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Professional Education in the Modern World

2019 year, number 3


S.I. Chernych
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation


A. P. Segal
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: цифровая экономика, двоичная система, коммуникация, будущее, футурология, образование, digital economy, binary system, communication, future, futurology, education

Abstract >>
In this article the author traces the history of the term "digit" and its derivatives ("digital") from the original to the modern meaning and the process of changing its content. He comes to the conclusion that currently “digital technologies” refers to information technology, as well as industrial technology controlled by computer systems operating on the basis of the binary number system. The author makes a brief excursion into the history of positional number systems and emphasizes that the binary system was not the most popular in the past, but it was known, and a number of major thinkers foresaw its relevance in the future. The author states that digital devices are resistant to interference, and their advantages are in signal processing. At the same time, the meaning (content) has always belonged of the actors of communication. The author notes that, as is often the case, the term "digit" ("digital")has undergone metonymic transformation: being a representative of the class (science-intensive technologies), it started to mean the whole class. In addition, it began to denote qualitative novelty - not only technical, but also social. But in contrast to the "classical" metonymy, in which the rhetorical character and figurative meaning are perceived, in most "digital" cases there is no reflection. As a result, largely for career and/or opportunistic reasons, the term begins to denote something that actually cannot denote, for the technical characteristics of the economy and production do not make them qualitatively different. Thus, we obviously have a typical case: a signifier without a significate, that is, the simulacrum.


M. A. Petrov
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: глобализация, образовательное пространство, информационная среда, образовательное взаимодействие, субъект и объект в образовательном процессе, информация, знание, понимание, globalization, educational space, information environment, educational interaction, subject and object in education process, information, knowledge, conception

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The article is devoted to the study of the leading trends in the educational space, caused by its digitalization. The latest information technologies, according to the author, are simultaneously the cause and effect of sociocultural transformations, which largely affect education as a social institution. The author focuses on changing the role of learning individuals in the educational process on the way to obtaining relevant information. Special attention is paid to the principles of differentiation of information and knowledge, taking into account the specifics of the educational process. As a leading factor in the choice of a cognitive algorithm by an individual in the educational process, the author introduces an axiological factor. The article emphasizes that the pursuit of operational information poses a particular danger at the level of the educational process, since sometimes false worldviews can be built. A distinctive feature of the article is the author's attempt to prove the illegitimacy of the thesis on information as a converted form of knowledge, which implies identifying knowledge with the concept content. The attempts of logical positivists (neo-positivists) to create a single universal scientific language are of fundamental importance in this regard. Despite the failure to solve this global problem, neo-positivists prepared the ground for studying the particularities of the cognitive process as dialectics of the form and content, represented as the sequence: information - knowledge - information - knowledge, etc. The author also emphasizes the difference between humanitarian and scientific knowledge, which arises from the various narrative of learning individuals regarding information resources of a particular cognitive subject. The article focuses on the fact that the knowledge holder and its consumer form one whole system of person-to-person educational interaction, always creating an individual pair passing a unique and special way. These trends are considered by the author with due regard to the traditions of the national educational system, on the one hand, and social philosophy, on the other. The formation of a relationship system in the environment of new participants in the modern education contexts requires historical and philosophical substantiation of the very essence of the person-to-person educational interaction.


E. M. Lbova
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: глобализация, прусская система образования, французская система образования, американская высшая школа, российский университет, globalization, Prussian education, French education, American high school, Russian university

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The changes taking place in world education, within the framework of global trends, dictate new standards for the development of Russian higher education. On the one hand, universities are increasingly focused on the formation of specialists with “higher-order thinking skills”, on the other hand, a constant race for quantitative indicators, formalizes the educational process, eliminating elements of creativity and freedom. The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of global trends on domestic education and science through the prism of the history of Russian higher education. The study was conducted on the basis of a system-historical approach, using descriptive and comparative methods. From the very first years of its existence, the Russian high school combined elements of Prussian and French universities. The level of its autonomy and development was directly dependent on domestic policy. The American education system, which has become an example for many world universities today, relying on the English model of the college, focused on democracy, electivity, widespread availability, pragmatism and competition. The combination of these qualities allowed US universities by the end of the twentieth century. become a guideline for the idea of unifying the principles of learning and evaluating the effectiveness of universities in the world. Russian higher education also joined the process of modifying higher education according to the American model. However, the absence of economic preconditions and the features of the organization of the Russian educational process, that were formed over several centuries, allowed only formally conform to new standards. In the conditions of priority of quantitative indicators, over qualitative ones, the formation of specialists with “thinking of a higher order” becomes difficult to achieve.


