Home – Home – Jornals – ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering) 2018 number 1
2018 year, number 1
S. G. Kordonsky, O. A. Molyarenko
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Keywords: сословия, рынок, классовое общество, сословное общество, сословная рента, статистические искажения, государственное управление, теневая экономика, репрессии, Strata, market, strata society, class society, rent in social strata, a statistical distortion, governance, shadow economy, repression
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One of the authors of the theory of administrative market Professor S. Kordonsky and Ph.D in Sociologу O. Molyarenko discuss in the joint interview matters such as the efficiency of public administration in Russia, relationship between society and the state, country and Government. Experts share their personal observations based on the five years work experience in the RF President’s Administration (S. Kordonsky) and a number sociological surveys in rural settlements in Russia’s regions (O. Moljarenko). They conclude that the State as an institution and a Country as a society, community are in parallel realities. The subjects of democratic institutions simulation in strata (caste) society and the ineffectiveness of the education borrowed in the West are also addressed.
O. A. Molyarenko
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Keywords: власть, население, статистика, отчетность, оптимизация, сельские поселения, Аuthorities, population, statistics, reporting, optimization, rural settlements
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On the basis of the report by O. Molyarenko presented at the conference “T. I. Zaslavskaya Memorial Lectures in Novosibirsk”. The author outlined some aspects of the statistical and other quantitative information collecting, which cause it’s mis-reporting and distorting and, ultimately, twist the description of real situation in the perception of the government bodies. One of the consequences of such distortions is the ever-deepening isolation between the authorities and the people.
V. I. Klistorin
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: полевые исследования, искажение информации, сословное общество, публичная политика, Field studies, distortion of information, class and caste society, public policy
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The paper discusses the issues presented in the interview given by S. G. Kordonsky and O. A. Molyarenko’s and published in this volume such as the strong and weak aspects of field studies, reliability of the statistics, what role the government plays in providing management with qualitative information, and whether the structure of society in Russia is of a caste nature.
K. I. Zubkov
Institute for History & Archaeology UB RAS
Keywords: Россия, революция, модернизация, традиция, абсолютизм, самодержавие, буржуазия, капитализм, Запад, Восток, Russia, revolution, modernization, tradition, absolutism, autocracy, bourgeoisie, capitalism, West, East
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On the basis of re-considering the issue of the social nature of the Russian state and society of the second half of 19th - early 20th centuries and detailed characterization of the absolutist regime and its inherent modernization policies, the article throws light on the social contradictions which called forth the Great Russian revolution of 1917. According to the author, the revolution made apparent the civilizational specificities of Russia as a country combining in its development the social dynamics characteristic of the societies of the West and the East. Inertia of traditionalism and the structural distortions of capitalist development had given the events of 1917 the character of progressive anti-absolutist revolution combining the features of the failed bourgeois revolution, the victorious peasants’ revolt, the radical social turnover, and the traditionalist reaction.
Yu.P. Voronov
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: Нобелевская премия по экономике, поведенческая экономика, теория подталкивания, приложения экономической теории, экспериментальная экономика, ограниченная рациональность, Nobel prize, behavioral economics, nudge theory, economic theory applications, experimental economics, restricted rationality
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The direction in the field of behavioral economics, so called nudge theory is described. Chicago professor Richard Thaler had been awarded Nobel prize on economics 2017 for it. The article provides examples of nudge theory practical applications. Author indicates that this theory develops restricted rationality conception, experimental and non-price economics.
Yu.K. Shafranik1, V. A. Kryukov2,3
1LLC В«Souyzneftegaz» 2Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS 3National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: углеводороды, пространственное развитие, вертикально интегрированные компании, инновационные малые и средние компании, восток России, Нydrocarbons, spatial development, vertically integrated companies, innovative middle and small companies, East of Russia
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Russia’s oil-and-gas sector development has its unique features, determined not only by resources potential but substantial influence of spatial factor. Knowledge-based and innovative middle and small companies are having better prospects in an earlier developed regions while new areas development better suits to the big vertically-integrated companies which have to play leader’s role.
S. V. Netesov
Novosibirsk State University
Keywords: биотехнология, биофармацевтика, Вiotechnology, biopharmaceuticals
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ECO-magazine carries on the theme raised in the № 6/2017 on the prospects for and the problems involved of biotechnological cluster in Novosibirsk. We publishe an interview with a “veteran” of the Siberian Biotech, well-known scientist in the field of virology, molecular biology and medical biotechnology, Doctor in Biology, Corresponding member of RAS Sergei V. Netesov. He has been present at the establishment of a number of biopharmaceutical companies in the Novosibirsk region.
A. P. Schibanov
Novosibirsk Region Energy Saving and Efficiency Fund
Keywords: резервы мощности, энергоснабжающая организация, рынок электроэнергии, рынок мощностей, надежность энергосистем, постоянные платежи, наценка к тарифу, Рower reserves, electric energy supplier, energy market, capacity market, power systems reliability, constant payments, surcharge to tariff
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The author argues that fee for capacity reserves creation in fact reclassified in modern Russia as constant payments instead of one-time costs. So it’s surcharge to tariff, and doesn’t increase power systems reliability directly.
