2011 year, number 3
V.N. Yarygin1, YU.I. Gerasimov2, A.N. Krylov2, L.V. Mishina2, V.G. Prikhodko1, I.V. Yarygin1
1 Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS 2 Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia yarygin@itp.nsc.ru
Keywords: spacecraft, orientation and control thrusters, exhaust plumes, contamination processes, modeling in vacuum chambers
Pages: 333-358
Abstract >>
This is the review of joint research executed during last 30 years at Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia and Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS on the problem of gas-dynamic and contaminating impact of exhaust plume of orientation thrusters and systems of refueling on spacecraft and space stations.
V.I. Petoshin, E.A. Chasovnikov
Chaplygin Siberian Research Institute of Aviation (SibNIA) echasovnik@gmail.com
Keywords: models of passenger aircraft, harmonic oscillations, normalized frequency, high angle of attack, experimental data, complexes of aerodynamic derivatives
Pages: 359-368
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A systematic analysis has been performed for many-years experimental data obtained in the wind tunnel T-203 (SibNIA) for testing the models of passenger and transport aircraft for the case of harmonic oscillation at the pitch angle for low subsonic velocities. The key features of behavior of aerodynamic derivatives coefficients and dependencies of current values of normal force coefficient and longitudinal moment coefficient on the angle of attack have been demonstrated for the stalling modes of streamlining. It was demonstrated that at near-critical angles of attack, we have a strong dependency of aerodynamic derivatives of pitch moment on the normalized oscillation frequency for the range of natural values; this makes the traditional mathematical model of aerodynamic loads (uses the aerodynamic derivatives at fixed frequencies of oscillation) unfit for the considered scope of experimental tasks.
D.S. Mironov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS mdsdaimond@gmail.com
Keywords: shallow cavity, subsonic flow over cavity, pressure fluctuations, wavelet transform, Hilbert - Huang transform
Pages: 369-379
Abstract >>
An experimental study of the flow over a single open shallow cavity is reported. Pressure fluctuations were measured using two cavity models at free-stream Mach numbers 0.3, 0.5, and 0.6. At certain conditions, resonance of acoustic waves inside cavity with disturbances in the shear layer over cavity was observed. Pressure fluctuation characteristics were analysed using Fourier, wavelet, and Hilbert - Huang transforms. Those methods have allowed us to accurately examine the transition of the flow over cavity into resonant state.
V.M. Malkov1, I.A. Kiselev2, A.E. Orlov2, I.V. Shatalov2
1 Advent Scientific Production Association 2 Laser Systems Ltd orlov@lsystems.ru, shatalov@lsystems.ru
Keywords: supersonic chemical laser, pressure recovery system, diffuser, ejector, experiment, numerical simulation
Pages: 381-395
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An open-type pressure recovery system (PRS) for chemical oxygen-iodine laser was designed and fabricated. As a first stage, an active diffuser was used in which the ejecting gas supply was organized through nozzles disposed around the channel periphery. The second stage was a supersonic ejector. Numerical simulation data for the viscous turbulent flow with heat release through the diffuser gas-dynamic channel, and also data obtained by testing the active diffuser in operation on a model facility equipped with a vacuum chamber, are reported. The obtained data were used to develop a full-scale setup with exhaust of laser gas into the atmosphere; this has allowed us to optimize the performance characteristics of the setup and substantially improve its mass-dimensional characteristics. Special attention was paid to parameter matching and synchronization of laser start with the operation of PRS components.
L.L. Minkov1, A.V. Krokhina2, I.G. Dueck3
1 Tomsk State University 2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University 3 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg lminkov@ftf.tsu.ru
Keywords: hydrocyclone, injector, radial injection, tangential injection, split parameter, numerical simulation, experiment
Pages: 397-409
Abstract >>
On the basis of experimental research and numerical simulation, flow regularities in a 50-millimeter hydrocyclone with injector have been revealed. It is shown that the injected liquid comes out mostly through the lower outlet. At tangential injection toroidal vortex impeding main flow discharge through the lower outlet is formed.
M.I. Shilyaev, E.M. Khromova, A.V. Grigoriev, A.V. Tumashova
Tomsk State University of Civil Engineering shmi@mail.tomsknet.ru
Keywords: condensation dust collecting, sub-micron particles, counter-flow sprayer scrubber, Venturi scrubber, dust collecting efficiency, Stokes number, capture coefficient
Pages: 411-424
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A physical-mathematical model of the heat and mass exchange process and condensation capture of sub-micron dust particles on the droplets of dispersed liquid in a sprayer scrubber is proposed and analysed. A satisfactory agreement of computed results and experimental data on soot capturing from the cracking gases is obtained.
A.N. Pavlenko, A.N. Pavlenko
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS; Novosibirsk State University
Keywords: hydrodynamics, wave formation, liquid films, numerical simulation
Pages: 425-431
Abstract >>
The process of wave formation in the falling films of liquid nitrogen was simulated numerically in the framework of the hydrodynamic model of Kapitsa ⎯ Shkadov. The typical wave characteristics were calculated for different inlet Reynolds numbers. The effect of parameters of small initial perturbations on wave formation was studied. Satisfactory agreement of numerical simulation results and experimental data is shown.