A.S. Komkova1, E.P. Kobeleva1, E.A. Krutko2
1Siberian State University of means of communication, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Siberian Institute of Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: современное образовательное пространство, интернационализация, профессиональная подготовка выпускников вуза, академическая мобильность, интеграции системы российского образования в международное сообщество, modern educational space, internationalization, vocational training of university graduates, academic mobility, integration of the Russian education system into the international community

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Nowadays processes of internationalization cover all spheres of human activity. The intensification of these processes in the modern educational space requires developing new content and educational methods that will be aimed at preparing graduates both for professional and life-sustaining activities at this historical stage of development. The aim of this article was determined by the necessity to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of vocational training of university graduates in the context of internationalization. The authors used the system method as the main one. To understand and clarify the essence and prerequisites of the internationalization of the educational process at the university at the present stage, the authors turned to general logical research methods and techniques. To identify and justify the general and distinctive features and properties of the content and organization of the educational process, based on the principles of internationalization, the structural and functional analysis principles were used. The analysis of theoretical aspects of internationalization in higher education suggests that this process is characterized by the inclusion of an international component in existing curricula and programs, international academic mobility, and the creation of strategic educational alliances. The article notes that there are several approaches to understanding and defining the processes of internationalization in higher education. It is revealed that at the moment the views of foreign and Russian scientists on the processes of internationalization in higher education differ. The authors find it logical that the main focus of work at the present stage should be on evaluating the content and organization of the educational process in Russian universities, taking into account various aspects of internationalization and also in terms of their importance for improving the quality of professional training of a university graduate. The authors conclude that the preparation of a modern, mobile specialist, demanded and competitive, is impossible without effective teaching of a foreign language.The current trend in teaching foreign languages is associated with the increased integration of a language and particular subject area. A positive point is the strengthening of interdepartmental cooperation, which, ultimately, “works” for the CLIL concept implementation (subject-language integration) in the vocational training of university graduates.


M. P. Yatsenko, I.D. Peskovec
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: стратегическая стабильность, гонка вооружений, взаимное гарантированное уничтожение, ядерное сдерживание, глобальная безопасность, strategic stability, armaments race, mutually assured destruction, nuclear deterrence, global security

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The article is devoted to one of the most important aspects of international security, namely the formation of global strategic stability adequate to the realities of the modern world. The author offers to consider regulated multi-polarity as a model for prospective global system of strategic stability that responds to the challenges of modernity, and simultaneously takes into account the national interests of Russia. The political changes that occurred in the late 20th century, did not only lead to a new configuration of forces on the planet. Such transformation also stimulated growth of threats and challenges to international security in the new century. Conflicts exacerbated between states, related to uneven development as a result of globalization processes. The author provides evidence that today the gap in the levels of the countries welfare is deepening. The article notes that at this stage universal human values are ignored, and different models of development have become a subject of global competition. According to the author, the development of an effective model of global strategic sustainability implies a multipolar system, the foundations of which should be studied at the level of university education.


S.I. Chernych1, A.D. Rasskasov2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: образование, профессия, обучение, адаптация, перспективы человека (индивида), человеческий капитал, труд, над профессиональные умения и навыки, профессионализация как процесс и как результат, Education, profession, training, adaptation, perspectives of a person (individual), human capital, labor, professional skills, professionalization as a process and as a result

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Philosophy of balance; New economy; Empty world; NIBEP; New enlightenment; Worldview; Responsibility for ongoing crises, etc. Today these constructs increasingly fill a wide variety of studies. The purpose of this article is to address them more specifically. How does education today relate to that abstraction that is called a profession? What is a profession? Does today's education provide the required professionalization as a vital process? Each of these questions today requires a separate analysis, but if we summarize the possible answers in one article, it is quite clear that only the interdisciplinary approach with its synergetic effect is possible here as a methodological one. Today's reality clearly indicates that new technologies are developing faster than the education system, and the pace of human capital adaptation is lagging behind. The change in the need for professions and skills leads to the fact that one third of employees will have to be retrained by 2022. Does the concept of “profession” retain its ontological status today? What is necessary for maintaining the status of the profession as a subjective value and a means of achieving an individual good? What does (or does not) the modern education system - the main processor for the reproduction of professions - do for this? In the future, the “man-robot” relationship will change the modern “world of professions” from the current ratio of “71-29” to “58-42” and a lot of professions will be unclaimed. Discussing these problems, the authors come to the conclusion that if modern education develops towards narrow specialization, the prospects for the human capital reproduction will be dead-end. It is no coincidence that the main motives of the latest report of the Club of Rome were “Come on! Capitalism, Chort - termism, Population and Destruction of the Planet”, together with the harsh criticism of capitalism, the rejection of materialism and reductionism, the call for a new Enlightenment, the recitation of a holistic worldview and planetary civilization. The main thesis, shared by us completely and unconditionally, is that for the future development, "Education for the Economy" and "Education for the Person" come down to the negation of the absolutism of the principle "Education for Employment". New education is a worldview based on the whole “spectrum of conflicting and complementary perspectives”, on integrity and complementarity, on adaptation to cultural diversity. That is, education itself turns into a profession, the main status sign of which is the reproduction of the subject (individual) by himself and for himself, thereby determining his social and biological evolution.


