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"Philosophy of Education"

2016 year, number 5


A. N. Vedukhina, N. M. Lobygina, S. V. Sharapova
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 40
Keywords: здоровье студентов, медицинские группы для физподготовки студентов, специальные медицинские группы, здоровьесберегающие технологии, методики физического воспитания, health of students, medical groups for physical training of students, special medical group, health-preserving technologies, methods of physical education


Among the Russian student youth, and, which is noteworthy, especially among medical students, a very dangerous situation has been formed connected with increasing deterioration in the condition of health. Especially worrying is the high incidence of decease of medical students, who themselves in the near future will become certified physicians, will treat people, should set an example for the patients, even though they themselves are not able to keep their own health. The task of the teachers of physical training, together with medical professionals, is familiarizing students with poor health to moderate, appropriate to their abilities, physical education and healthy lifestyles. To maintain the level of health and restoration of human health, there are developed in the pedagogy of Physical Education and Sports some special technologies, known as health-preserving. In general, these technologies, the system of educational technologies (sports and recreation, health care, prevention, and so on) ensure the interconnection and interaction of all the factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the health of students. They form the basis of the relevant section of pedagogy. The health-preserving technologies are crucial when working with students who have poor health. These students in the physical education are combined in special medical group (according to the year of study, groups of diseases, in the interests of self-healing, and so forth.). The entire contingent of students is divided into three main groups according to their state of health: basic (healthy), preparatory (weak physical training) and special medical group with two subgroups, «A» and «B» (the third and fourth groups of health). For the students of these special medical groups, there are developed special educational health technologies, special complexes of exercises, with the distribution of physical activity: from the low ones to the complexes of remedial gymnastics, as well as theoretical valeological classes. The article presents the experience of teachers in working with students of special medical groups. The main task of the teacher of physical education in this case is not to harm poor health, improve the capacity of the vital forces, seek to improve well-being and the desire of students to organize their own healthy lifestyle.