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"Philosophy of Education"

2016 year, number 5


A. D. Gerasev
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, st. Viluiskaya, 28

Abstract >>
Large-scale problems of revival and development of the Russian economy can not be solved without creating a system of continuous reproduction of today's professionals. The old slogan "Cadres decide everything" today more than ever relevant. And we do not need so many specialists that support old technology as personnel capable to answer the challenges of the XXI century. To work in the conditions of new technological ways.


V. N. Nikitenko
Institute of Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB of RAS, 979016, Russia, Birobidjan, st. Shalom-Aleixema, 4
Keywords: глобализация, образование, образовательная парадигма, модернизация и стандартизация образования, Болонский процесс, ЕГЭ, суверенитет российского образования, globalization, education, educational paradigm, modernization and standardization of education, Bologna process, Unified State Exam, sovereignty of Russian education

Abstract >>
The authors of articles in the journal «Philosophy of Education», placed in electronic eLibrary, and consequently, in the Russian Science Citation Index System, reflect philosophically on the phenomenon of globalization and its impact on the state and changes in the modern system of education in Russia. Content analysis of articles published in the journal shows that this topic is addressed more frequently than others. The keywords «globalization», «global world», etc. in combination with «education» occur at least in 58 published articles written by 56 authors. All issues of pre-school, primary and secondary school, extracurricular complementary, secondary and higher professional, postgraduate segments of Russian education are discussed in the context of globalization. In fact, all processes are analyzed from the positions of globalization: reforms of education in modern Russia and their results, the Bologna process, the Unified State Exams and standardization of education, the mission of education in ensuring the sovereignty and national security of Russia. The pluralism of opinions reflects both conformist and oppositional aspects of joining Russia to Bologna process and borrowing attributes of foreign educational systems. At the same time, the editorial board of the journal shows only democratic position in the relation to the authors and to the diversity of their philosophical views. Productive ideas for finding of a new paradigm for Russian education, national educational policy and its modernization can be selected from a variety of authors’ opinions. These ideas are presented to the reader in the proposed article.


A. A. Gordienko
Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB RAS, 6300909, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Nikolaeva, 8
Keywords: экзистенциальная аскеза, мирская (трудовая) аскеза, материально-партикулярная индивидуализация, интеллектуальная индивидуализация, гражданская публичность, гражданское общество, циклическая (В«пульсирующаяВ») гражданственность, номиналистическая (классическая) собственность, колониальность, ориентализм, existential ascesis, secular (labor) ascesis, material and civil individualization, intellectual individualization, civil publicity, civil society, cyclic (В«pulsingВ») citizenship, nominalistic (classical) property, colonialism, orientalism

Abstract >>
The article shows that Western European countries have experienced a system-genetic transformation caused by the descending individualization with its worldly ascesis. Therefore, the ways of social integration, control and administration (including conflict harmonization), and the base type of economy were formed there according to this type of individualization. In Russia, unlike Western anthropogenic civilization, intentions of rising individual creative individuation which are based not on alienation but on connection of people are realized. The potential of this individualization is extremely relevant to the arising during technical and technological development gaps of intellectual creative work. This individualization is not structural and formal by its very nature, it is carried out during direct communication and interaction. Here the «personal» and «private» (special) are not the same, and the possession of the property is not a necessary condition for individualization. Conceptions of «realistic» (based on redistribution) property, the meaning of which is to maintain social balance, are dominant in the society. Political activity occurring on the basis of this individuation is difficult to separate from the state totalitarianism. They have the same form; they are «total» in contrast to the Western variant, when the social activity is carried out under the slogan of «particularism», while the state is «responsible» for the implementation of the «general interest». This indivisibility of social and state issues leads to the fact that in Russia the cyclic regime of «pulsating» citizenship is persistently reproduced.