Е.V. Kudryashova, S.E. Sorokin
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: университет, «третья миссия», регион, образование, глобальные вызовы, трансформация, university, "third mission", region, education, global challenges, transformation

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The study is devoted to the implementation of the "third mission" of universities, the relevance of which is due to the expansion of traditional functions, tasks and areas of responsibility of education. At the same time, the scientific community lacks a unified approach to understanding the nature, characteristics and forms of the "third mission" and the parameters of its Russian model have not yet been determined. The authors consider this problem through the prism of global challenges facing the system of higher education in Russia, which give universities new meanings and guidelines. The authors include mass characterization, globalization, utilitarianism and commercialization of higher education, innovation, the emergence of the social mission of universities associated with the reproduction of culture, Informatization, leading to the emergence of new forms of communication and organization of the educational process. Having analyzed the main scientific approaches to the definition of the essence, characteristics and directions of the "third mission" by the method of socio-philosophical analysis, the authors determine the positive effects of this activity for universities and regional society. They include the formation of a stable social environment in which it is possible to build long-term development strategies and the University and the region, increasing the attractiveness of the University for students, getting students competencies in demand in the economy and social sphere of the region. At the same time, the region has the opportunity to involve the University in the implementation of its development strategy. The main problems that prevent the introduction of the elements of the "third mission" in the practical work of educational institutions of higher education are identified, and ways to solve them are proposed. Conclusions are drawn about the need for universities to develop strategies for their development, taking into account the global transformation processes, changing needs of society, the peculiarities of interaction with the territorial authorities, the local community and other regional stakeholders.


A. M. Ablazhey
Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: академическая наука, кадры, престиж, «проточная система», адаптация, диссертация, перспективы, academic science, personnel, prestige, «stream system», adaptation, dissertation, perspective

Abstract >>
He study of the consistent transformation patterns and present state of the traditional for the Russian scientific field mechanisms and institutions is of undoubted importance and relevance. It is connected with the forthcoming radical reform of the institute of postgraduate education. The personnel situation is a litmus test of the state of affairs in science as a whole, an assessment of its real prestige and development prospects. The assessment of the “graduate postgraduate studies” practice, which was widely used at the NSC institutions in the mid-2000s, was also important. In this study the author based himself on the classic type of postgraduate school, where teacher - student model works. The empirical base of the study was interviews with supervisors of full-time postgraduate students; the sample was 52 respondents - representatives of all scientific fields. The greatest emphasis was placed on a survey of scientists engaged in natural and exact sciences. The scientific supervisors of postgraduate students assessed the problem of recruiting young people as one of the key problems for Russian science, and according to the majority of respondents, postgraduate school solves it “only partly”. The prestige of postgraduate school "remains unchanged"; a significant proportion of the respondents also expressed confidence that a big number of high school graduates are still characterized by "the desire to devote their lives to science." Assessing the level of requirements for dissertation works, the majority of respondents were of the opinion that they have always been of “high level”. Evaluating the “graduate postgraduate education” system, the majority of respondents considered it “an acceptable way to replenish science with capable young employees”. Most of the Experts evaluated the resolving role of the graduate school as quite successful, recognizing that the change in the place of science in the system of social institutions of Russian society could not but affect postgraduate school. This gave grounds to state the presence of qualitative deformations in the system of reproduction of science.


L.A. Overchuk
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: принципы непрерывного образования, LLL-Lifelong Learning, ключевые компетенции, андрагогика, модернизация института высшего образования, информационное общество, principles of continuous education, LLL-Lifelong Learning, key competences, andragogy, modernization of the Institute of higher education, information society

