, March 8 str., 202a
Keywords: флавонолы, танины, катехины, ВЭЖХ, Filipendula ulmaria, F. denudata, F. stepposa, flavonols, tannins, catechins, HPLC, Filipendula ulmaria, F. denudata, F. stepposa
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Phenolic compounds in closely related taxa Filipendula ulmaria , F. denudata and F. stepposa were studied by HPLC and spectrophotometry. The main flavonols of leaves are hyperoside and isoquercitrin. In F. ulmaria and F. denudata , in addition, significant quantities of ellagic acid and avicularin are present, and in leaves of F. stepposa - astragalin. No signifi cant differences were found between F. ulmaria and F. denudata on the qualitative composition and quantitative content of phenolic compounds in the leaves. In the leaves of F. stepposa glycoside avicularin which is the major component at the first two taxa was not found. The study of phenolic compounds of Filipendula confirms the data of morphological studies: there are no obvious differences between the F. ulmaria and F. denudata , but visible isolation of F. stepposa from these two taxa is observed. In the conditions of the culture in the botanical garden of UB RAS observed reduction of the amount of flavonols and tannins at infl orescences compared to natural conditions.
E.P. Khramova1, V.E. Pavlov2, I.V. Khvostov2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 khramova@ngs.ru 2Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, SB RAS, 656038, Barnaul, Molodezhnaya str., 1 vpavlov_37@mail.ru
Keywords: Rosaceae, Pentaphylloides fruticosa, фенольные соединения, изменчивость, Горный Алтай, Rosaceae, Pentaphylloides fruticosa, phenolic compounds, variability, mountain Altai
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The paper attempts to determine common features in the distribution of phenolic compounds by their concentration in the aboveground organs of Pentaphylloides fruticos a from mountain Altai by means of classical statistic. Аverage concentrations and appropriate dispersions of phenolic compounds ( total, by groups and individual components) in plant samples were estimated. A high correlation between the average content of phenolic compounds in different organs of P. fruticosa was shown. These aggregated data can be regarded as regional specifi c characteristics of the individual compounds P. fruticosa phenol complex. This values of the specific content in the samples of P. fruticosa , which characterize the type and can be used for a comparative analysis with other plants and the standardization of plant raw materials.
N.A. Mistratova, V.L. Bopp
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, 660049, Krasnoyarsk, Mira av., 90 mistratova@mail.ru
Keywords: Cerasus fruticosa, вишня степная, зеленое черенкование, микроэлементы, окоренение, био метрические показатели, Cerasus fruticosa, steppe cherry, green cuttings, microelements, root-building, biometric parameters
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These are results of microelements influence (Zn, Mn, B, Mo, Cu, "Micrassa") on root-building of steppe cherry green handles, biometric parameters of stem handles (number of 1st class roots, length of 1st class roots). It is known, that molybdenym and copper covering has raised handles living ability up to 6.7-6.9 % and has increased the indicators of their absorbing surface.
V.K. Antipin, P.N. Tokarev
Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, RAS, 185610, Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya str., 11 antipin@krc.karelia.ru
Keywords: клюква, мониторинг, урожайность ягод, болотный участок, пробная площадь, вегета ционный период, температура воздуха, осадки, Южная Карелия, cranberry, monitoring, fruit-bearing capacity of berries, mire site, sampling site, vegetative season, air temperature, precipitation, South Karelia
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The long-term (1986-2015) yielding capacity dynamics of mire cranberry in three mire areas with permanent sampling sites: oligotrophic cotton grass-Sphagnum (No. I), mesotrophic swarf shrub-grass-Sphagnum (No. II) and mesotrophic pine-dwarf shrub-sedge-Sphagnum (No. III) was studied. The amount of berries was calculated at estimation sites, 1 m2 in area, in the large-scale fruit maturation period (17.09-19.09) and berry mass was estimated. A diagram for the fruit-bearing capacity of cranberry at each sampling site, depending on the phytocenotic conditions of its habitat and weather in the vegetative season, was constructed. Th e recurrence probability of abundant or good yield was found to be 6-7 % at site I, 60-63 % at site II and 35-37 % at site III. Cranberry fruit productivity tends to decline, which is due to extremely unstable weather conditions not only in the vegetative season but also all year round.
E.V. Baikova, T.D. Fershalova, E.A. Karpova, N.V. Tsybulya, A.Yu. Nabieva
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 elenabaikova@mail.ru
Keywords: Begonia, тропические оранжерейные растения, интродукционный эксперимент, адап тация, интродукционные коллекции растений, биоморфологические признаки интродуцентов, физиолого биохимические показатели адаптации, антимикробная активность, клональное микроразмножение, Begonia, tropical greenhouse plants, introduction experiment, adaptation, introduced plants collection, biomorphological characteristics of introduced plants, physiological and biochemical criteria of adaptation, antimicrobial activity, clonal micropropagation
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Methodological approaches and results of multi-year comprehensive study of the large tropical genus Begonia cultivated indoors are represented. The application of different experimental methods allowed assessing adaptive potentials of species based on revealed morphological, rhythmological, ecological, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Practical implication of the results involves development of the assortment for indoor cultivation (including species with phytoncide properties), agricultural techniques and clonal micropropagation strategies of valuable Begonia genotypes. The proposed scheme may be applied in studying of different tropical and subtropical plants during introduction experiment in greenhouse conditions.