S. A. An1, E. V. Ushakova2, N. V. Nalivayko3
1Altai State Pedagogical University, 656031, Russia, Barnaul, st. Molodejnaya, 55
2Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
3Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vileuiiskaya, 28
Keywords: разрушительные паразитарные процессы, полярные цивилизации, образование, развивающее творческую сущность, содержание, devastating parasitic processes, polar civilization, education, development of creative essence, content

Abstract >>
The relevance of the research topic is due to the continuing crisis, the local destruction of the social, natural life and global catastrophism. Global destructive processes are becoming more extensive, including in the education system. In order to take the urgent life-preserving extreme measures, it is necessary to timely recognize the devastating parasitic processes, determine their essence and content. The purpose of research is to examine a high level of organic planetary life, the social one, and to identify two opposing interrelated processes of self-motion of matter: 1) social producers which provide concentration of social matter, free-living social systems which contribute to increasing self-development and social diversity in society (C-civilization); 2) social decomposers which lead to simplification and destruction of social matter until its self-destruction (P-civilization). It is shown that in the confrontation of civilizations, the education sphere increasingly becomes the key one, supplying the right people either to C-civilization or to P-civilization. This process has acquired a global dimension, has an international content; it is required to study it on the national and global levels. The following conclusion is made: as any sphere of society, education being exposed to polar civilizations is also polarizing. The education system in the XXI century exist in almost all countries of the world, and, formally speaking, it performs the above-indicated social functions. However, this is just a form; in reality, under the influence of polar civilizations on education, one and the same external form of training organization may be filled with fundamentally different, polar contents.


T. A. Artashkina, V. A. Kiseleva
Far Eastern Federal University, 690950, Russia, Vladivostok, st. Suxanova, 8
Keywords: Интернет-коммуникации, социальные сети, Instagram (Инстаграмм), молодежь, фотографии, селфи, визуальная культура, визуальная саморепрезентация, информационный продукт, симулякр, самосимулякр, Internet communication, social network, Instagram, youth, photos, selfie, visual culture, visual self-representation, information product, simulacrum, self-simulacrum

Abstract >>
Ontemporary sociocultural technologies have a powerful impact on the individual’s personality thus triggering the issue of personality preservation. The authors have reviewed only one aspect of this problem: the aspect directly related to specific features of visual information products of social networks. The research relied on the fundamentals of the youth sociology, the general concept of visual culture and some aspects of the general communication theory. The work has also extensively used the methods of theoretical and empirical research. Visual self-representation of a personality in Instagram has become the actual subject of this research. According to the authors, communication in this network is based on the three-component model of a sociocultural mechanism of information impact: a producer (addresser) of information - a network user; an information product - posted pictures; a consumer (addressee) of information - as a rule, unidentified. In order to analyze the target audience of addressers (producers) of information products, a poll was conducted via a special online questionnaire. The results of the poll show that the main audience of the network users is young people between 16 and 25. Pictures have become a unit of analyzing the information product in the Internet. However, we were not able to use the method of content-analysis in the full due to the huge number of posted pictures and insufficient storage capacity of the PC. Therefore, only several elements of the content-analysis have been used. Over 3000 pictures posted in Instagram have been analyzed. Selfies are prevailing among them (over 1000), followed by pictures of food and animals (over 500) and nature (over 200). The research has revealed two fundamental controversies: publicity of the posted pictures, which sometimes are very personal and even intimate, along with rather harsh and negative response to any attempt of intruding into the personal space of a network user; an acute loneliness of young people and a great need in communication, accompanied by the intentional communication avoidance in the real world. The research has resulted in the following conclusions. The Instagram information product is a means of self-presentation for the young people in the social picture network. The real world fragments on pictures can be either real or staged (installation and performance, where animals can become main characters). Selfies are aimed at representing the user’s self by the principle: «Look! Here am I!». The posted images range from ordinary pictures of real people to the overt provocation beyond the bounds of decency. This self-representation is virtually a self-simulacrum. A visual image at the posted picture is a code that carries an information message. A producer of information product and its consumer can belong to different subcultures; in this case, the coded information will be deciphered according to the laws of intercultural communication.