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The article discusses the relevance and the main problems of the implementation of Lifelong Learning (LLL) in the system of higher education as a continuum and the basis for the full inclusion of the individual in the life of a knowledge-based society. The key normative documents, principles and conditions for the formation of LLL are identified, the terminological characteristics of the concepts of continuing education and the knowledge as a product of society are determined. Particular emphasis is placed on the change of the axiological paradigm of education and self-improvement of the individual in the process of transformation to the Knowledge society. The problem of LLL in higher education is considered by us from the standpoint of the dialectical unity of the interpretative framework of holistic and individualistic approaches, including those, based on the results of study by T. Parsons, A. Geddens. The search for new meanings and values of education should be associated with the study of the individual as an educational subject, and not only with the consideration of the University in its social role and functional purpose, depending on the world's education models. The idea of continuing education is not the latest of modern concepts of society related to the reform of the education system. Nevertheless, the creation of a new infrastructure for self-improvement of the individual in the conditions of the University, based on technological and methodological opportunities developed within the framework of the concept of continuing education, is becoming an urgent problem of Russian society, in which the professional development of people of all ages is complicated by the rapidly changing structure of the labor market and structural unemployment, largely associated with hyperproduction of graduates with higher education. The mechanisms of adaptation of Knowledge to the changing needs of the individual and society should also be well studied and in demand by all actors of the higher education system, contributing to the development of a just and socially oriented society.


O. P. Karnaukhov
Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russian Federation
Keywords: философское мировоззрение, природный и социальный мир, космос и хаос, порядок и хаос, организованность и неорганизованность, прошлое и настоящее, philosophical worldview, the natural and social world, space and chaos, order and chaos, organization and disorganization, past and present

Abstract >>
Introduction. At the beginning of the XXI century, social processes are becoming more complex, diverse, interconnected, proceeding with acceleration. Some processes are moving towards development, others are destructive, and still others are uncertain. This creates special conditions for social transformations, in which not only scenarios for the development and harmonization of global society, but also a sharp increase in global problems with the subsequent degradation of society and the nature of the planet are possible. Understanding modern social events and transformations requires of humanitarian specialists broad socio-philosophical worldview, based not only on modern knowledge, but also on the rich experience of the philosophical culture of the past age about possible manifestations of order and chaos in people's lives. The purpose of the article is to make a certain contribution to the formation of the modern socio-philosophical worldview by studying the opposite world processes and paired categories that reflect them, starting with the fundamental ones - space and chaos. Methodology and research methods. Applied: dialectical methodology; systemic and synergistic approaches; methods: the relationship of historical and logical, axiological, comparative, analogies, as well as the integration of the results. Results. The deep knowledge of the essence of modern processes is impossible without the cultural-philosophical analysis of a similar experience of past. The study showed that notions of the life instability not only of people and society, but also of the world as a whole, developed starting with the oldest primitive and archaic cultures. These fundamental views have undergone their transformation in later years of the mankind development, up to the present. Therefore, the experience of knowing past social events, enclosed in culture and social philosophy, contains a number of important knowledge that can serve as a basis for developing ways to stabilize, streamline modern social life and prevent the most dangerous crisis phenomena in modern civilization. The pairs of categories have been investigated: space and chaos, order and chaos, formation and destruction. Different aspects of the relations of the cosmos (order) and chaos (in statics, dynamics, self-movement), as well as the forms of manifestation of order and chaos in the past and present are determined. Conclusion. The important aspects of the socio-philosophical understanding of the relations of the cosmos (order) and chaos (in statics, dynamics, self-movement), as well as the forms of manifestation of order and chaos, which took place not only in the past, but in modern life as well, have been identified.


E.V. Barbashina1,2, N.V. Guljaevskaja1
1Novosibirsk Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Institute of philosophy and law of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: дистанционное обучение, электронное обучение, проблемы дистанционного обучения, дистанционное/электронное обучение, минимизация сложностей дистанционного/электронного обучения, distance education, e-learning, distance learning, remote problem/eLearning, minimizing the difficulties of distance/e-learning

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Having passed a long way of development, distance learning from the category of innovation is going to the one of common sight. The gap in space and (until modern phase) in time has been the intact sign of each stage of its development. Distance learning is also characterized by the presence of technology, dialogue between the learner and the trainer, a high proportion of self-study, formal organization. As it is demonstrated by our study, distance learning in higher education, has a number of problems. To solve them, we proposed the subject-centered approach, since there are always people behind all economic, political, legal, pedagogical, psychological problems of distance learning. After identifying the main difficulties, the ways to minimize them were proposed: permanent two-way communication between teachers and students, instructors and students, teachers and instructors; encouragement and support of communication between students, conducting face-to-face meetings between students and teachers; duplication of academic and organizational information; interaction of students with students-tutors.