S.N. Yakovenko1, K.C. Chang2
1 Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS; Novosibirsk State University 2 National Cheng-Kung University yakovenk@itam.nsc.ru
Keywords: Rayleigh - Taylor instability, surface tension model, volume fraction function
Pages: 433-445
Abstract >>
The surface tension effect is introduced according to the continuum model for the surface tension force. A smooth variation of the mollified function of the volume fraction (the color function) across the interface between immiscible fluids occurs due to the convolution of the original color function with the smooth kernel function. The polynomial eighth-degree kernel formulated for plane two-dimensional flows bounded by solid walls or symmetry planes is tested for the Rayleigh - Taylor instability problem.
M.A. Sheremet
Tomsk State University Michael-sher@yandex.ru
Keywords: conjugate heat transfer, natural convection, cylindrical region, unsteady regime, numerical modelling
Pages: 447-458
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The mathematical modelling of unsteady regimes of natural convection in a closed cylindrical region with a heat-conducting shell of finite thickness was carried out in the presence of a local heat source under the conditions of convective heat exchange with the ambient medium. The mathematical model was constructed in dimensionless variables "stream function - vorticity vector - temperature" in the cylindrical coordinate system. The influence of the Rayleigh number, 104 ≤ Ra ≤ 106, of the unsteadiness factor 0 < τ < 300, of the thermal conductivity ratio λ2,1 = 5.7·10−4, 4.3·10−2, and the energy source sizes on both local characteristics (streamlines and temperature fields) and on the integral complex (the mean Nusselt number on typical boundaries) was analysed in detail. Thermohydrodynamic peculiarities due to the geometry of the object of research were established.
N.A. Rubtsov, S.D. Sleptsov
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS sleptsov@itp.nsc.ru
Keywords: phase transition, single-phase Stefan problem, radiant-conductive heat transfer, grey medium, reflection factor, emissivity, transmission capacity
Pages: 459-467
Abstract >>
The single-phase Stefan problem was modelled numerically in approximation of the classical solution in application to melting of a flat semitransparent sample by radiant-conductive technique in a wide range of emissivity of the phase transition front.
M.A. Guzachev1, N.YU. Konstantinova1, P.S. Popel1, A.G. Mozgovoy2
1 Ural State Pedagogical University 2 Joint Institute of High Temperature RAS mag85@bmail.ru
Keywords: bismuth-lead melts, kinematic viscosity, viscous flow activation energy, microheterogeneity
Pages: 469-475
Abstract >>
Measurement results for temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity in Bi-Pb melts are presented. Measurements were carried out in the temperature range between liquidus and 1400 K. The distinctive feature of experiments was their performance at heating after sample melting and further cooling. On the experimental temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity the values of viscosity at fixed temperature and activation energy of viscous flow have been calculated. Special attention was paid to non-coincidence of the curves obtained at heating and cooling. The specified anomaly is explained by the concept of metastable micro-coherence of the studied melts.
V.G. Zverev1, V.A. Nazarenko2, A.V. Teploukhov2
1 Tomsk State University 2 FSUE Moscow Institute of Heat Technology zverev@niipmm.tsu.ru
Keywords: thermophysical characteristics, coefficient inverse problem of heat conductivity, semi-infinite solid, one- and two-layer plates
Pages: 477-486
Abstract >>
On the basis of the solution to the coefficient inverse problem of heat conductivity we have proposed a method for determination of thermophysical characteristics of material according to temperature measurement in its depth as an approximation of semi-infinite solid, plate of finite thickness, and plate with a layer of ideal conductor at thermal effect of constant power on their surface. The method does not require experimental data smoothing, serves to remove restrictions for heating mode selection, and increases accuracy of thermophysical parameters determination.
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:109:"I.А. Bassina1, YU.P. Malkov1, G.A. Troshchinenko1, I.М. Zasypkin2";}
1 FGUP Russian Scientific Center Applied Chemistry 2 Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS lab16@itam.nsc.ru irina.bassina@gmail.com
Keywords: plasma-chemical reactor, pyrolysis, decontamination, trichlorbiphenyl, gas dynamics and heat exchange, reactor design, optimal geometrical parameters
Pages: 487-496
Abstract >>
Gas-dynamic and thermal characteristics of the gas flow in the flow part of a small-scale plasma-chemical reactor for trichlorbiphenyl decomposition were calculated numerically. The investigations were performed with no regard to the chemical interaction of the components: in the calculations, the treated substance was replaced by a simulator (water steam), water steam was also used as an oxidant. Mathematical model of the flow is based on the complete system of Navier - Stokes equations in the context of axisymmetric task statement, with due regard to the gas flow swirling. The calculation results enabled us to choose the optimum geometrical parameters of the reactor design.
O.M. Oyewola1, S.M. Adaramola2, S.K. Fasogbon3
1 School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales; Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University ooyewola@yahoo.com
Keywords: turbulence, structures, suction, boundary layer, Reynolds number
Pages: 497-500
Abstract >>
The paper considers the evolution of turbulent kinetic energy in a turbulent boundary layer perturbed by suction. The results show that the boundary layer equilibrium is altered in a non-linear manner due to suppression of the structures near the wall. The behavior, however, suggests that the wavelength of alteration of the equilibrium of the layer is unaffected by a change in Reynolds number and suction rate.
B.V. Perepelitsa
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS perep@itp.nsc.ru
Keywords: falling liquid film, regular structures, microtexture, waves
Pages: 501-504
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Formation of a liquid film on the surface of a cylinder with microtexture was studied visually. The effect of microtexture on evolution of waves on the surface of viscous liquid falling over the outer surface of a vertical cylinder under the action of gravity depending on Reynolds number is shown. The phenomenon of microwave formation on the film surface was determined; the size of these waves is comparable with the microtexture pitch.