M. A. Abramova1,2
1Novosibirsk State University, 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
2Institute of Philosophy and Law, 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Keywords: диалектика интернационального и национального, трансформация системы образования в России, национальная политика, dialectics of the international and the national, transformation of the education system in Russia, national policy

Abstract >>
In the article, on the basis of the dialectical approach, the dynamics of the international and the national in the national politics in Soviet and post-Soviet periods is examined. The discrepancies are noted in the interpretations of the «national» which is not always treated as purely ethnic. The orientation of the national policy of the Soviet Union towards harmonization of the international and the national implied a long process of forming a single nation of the Soviet people. For this purpose, a great contribution was made to the equalization of opportunities of the representatives of different ethnic groups in education and further social mobility. The author notes that in addressing these tasks, the Soviet government gradually paid more attention to the training and education of representatives of the titular ethnic groups, which had become in the national republics transmitters of the policy of the government of the USSR. The policy of «indigenization» in the weakening of the influence of the party in the republics over time was a catalyst of centrifugal forces which led to the growth of ethnic identity. However, despite the assumption made by foreign Sovietologists of the strengthening of the Soviet policy of assimilation, the citizens of the country managed to maintain a balance of ethnic and civil identification, as well as Patriotic attitude to the «small Homeland» and mother tongue, as evidenced by the large number of people of different ethnic groups in the late 80-ies which used native language as a means of communication at home and at work. Nevertheless, the strengthening of ethnocentric attitudes, fueled by ethnic elites in the national republics led to the subsequent «parade of sovereignties» and the development of the concepts of national schools, opposing the national to the international. The author comes to conclusion that the actions in the management of national policies in the post-Soviet space have led to imbalances in inter-ethnic relations, impoverished educational practice and greatly weakened the capacity of the country. Thus, the dynamics of interest in the international cooperation is an objective and positive factor in the further development of the country.


N. P. Sukhanova1, B. V. Saprygin2
1Novosibirsk Humanities Institute, 630099, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Kamenskaya, 56
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vileuiiskaya, 28
Keywords: ценности, неявное знание, формализованное знание, личностное общение, следование образцу, российская наука, values, tacit knowledge, formalized knowledge, interpersonal communication, following the example, Russian science

Abstract >>
The article studies the issue of the mode of being of scientific values on the material of the history of Russian science in order to demonstrate the importance of interpersonal communication between the educator and the student in the teaching process. The reproduction of the scientific community, i.e. training new generations of scientists, is not only the act of transferring some knowledge and skills to the beginners, but also the adoption of the ideals and values of science by them. M. Polanyi called the kind of knowledge that cannot be conveyed by mean of wording ‘tacit knowledge.’ Value orientations also belong to this type of knowledge. The recognition of unverbalized traditions enriches the picture of science, making it more complete. By taking into account the statements of scientists themselves, the paper attempts to evaluate how important it is for them, in the course of their scientific research, to exercise interpersonal communication and to receive the example of a colleague or teacher directly giving samples of values to be followed.


A. M. Ablazhey
Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB RAS, 6300909, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Nikolaeva, 8
Keywords: высшее образование, реформирование, рейтинг, национальный исследовательский университет, профессорское сообщество, университетский менеджмент, higher education, reforming, national research university, professor’s community, university management

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The author uses the example of two of the regional Russian universities to describe the processes of transformation of the organizational structure and management system in the modern university in a reforming university system. The analysis of the current situation has shown that the status of a national research university leads, on one hand, to an increase in funding and a qualitative leap in the development of the university, on the other, to a sharp narrowing of the space of the university democracy and the weakening of the influence of the professors’ community. It is concluded that the presence of these trends is a concern in the professor environment, and their continuation would lead, eventually, to the fall in the quality of education. It is concluded that the fight with the trends of narrowing of the inter-university democracy and the weakening of the influence of professors is possible mainly by the maximum diversification of sources (primarily financial) for development of universities, primarily due to an active search for private investors. It can be the money of alumni association or large companies interested in long-term cooperation with the university. The notable growth of such revenues will inevitably lead to increased influence of those same boards of trustees as parallel bodies, if not routine (operational) management of the university, but the definition of strategic objectives and the sources of its development, which, at the impressive volumes of parallel financing (here we talk about public universities), it can act on an equal footing with both the university and the state bureaucracy.