R.R. Khadiullina, A.K. Matasova, A.M. Galimov, V.I. Volchkova
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture Sport and Tourism, Kazan, Russian Federation
Keywords: предметно-языковое интегрированное обучение, кейс-стади, метод перевернутого класса, the subject- language integrated training, case-study, the Flipped Class method

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The article raises the question of the need of teaching a number of profile disciplines in a foreign language (the subject-language integrated training) for students of the faculty of service and tourism. After graduating from a higher education institution, graduates of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes of specialisms «Service", "Tourism", and "Hospitality" have to know a foreign language at the level sufficient for the solution of problems of interpersonal and cross-cultural interaction, and for the implementation of business communications in professional activity: working in a contact zone with the consumer, consulting, coordinating, maintaining documentation, etc. The article describes the experience of teaching the course "Restaurant and Hotel Service" - one of the profile disciplines taught at the faculty of service and tourism of the FGBOU VO "Volga region state academy of physical culture, sport and tourism" - in English. The method of delivering lectures involving dialogue, not only in the direction Teacher ↔ Student but also Student ↔ Student, when students become active participants in delivering lecture material, is presented in the article. While conducting practical training, two methods were used. At the core of the first method there is preliminary preparation of presentations on given subjects by a subgroup of students (in 4-5 people), with further performance and discussion of material in English and Russian. The second method of conducting practicals is based on problem training with the solution of cases directly at practical sessions without preliminary training of students. The comparative analysis of the results of the entering (at the beginning of a semester) and intermediate (at the end of a semester) students’ tests regarding their language competence on the basis of the All-European scale (Common European Framework of Reference), and the questionnaire of the students showed the efficiency of teaching profile disciplines in English. The most pronounced dynamics of language competence was shown by the students of the experimental group. The prospects of the subject- language integrated training, including the use of the «Flipped Class” method, are presented in the article.


N.R. Kruglova
Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: качество высшего образования, государственное регулирование качества, система менеджмента качества, стандарт ISO 21001:2018, quality of higher education, state regulation of quality, quality management system, ISO 21001:2018 standard

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The article deals with methodological approaches to quality control of higher education in different historical periods of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, due to the state of scientific and pedagogical thought, the state of the economy and the direction of state policy. The concept of "quality of higher education" from a social and economic point of view, as a social good and educational service is considered. It is shown that during the first five years of Soviet power, the quality control was carried out on a personal-oriented pedological basis, then it was considered anti-scientific and replaced with taking into account formal indicators: academic performance, attendance, participation in socialist competition and others. In post-war years the quality control was focused on achievement of socially significant results for the state. Scientists developed a national system of quality education, qualimetric indicators and evaluation criteria. In the post-perestroika period in a market economy, under the conditions of the standardization of education and signing of the Bologna agreement, the quality management systems that meet international standards were developed and implemented in Russian universities. Russia aspired to the competitiveness of higher education and entry into the international educational space. The article shows the ambiguous attitude to the Bologna agreement of the scientific community. The initial directions of the development of quality management systems in Russian universities (SWOT analysis, TQM concept and ISO 9000:2000 standards) are outlined, the main features of the new international quality standard ISO 21001:2018 are highlighted. It is determined, in accordance with domestic and foreign developments, that modern quality management systems should be mobile, constantly improving, taking into account national and international requirements, as well as based on the evaluation of quality processes in organizations. The historical stages of the state education quality regulation through licensing and the accreditation procedure are considered. The problems, as well as the main trends and prospects for improving the quality of higher education are highlighted. The quality of higher education is determined as a guarantee of training competitive, mobile and high-demand professionals.


S. B. Perevozkin, Yu. M. Perevozkina
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: roles, interpersonal interaction, cadets, higher military education, pedagogical innovations, new method for diagnosing role models

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The article analyzes the problem of the role structure of cadets, the relevance of which is due to the reforms in the system of higher military education, the complexity of training programs and the increasing requirements for the training of unit commanders. It is noted that in the process of interpersonal interaction in the military team, it is assumed that certain roles will be performed. A new method for diagnosing cadets' role models as participants in the pedagogical process is proposed, using the innovative Kaleidoscope technique, which includes 10 main roles related to the meso-level. The differentiation of roles according to three criteria is considered: activity-passivity, individualism-sociality and spontaneity-traditionalism. The purpose of the article is the disclosure of the features of the role structure of cadets as subjects of the pedagogical process in the context of interpersonal interaction. A three-factor structure was obtained, explaining more than 67.36% of the total variability, consisting of the moral and emotional aspect of the role-playing behavior of a serviceman in professional activities, role-playing professionally significant qualities of the defender of the fatherland and the expressive-creative potential in implementing role-playing behavior in the pedagogical process. It is determined that the selected role factors reflect a contradictory unity and include, on the one hand, the role of subordination to the standards and regulations of the military community, and on the other hand, the roles that fulfill the expectations of the homeland defender, the winner, the hero, and the role of leader. It is concluded that the consideration of role factors acting at the personality level as content-informational education introduces new changes in the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process at a military university. In addition, it is noted that the role-based interactions implement the conditions for reprogramming the role profile of the participants in the pedagogical interaction, which contributes to the exit from the individual space into the meta-space.