O. P. Fadeeva1,2, V. I. Nefedkin1
1Institute of Economic and Industrial Engineering SB RAS 2Novosibirsk State University
Keywords: Республика Татарстан, сельские сообщества, хозяйственные практики, местное самоуправление, самоорганизация, вертикаль власти, национальная идентичность, Republic of Tatarstan, power vertical, rural communities, economic practices, local self-government, self-organization, national identity
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The article presents the results of the first stage of a joint interdisciplinary project on the study of Russian and Tatar villages in different regions of the Volga and Siberia region, in which sociologists, economists and historians from the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tatarstan. During the scientific expedition (July, 2017), a survey was conducted in 10 rural settlements of 5 municipal districts of Republic of Tatarstan. The focus of the study was the features of managing the functioning and development of rural settlements with different national composition. According to the authors, local specificity is largely determined by the high integration of rural self-government into the rigidly subordinated republican vertical of power. There are also noticeable differences between the regions, due to their resource potential, personal qualities and political capital of the heads of regional and rural administrations, their interaction with the republican and local elites. The desire to preserve national identity, the most prominent in settlements with the predominance of the title ethnic group, has a significant impact on local (formal and informal) economic and socio-cultural practices and, finally, on the results of the activities of the rural self-government bodies.
M. A. Pechenskaya
Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: неналоговые доходы, государственное имущество, муниципальное имущество, приватизация имущества, доходный потенциал, управление, Non-tax revenues, state property, municipal property, privatization of property, income potential, management
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The article pursues as its main goal the study of the problems of growth of one of the components of the revenue potential of the territories - non-tax revenues. Based on the official statistics of Rosstat, the 11-year dynamics of non-tax revenues of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was analyzed. Their insignificant role in filling the regional treasury and increasing their own budget revenues is shown. Statistical comparisons of the significance of non-tax revenues in Russia and foreign countries are presented. The results of a study of problems of the implementation of privatization programs for property of Russian regions are shown. The key factors that led to non-fulfillment of the forecast plan of privatization of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation were systematized. The experience of Russian regions on increasing property income is highlighted. Measures are proposed to increase the effectiveness of attracting to the budget revenues from the use of property and lands.
I. Yu. Khovavko
Moscow State Lomonosov University
Keywords: устойчивое развитие, экологические конфликты, экологические экстерналии, экологическое регулирование, Sustainable development, environmental conflicts, ecological externalities, environmental regulation
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the mechanism of environmental regulation in the Russian Federation from the point of view of observing the interests of the local population. It is shown that the economic basis of environmental conflicts is the distribution of external environmental costs from the degradation of the natural environment, so the internalization of negative externalities is an essential part of the environmental regulation system. However, a significant part of the prerequisites for the emergence of environmental conflicts lies in the field of the prevailing socio-political model of development, that is, outside the system of environmental regulation. The local population should participate in making decisions about the development of its own territory, since it is the most able to ensure long-term sustainable use of the territory’s resources.
Yu.S. Ezrokh
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Keywords: госбанки, реструктуризация банковской системы, монополизация банковского сектора, монополия в банковской сфере, State-owned banks, restructuring of the banking system, monopolization of the banking sector, monopoly in the banking sector
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The article substantiates that the Bank of Russia’s position on the functioning of the institution for the rehabilitation of commercial banks is a significant factor in changing the structure of the domestic banking system at the present stage. The possible change in the landscape of the banking system within the framework of the three main options for the regulator’s actions is defined: financial recovery: a) system-forming banks; b) large and medium-sized banks; c) all types of banks. The following is proved: a) the inevitability of strengthening the degree of monopolization of the banking sector in any case; b) the possibility of reducing the negative effect when using a combination of “hard” and “soft” mechanisms, the main directions of which are determined for the first time.
E. A. Fedulova, O. O. Babich, A. O. Akulov, A. O. Rada, Ju. Ju. Savina
Kemerovo State University
Keywords: пищевые продукты, растительное масло, железнодорожный транспорт, вагон-цистерна, наливные грузы, Food products, vegetable oil, railway transport, tank wagons, liquid cargo
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The article substantiates the need for inter-sectoral coordination of the development of the food industry and the transport complex. Describe the state of the market of cars for the transportation of liquid food process, evaluated its prospects, taking into account the forecast of the dynamics of transportation of bulk food cargoes. The need to exclude ineffective unsafe schemes for the transport of liquid bulk cargo is underlined. The forecast is fulfilled of the need for tank wagons; the expediency of expanding their production is justified.
V. D. Roik
All-Russia Research Institute of Labor, Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Keywords: труд, качество трудовой жизни, организация труда, Labor, quality of working life, organization of labor
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The article is devoted to organization of labor and quality of working life from aspects of experience and theory theirs regulation in period foundation and development industries society and in the middles perspective. The article presents new point of view to analyses of labor: concept of quality of working life, methodology basic on world of work, long time, devoted and social security mechanisms, budgetary policies of state, safe of work and health of workers.
D. S. Khvalynskiy
Altai State University
Keywords: закупки для государственных нужд, эффективность закупки, закон № 44-ФЗ, экономия бюджетных средств, контрактная система, Public procurement, the effectiveness of the auction, the law No. 44-FZ, budget savings, the contract system
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The paper considers the problems of incentives in the system of public procurement, analyses game-theoretic models of incentives in the real functioning of the public procurement system. The results of the study suggested the introduction of the system of public auctions with financial externalities, in which the losing bidder will prefer the smallest revenue of the winner. The author’s proposed approach can be used in the process of improving procurement procedures for state and municipal needs.