E. Yu. Bykova
National Research Tomsk State University, 634050, Russia, Tomsk, av. Lenina, 36
Keywords: социальная апатия учителя, профессиональное выгорание, мотивация к работе, стимулирующие факторы, удерживающие (гигиенические) факторы, social apathy, teachers, professional burnout, work motivation, stimulating factors, retaining (hygienic) factors

Abstract >>
The article discusses the reasons for spreading social apathy among modern Russian teachers, which manifests itself as a lack of initiative, indifference, lack of interest in high educational achievement, loss of interest in the profession. The article shows that Russian and foreign researchers, while analyzing the characteristics of teachers' motivation and possibilities to overcome apathy, have focused on the personal and institutional factors. Meanwhile, the personal characteristics of teachers (high neuroticism, high personal responsibility and significance of labor, the selfishness, the importance of the material well-being or, conversely, self-sacrifice, leading ultimately to disappointment in the profession), according to Russian authors, are the main determinant of burnout and apathy, and institutional features of teaching are significant condition in the psychosocial well-being of teachers. Despite the fact that the Western education system lacks many significant shortcomings that in Russia provoke, for example, dissatisfaction with the teaching profession (such as low prestige, insufficient wages, etc.), foreign teachers also feel the negative impact of the organizational factors, which usually include disagreement with the decisions of the administration, unmet needs in recognition, discipline problems, unmotivated and uninterested students, bureaucracy, etc. The article shows that the limited influence on teachers’ personality traits forces us to associate the solution to the problem of social apathy with impact on the institutional environment. The scientists suggest solving the problem of increasing motivation and satisfaction with the profession through the impact on retaining (hygienic) and motivating factors of the work environment. The article concludes that the changes in these factors have no significant effect on motivation of Russian teachers. The article suggests that the prevalence of social apathy among teachers should be associated not only with the specificity of the Russian educational system, but also with recent transformation of value orientations and socio-cultural conditions of teaching, which manifests itself in a keen perception of the profession shortcomings and in the changing social requirements to the teachers. This fact assumes the use of term social apathy that implies not so much a psychological characteristic or state of the individual, but a common objectified social trait, arising due to certain transformations of modern society.


Z. I. Sorokina, V. I. Volynkin
Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astraxan, st. Tatisheva, 20a
Keywords: дошкольное образование, мотивационная готовность к обучению, проектная деятельность, проектный метод, инновационные технологии, критерии эффективности, preschool education, motivational readiness for learning, project activity, project method, innovative technologies, performance criteria

Abstract >>
Today, the priority role in education belongs to the methods and technologies of learning in which the student activity is productive, creative and exploratory. And here the project activity of pupils becomes a priority. In the article, the content of project activities in preschool education is considered and the criteria of its effective implementation are proposed.

(retracted 10.09.2019)

I. V. Gordienko, S. N. Shevchenko
V. Ya. Gorin Belgorod State Agricultural University, 308503, Russia, poselok Maikopskii, st. Vavilova, 1
Keywords: профессиональное становление, воспитание, профессионализм, ценностное отношение к труду, крестьянский труд, профессиональная деятельность, professional formation, upbringing, professionalism, value attitude toward labor, peasant labor, professional activity