A.V. Tebekin, A.V. Khoreva
Moscow State Institut of International Relations MFA of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: современные подходы, обеспечение качества, подготовка кадров, modern approaches, quality assurance, training

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From a conceptual position, historical development trends, current problems and prospects for ensuring the quality of personnel training were considered, taking into account the provisions of the organization management and quality management concepts. For the first time, conceptual approaches to ensuring the quality of personnel training were systematized and it was shown that they can be described by the following stages of development: in the 1900s, the concept of monitoring the quality of personnel training according to accepted standards; in the 1910s - the concept of taking into account the variability of the characteristics of the quality of training in the continuous process of learning; in the 1920s - a concept based on the large-scale use of statistical methods of quality control; in the 1930s - the concept of ensuring the reliability of knowledge and skills that guarantee the ability of trainees to keep them within the established limits at specified time intervals; in the 1940s. - a concept based on accounting in the system of personnel training for the best practical experience of previous periods of study; in the 1950s, the concept of active use in the management of training processes for quality tools; in the 1960s, with the concept of quality training, based on the TQC and CWQC quality management methodologies, taking into account the behavioral approach concept; in the 1970s, with the concept of quality training based on the TQM methodology; in the 1980s, using the concept of a management culture and the universal quality management system (UQM) as a basis; in the 1990s - the concept of quality management training, based on innovation and the concept of quality-based management (QMC); in the 2000s - the concept of quality management training, based on the concept of management by objectives; in the 2010s - the concept of quality management training, based on the active introduction of information technology; in the 2020s - the concept of quality management based on combinatorial technologies.


E. A. Pahomova1, D. A. Alferenko2
1Russian state vocational pedagogical University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
2Private educational institution В«Kemerovo cooperative technical school», Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Keywords: среднее профессиональное образование, условия формирования конкурентоспособности выпускника, социальное партнерство, secondary vocational education, conditions of formation of competitiveness of the graduate, social partnership

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The Federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education (FSES SPO) reflect the requirements for graduates of the College in the field of formed competitiveness. Despite the tasks defined by the state educational policy in the field of ensuring the competitiveness of students, they have a clear underestimation of the importance of competitiveness for the success of their professional career. Although the problem of competitiveness of graduates is devoted to a lot of research in the context of various factors affecting it and the changed socio-cultural situation, but requires a more thorough study of the possibilities of social partnership of the College with employers and the impact of various organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of its formation. The article deals with the organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the formation of competitiveness among College graduates in the social partnership of the College with employers: the organization of a competitive and developing integrative educational environment; the creation of the Institute of mentoring as an integral element of the integrative educational process; special training of teachers of the College for the future activities on the formation of the competitiveness of the student in the social partnership of the College with employers. Each of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions is disclosed in detail, the component structure of the integrative educational environment and the principles of its organization.


Yu. A. Bychenok, A.P. Pichugin
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: местное самоуправление, сельская местность, некоммерческие организации, муниципальная власть, социально-экономическое развитие, local government, rural areas, non-profit organizations, municipal government, socio-economic development

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The country's economy and its social sphere, including education and formation of a person, are directly dependent on the social orientation possibilities of all creative and material forces. At the same time, regardless of the forms of management in a given territory, various public non-profit organizations and associations manifest themselves and can play an important role in improving municipal governments. The article examines some types of public organizations in the form of NGOs which contribute to the manifestation of the sense of pride for the countrymen, for history and nature which are given by the locality. Changes in the number of people living in rural areas have been noted downward, not exceeding the parameters of natural decline without a migration component. The most important characteristics of the local community have been determined: population with established history, lifestyle, traditions and adopted rules. It is shown that activities and relationships of people have spatial and temporal dimensions associated with the boundaries of interaction or the boundaries of a local community. Taking into account domestic practices and the experience of foreign countries, specific examples present the possibility of a positive impact of a developed system of non-profit organizations on local authorities in order to solve such important issues for the population as: material and moral support and protection of citizens; overcoming the consequences of natural, environmental, technological and other disasters; environmental and animal protection; activities in the field of education, science, culture, health care, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens, physical culture and sports, promoting spiritual growth of the individual; activities in the field of military-patriotic education of the younger generation. All this contributes to the strengthening of the role of local authorities and raising the status of municipalities, which has a positive effect on improving the efficiency of local government and improving the socio-economic environment.


V. E. Steinberg, N. N. Manko, E. M. Gabitova, L. V. Vakhidova, L. R. Saitova
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa, Russian Federation
Keywords: мелодия, музыкальное коллекционирование, моноантология, сравнительное музыкослушание, аудиоконтент, melody, music collecting, comparative music listening, audio content

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The article presents the experience of musical collectibles using the method of comparative music and technical means. In the formation of audio content, cultural and educational tasks were solved; thanks to the use of information technology tools, the Life of Remarkable Melodies training program has been created, protected (as RIA).


Ya. V. Proskura, E.A. Terekhova
Siberian Institute of management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: педагогическая технология, технологии обучения, интерес и мотивация, обучающие игры, интерактивные методы обучения, pedagogical technology, teaching technologies, interest and motivation, educational games, interactive teaching methods

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This article discusses how modern psychological and pedagogical technologies at English lessons can influence on the teaching process and its results. It reveals the essence and content of the concepts of «pedagogical technologies», «personality-oriented approach to learning», «method of projects», «information technologies», «method of brainstorming», «method of role play». In this article, the «method of projects» is considered from the point of the application of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies, which requires the integrated knowledge and research in the formation of motivation and cognitive interest in English classes. A special place in the article is devoted to the objectives of this method: practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the intended results; independent activity; structuring the content of the project; using of the research methods. Also, the article focuses on the «Brainstorming method», the usage of this method in foreign languages teaching, its advantages and peculiarities, classification of the main types of brainstorming. It describes the experience of applying this method in English classes, the distinctive features and advantages of this method are gradually revealed. All these pedagogical technologies contribute to more effective teaching by increasing students ' interest and motivation. The article studies the usage of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies in foreign languages teaching, its advantages and peculiarities for language and professional socialization. This paper dwells upon the problems of students` professional training: the specificity of professional identity, professional adaptation, mastering students` communicative awareness and professional skills. These methods contributes to the development of communication skills, expand horizons, formation of general educational skills and the development of independent search activities.


E.A. Avtandilyan
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: доверительная коммуникация, психологическое консультирование, психотерапевт, пациент, осознанность, присутствие, уровни взаимодействия (присутствия), формальное общение, поддержание контакта, стандартные беседы, критические обстоятельства, интимность, Trust - based communication, psychological counseling, psychotherapist, patient, awareness, presence, levels of interaction (presence), formal communication, maintaining contact, standard conversations, critical circumstances, intimacy

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Problems related to trust and trust communication have long been in the field of view of various Sciences, primarily psychology and pedagogy. At the same time, the modern meaning of this concept has expanded: trust is not only understood as a form of communication with its own kind ("I" - "other"), but also in relation to oneself. The analysis of the classification of levels of interaction between the psychotherapist and the patient, which Beaudgenthal calls "levels of presence" and concrete examples of how different levels during the conversation can activate different levels of awareness of both participants in the process, gives grounds to assert, that confidential communication is a synthesis of intellectual and behavioral functions of a person, and its principles work on similar algorithms both in psychological counseling and in other areas, for example, in pedagogy or so-called "Eastern practices". The study of problems related to trust communication is a challenge for the researcher, stimulating the search for new, hitherto undeveloped methods of analysis, and also involves the openness of the scientist to synergy with the algorithms of work existing in art or in the so-called "Eastern practices", which sometimes have no direct relation to rational knowledge. However, the assimilation and processing of the experience of the Eastern teachings from the point of view of the "Western" rational science could shed light on some of the mysteries of the functioning of the human mind. Finding points of intersection and developing appropriate models of not just comparative but "synergistic" research seems to be one of the first steps to move towards the convergence of the "Eastern and Western" branch of scientific knowledge. Beaudgental introduced an extremely important, in our view, concept of "presence", especially relevant in the context of counselling in the case when the objective is not so much psycho-correction as inner growth and self-development. Despite the fact that the description of the phenomenon of "expansion of internal vision" (attention, presence) given by Beaudgental or awareness (which, according to him, at certain moments "does not need words"), are still difficult to formalize and verify by the methods available to modern science, it can be argued with certainty that the concepts of "awareness" and" presence", introduced by Beaudgental, undoubtedly are the cornerstone of the reproduction process of confidential communication in psychological counseling, without which any positive changes in the life cycle of a person in need of such assistance will be very conditional.