Abstract >>
This article analyzes the theoretical and practical ways of formation of the value attitude of the students of the agricultural higher education institution to future professional activity and agricultural work. We consider the philosophical and pedagogical problem of education and socialization of students in the educational process, the analysis of the forms, methods and techniques of work on the formation of value relation of the agriculture students to the future professional activity. The authors of the article conclude that the value attitude of the agrarian university students to social-professional activities, and agricultural work should be formed beginning from the first year of study. The scope of vocational training should include a targeted program to provide the necessary conditions for the formation of the value attitude of students to future professional activities. The leading ones are the sphere of training, educational and informative activities, through which the new knowledge is gained, the horizons are broaden, intellectual level of the individual grows; the sphere of creative, spiritual development, where there takes place the formation of emotional culture of the specialist, developing empathy, creative individuality, creativity of the individual; the sphere of professional work, in which there takes place development and consolidation of professional skills, habits and professional behavior and activity patterns, experience is acquired in establishing professional and labor relations, ensures the development of self-reliance, initiative, active creative activity of future specialist; the sphere of healthy lifestyle, in which the person masters traditions and norms of behavior, relationship to the resources of the human body, the basics of hygiene and careful attitude to one’s own health; the sphere of leisure and student life, through which the conceptions of the future expert on the rational use of free time, develop the right mode of learning activity and recreation, and aesthetics of the workplace and home furnishings; the skills are developed of social communication, business and personal contacts, the exchange of socio-cultural and professional experience and so on.


T. A. Rubantsova1, E. A. Krut'ko2
1Siberian State University of Railways, 630049, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Dusi Kovalthyk, 191
2Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 119571, Russia, Moscow, av. Vernadskogo, 82
Keywords: постмодернизм, ценностные ориентации, универсальные ценности культуры, социализация, самоидентификация, структурный анализ социализации личности, аксиологический анализ, postmodernism, value orientations, universal values of culture, socialization, self-identification, structural analysis of socialization of the personality, axiological analysis

Abstract >>
The aim of the article is to analyze the theoretical problems associated with the axiological aspect of socialization in postmodern society and the consideration of interference of man and society in the process of their interaction. In the crisis period, when the social structure is under stress due to external or internal factors, values can also undergo significant changes. In postmodern society, the following structure of socialization can be determined: planning, correspondence, portraiture. During axiological analysis of socialization of the individual authors came to the conclusion that the formation of valuable orientations of the person is carried out in the process of socialization, and the universal values of culture have important functions in the integration of the social space. Values have the ability to organize reality, they contribute to its understanding of evaluation points. Values are always conditioned by the cultural context, which makes the inherent value of different cultures, in many respects different from each other. As part of the same culture the change of value orientations can occur and this can lead to very serious social consequences - the loss of reference points leads to alienation from society, contributes to the marginalization of the individual and the denial of its cultural norms.


B. G. Gagarin, S. N. Kravchenko
Nizhnevartovsk State University, 628602, Russia, Nizhnevartovsk, st. Lenina, 56
Keywords: экспозиция, поликарбонат, клаузура, фальш-стена, лампада, туеса, концепция, интерьер, композиция, колорит, стропила, залавок, полати, display, polycarbonate, klauzura, false-wall, lamp, tuesa, concept, interior design, composition, color, roof, zalavok, loft

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The article is devoted to the problems of teaching design cycle disciplines. The curriculum of the Department of Arts and Design includes a section of environmental design, which involves the study of design techniques of various interiors and museums. Museums are the most promising and real orders for the objects, which the young professionals will fulfill after graduation. Many years of experience in the practice of artistic and cultural activities, a large teaching experience in the system of art education give the authors a possibility to provide some advice to students, the future experts in the field of environmental design. The article deals with two very different examples from the practice of museum exhibitions of design and allow students to choose guidelines in performing activities that will help open the way to designing new things, new products, new spatial structures. The first example shows the specific actions of the design artists who, having received the order, plunged into the atmosphere of continuous conflicts. Reinforced concrete architecture of the proposed premises in no way provides conditions for placing the items taken from a purely rustic environment surrounded by trees. The dimensions of rural huts are not commensurate with the size of a modern building (the difference in ceiling height). The small size of the village windows allowing just a limited amount of daylight and creating twilight is not commensurate with the powerful stream of light that pass through the huge windows of modern schools, etc. In short, there are endless conflict situations there that require ingenuity in solving them. And it is good! The second example is an example of how to create an «easel-project», which provides wide opportunities for fantasy and proposals, sometimes even absurd. Any artist, and especially the young designer, must have freedom in the choice of means and methods of designing of various objects.


M. V. Samardak, T. A. Rubantsova
Siberian State Railway University, 630049, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Dusi Kovalthyk, 191
Keywords: виртуальное образовательное пространство, графическая культура, виртуальная реальность, социальная реальность, virtual education space, graphic culture, virtual reality, social reality

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The aim of the article is to analyze the problems of formation of graphic culture of students in the modern virtual space of the university. Currently, there is an urgent need for an analysis of social virtual reality, which appeared as a result of development of communication technologies, entailed significant changes in society and education. Virtual reality is social; it has a reflective base, as it is simulated by the actors of this process. In social reality there are new kinds of realities that are virtual; and technological environment for creating them is the Internet. One of the important areas of social virtual space is a virtual educational environment of the university, which in recent years has played a significant role in Russian higher education system. One of the problems of modern educational philosophy and pedagogy is to develop new types and forms of organization of the educational process of the University in the virtual space. As the general theoretical foundation of special technical (engineering) education, there are considered the graphic disciplines, which are one of the most important component in the training of technicians who implemented it in the virtual space of education. Graphic training of engineering students is the basis for the training of the future engineer. Its specificity is that it is mainly formed in the virtual education space that is set by the teacher. Engineering languages of the graphical representation of information belong to the area of graphic-geometrical disciplines, the most completely using the professional communicative function. The graphic culture is defined in the article as an expression of maturity and development of the productively realized in the professional activity system of qualities, formed in the virtual pedagogical space, which includes a graphical horizons and thesaurus, formed by a system of graphic knowledge.


K. A. Kravchenko
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Viluiiskaya, 28
Keywords: академический рисунок, натюрморт, ритм, пространство, композиция, конструкция, объем, academic drawing, still life, rhythm, space, composition, design, volume

Abstract >>
In the article, the author notes that training in the academic drawing in pedagogical higher education institution represents process of consecutive formation and development in students of certain professional qualities (art perception, graphic representations). The image of a still life in this context creates conditions not only for training of students in certain practical skills, but also for formation of complete system of vision, perception and reproduction of nature. According to the author, competently created educational arrangement is a major condition for the organization of process of visual perception for the image which is used for the purpose of its professional development. Each educational still life has to be the carrier of certain spatial and rhythmic regularities, then such work will not be a simple «study» of the nature, but will gain an art and figurative value, thanks to spatial and rhythmic idea which is born in itself by the arrangement of the nature and need from the student to see it, and during judgment to create the initial plan which is realized in the subsequent graphic actions. The subjects making a still life have to be various by the sizes and in a form that gives the chance to students in the course of drawing to compare them according to various characteristics, to reveal individual traits of each of them, coordinating them thus in the uniform composite structure subordinated to certain spatial and rhythmic communications. In the arrangement of an educational still life from household items, it is necessary to accent the main task which promotes formation of a plan. Therefore, the arrangement of a still life usually begins with the main thing, the center of composition. For this purpose, the items are used bearing in itself certain rhythmic regularities on the basis of which the main spatial and rhythmic idea of all statement is formed. In addition to the main items, one selects others coordinated with the composite center. The size and arrangement of all other parts and elements of the image depend on size and an arrangement of the subject chosen as the composite center. This dependence in creation of the image is defined by spatial and rhythmic construction. In turn, the rhythm in creation of harmony of a visual row in drawing of a still life depends not only on communication of the composite center with all other parts of the image, but also on mutual rhythmic and plastic communication of these parts with each other. In order that the student could see visually all these characteristics, it is necessary for the teacher not only to make the arrangement competently, but also to correctly define its position in relation to the students so that, while perceiving the model, they could see the entire course and logic of perception of the form and space.


A. V. Agabekyan, A. V. Blazhko, P. G. Vorontsov, V. N. Ivanova
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
Keywords: физическое воспитание, физическая культура, зимние виды спорта, лыжная подготовка, physical education, physical culture, winter sports, ski training

Abstract >>
On the basis of provisions of the Russian legislation on physical culture and sports, as well as the experience of teaching physical education in the higher education institutions, the authors show the place and role of physical education in the process of formation of an integral personality of the student in higher education. The main purpose of formation of physical culture in the higher education institution is revealed. It is proved that the formation and strengthening of physical and psycho-emotional personality traits should be carried out taking into account a variety of conditions of pedagogical process: first of all, the quality of psychophysical training of various groups of students; the GTO requirements for higher education institutions; optimal inclusion of physical education into the general organization of the educational process; coordinated allocation of educational and extracurricular time in the course of physical training. It is also necessary to take account the seasonal and climatic factors for engaging in certain types of physical training and sport. The article deals with the specifics of the physical education of young people in winter sports. The importance of this aspect of the training is determined by the natural and geographical conditions in which the population of our country lives, especially in the Siberian region. Since the person should be prepared for the harsh conditions of existence in the sharply continental climate, and his/her body adapted to the cold time of the year, the winter period, some special physical education program are needed preparing students for a variety of winter sports. The focus is on the most widely used cross-country skiing.


P. G. Vegner, K. E. Polotnyanko, E. V. Ushakova, N. A. Khimicheva
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
Keywords: здоровый образ жизни, педагогическое управление, виды педагогического управления, способы формирования здорового образа жизни, healthy lifestyle, pedagogical management, types of pedagogical management, methods of forming a healthy lifestyle

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The article examines the socio-pedagogical regularities of management in the direction of formation of a healthy way of life in the process of upbringing and self-management. Since the end of the twentieth century in Russia, a socio-pedagogical problem of formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) started to be considered. This need has arisen both from the needs of practice (due to a sharp deterioration in the health of the Russian population, especially children and young people) and the theoretical knowledge (in the form of a question about the essence, content and optimal ways of formation of a healthy lifestyle of children and youth in pedagogy and adults in androgogy). To investigate the designated issues, we consider fundamental characteristics of educational activities, which are the patterns of anthropo-social management (by the human being and social groups) as applied to pedagogical science. We identify several types of pedagogical management, clearly yielding different results in the process of mastering a healthy lifestyle. Also shown is an alternative anti-pedagogical management for destruction of healthy lifestyle and initiation to the unhealthy lifestyle. These are the following types of pedagogical management: 1) liberal (manipulative-phantom) in which teacher and student are equated to each other, where there is «much bustle and nothing»; 2) dictatorial (elitist-mass) with the dictate of the teacher and suppression of the student autonomy; 3) traditional (mentoring-developing), where the roles of teacher and student are differentiated, the first translates the tradition not suppressing the intelligence and autonomy of the student, and the latter is able to transfer him/herself this tradition in the future. We analyze the patterns of the traditional pedagogical management, leading the student from the external to the internal control and self-management. The examples of such management from the educational work at the higher education institution are given. It is substantiated that this type of management is associated with the formation of stable living patterns of a healthy lifestyle.


I. E. Babushkin, P. G. Vorontsov, A. Yu. Zharikov
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
Keywords: здоровый образ жизни, физкультурно-оздоровительная деятельность в вузе, В«Вуз здорового образа жизниВ», healthy lifestyle, sports and recreational activities at the higher education institution, В«higher education institution of a healthy lifestyleВ»

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The article discusses the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students in Russian universities. It is noted that to the universities the most talented and motivated young people enter, who in the near future will take an important position in the socio-political, social, recreational, educational, spiritual, cultural, industrial, environmental, etc. activities of the country. Therefore, on the sound mental and physical health of future specialists there depends largely the full implementation of the basic plan for the future development of Russia. Meanwhile, as shown by a number of researches of the scientists at the beginning of the XXI century, the real health of students turns out to be on a low level. The lifestyle of young people is far from that which is indicated in the psychological and educational literature as a «healthy lifestyle». The lifestyle is characterized by disorganization, some students to engage in unhealthy behaviors and even bad habits. Meanwhile, most of the students and their parents, according to the opinion polls, believe that it is in the higher education institution that they should be able to obtain correct knowledge and skills for organizing a healthy lifestyle. An analysis of this problem on the national level has led to an important undertaking: the organization, since 2009, of the annual All-Russian competition for the title of «University of the Russian way of life». The article highlights the activities of the Altai State Medical University within the program of All-Russian competition and nationwide movement in the direction of «higher education institution of a healthy lifestyle».


A. N. Vedukhina, N. M. Lobygina, S. V. Sharapova
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
Keywords: здоровье студентов, медицинские группы для физподготовки студентов, специальные медицинские группы, здоровьесберегающие технологии, методики физического воспитания, health of students, medical groups for physical training of students, special medical group, health-preserving technologies, methods of physical education

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Among the Russian student youth, and, which is noteworthy, especially among medical students, a very dangerous situation has been formed connected with increasing deterioration in the condition of health. Especially worrying is the high incidence of decease of medical students, who themselves in the near future will become certified physicians, will treat people, should set an example for the patients, even though they themselves are not able to keep their own health. The task of the teachers of physical training, together with medical professionals, is familiarizing students with poor health to moderate, appropriate to their abilities, physical education and healthy lifestyles. To maintain the level of health and restoration of human health, there are developed in the pedagogy of Physical Education and Sports some special technologies, known as health-preserving. In general, these technologies, the system of educational technologies (sports and recreation, health care, prevention, and so on) ensure the interconnection and interaction of all the factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the health of students. They form the basis of the relevant section of pedagogy. The health-preserving technologies are crucial when working with students who have poor health. These students in the physical education are combined in special medical group (according to the year of study, groups of diseases, in the interests of self-healing, and so forth.). The entire contingent of students is divided into three main groups according to their state of health: basic (healthy), preparatory (weak physical training) and special medical group with two subgroups, «A» and «B» (the third and fourth groups of health). For the students of these special medical groups, there are developed special educational health technologies, special complexes of exercises, with the distribution of physical activity: from the low ones to the complexes of remedial gymnastics, as well as theoretical valeological classes. The article presents the experience of teachers in working with students of special medical groups. The main task of the teacher of physical education in this case is not to harm poor health, improve the capacity of the vital forces, seek to improve well-being and the desire of students to organize their own healthy lifestyle.


P. G. Vorontsov
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
Keywords: педагогика оздоровления, философия образования, педагогика физкультуры и спорта, валеологическая педагогика, профессиональные качества личности, health-improvement pedagogy, philosophy of education, pedagogy of physical education and sports, valeological pedagogy, professional qualities of the person

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In the pedagogical knowledge in the system of preschool education since the end of the XX century, a new direction, the health-improvement pedagogy, has been developed. The author’s studies on the subject indicate that this direction of pedagogy can also be successfully developed as applied to higher levels of education-upbringing process. The author proves that the health-improvement pedagogy can provide effective results in relation to the school and higher education. At these levels of education, it promotes a number of important educational-upbringing processes: first, the formation of civil, moral-spiritual, artistic-aesthetic qualities of the personality of students; secondly, the formation, strengthening and building the potential of health of pupils and students in the process of increasingly higher level of mastering physical culture, gaining a healthy lifestyle; thirdly, the development of health-creating outlook, including deep understanding of the importance of psycho-spiritual and bodily health of the human being, which is especially important at the stages of personality formation. On the theoretical-methodological level, the health-improvement pedagogy is directly related to the philosophical-scientific and general pedagogical knowledge: philosophy of education, philosophy of health, philosophy, optimology, the theory of a healthy lifestyle. In practical terms, the health-improvement pedagogy becomes a methodological, didactic and methodological tool for the formation of important human qualities in school education and professional qualities of the person in higher education. In the article, the mechanisms are revealed of formation of professional-moral qualities of the secular and religious student youth by means of physical training on the basis of the health-improvement pedagogy.