A. E. Fomin
Tsiolkovskу Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Russian Federation
Keywords: метакогнитивный мониторинг, сверхуверенность, эвристические умозаключения, доступность, metacognitive monitoring, overconfidence, heuristic inference, availability

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Results of a theoretical and empirical research of factors of metacognitive monitoring of the solution of tests of knowledge by pupils of high school are presented in article. The concept of metacognitive monitoring and its role of structure of cognitive activity of the person is opened. The main method of a research of metacognitive monitoring is the paradigm of calibration (realism) of confidence. The paradigm of calibration is implemented in correlation of metacognitive judgments and objective success of the solution of a task. Empirical researches in which the interrelation between the accuracy of metacognitive judgments and the academic success is studied are analyzed. Pupils who estimate own knowledge and the academic abilities more precisely show higher educational achievements. Pupils who are excessively sure of the competence study significantly worse than the peers. The problem of psychological mechanisms of metacognitive monitoring of the solution of educational tasks is considered. In cognitive psychology there are two hypotheses explaining essence of metacognitive monitoring. The hypothesis of direct access to cognitive activity means that the pupil has direct access to the knowledge. Other approach is that the pupil makes monitoring on the basis of indirect signs of the solution (for example, availability of answers at execution of the test). In this case creation of metacognitive judgments is result of heuristic processing. It is empirically shown that judgments of confidence depend on availability of extraction of test tasks in memory. The hypothesis of direct access to the content of memory did not receive confirmation. These data allow to draw a conclusion on the reasons of metacognitive illusions in the doctrine and possible risks of the academic poor progress.


Yu.N. Belokopytov, G.V. Panasenko
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: выгорание и психотерапия, психотерапия Роджерса, феномены влияния, условия психотерапии, burnout and psychotherapy, Rogers’ psychotherapy, phenomena of influence, conditions of psychotherapy

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The purpose of the study is to substantiate the psychotherapeutic parameter for the prophylaxis and prevention of professional burnout of the individual. For in recent years, an acute problem has arisen that hinders the success of those engaged in a certain number of professions. These are professions of the “person-person” sphere, namely, teachers, educators, doctors, etc. All those who interact through information and energy channels in the process of business communication. Over time, a person begins to tire quickly, loses interest not only in their work, but also in interpersonal relationships. They have a "professional burnout" syndrome. Usually, the causes of its appearance are associated with stress, conflicts. In our opinion, the reason lies in the violation of the system of human relations integrity, their disharmony and chipping. Therefore, we offer the psychotherapy by K.R. Rogers, as a control parameter to prevent burnout of a person. In the article, psychotherapy by K.R. Rogers, is explained in terms of the theory of chaos. The principles of interaction are revealed on the model of nonlinear systems, during the transition from chaos to order. Thus, the emphasis is shifted from the dyadic interaction between the psychotherapist and the client to the system interaction of the meeting group and the client. Analysis of the reasons for the success of group meetings in Europe, the USA and Japan showed that in the process of the psychotherapeutic group self-organization, socio-psychological phenomena arise. They have the optimal influence on the deep psychological processes, the ordered structuring of the client's personality. In self-organization groups by k. Rogers, you can build a series of interaction models. They appear spontaneously. Each meeting team leader develops their own system of psychotherapeutic techniques. The article also reveals individual psychotherapy, which is a special case of group psychotherapy. The necessary conditions for effective psychotherapy and building the harmony of human relations are singled out. They are: congruence, positive attitude and empathy. The recommendations on psychological counseling of the person with the resulting symptom of "professional burnout" are substantiated.


M.R. Arpentieva1, P.V. Menshikov1, O.P. Stepanova2, O.V. Tokar2, N.G. Bazhenova2, E.D. Bazhenova2
1K.E. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Russian Federation
2Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: дидактическая коммуникация, конструктивистский подход, интерсубъективность, рефлексивность, консенсус, didactic communication, constructivist approach, intersubjectivity, reflexivity, consensus

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The article deals with the problems of constructivist reflection and the construction of didactic communication, the innovations, opportunities and limitations that the constructivist model of pedagogical interaction offers. The aim of the work was an analysis of innovations and perspectives of understanding the modern educational process in the context of the constructivist approach. Postmodern, the era of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, leaving, leaves many interesting and productive developments, which undoubtedly include constructivism. Contesting the existence of reality as such, constructivism offered several solutions to the problem of man’s comprehension of himself and the world. These solutions united by a common idea of producing internal and external reality in social dialogue, in the interaction of people and groups (actors and co-actors) interested in solving problems, united in situational , subject, active collaborations (associations, groups) to develop the best and satisfying all participants as stakeholders of a consensus solution of the problem. Constructivism has changed the view of what is happening in the relations of people in a number of areas, including management and education. Findings. Due to its debatable nature, the development of constructivism ideas in the context of the development of educational ideologies and technologies activates the processes of reconceptualization of the traditional model of didactic communication, and the constructionist model of education itself can and should become an object of systematic methodological, theoretical, empirical and applied research. Any of these approaches can be disclosed as an example of a constructivist educational model. The leading signs of this model are the dialogue nature of education, the focus on understanding the internal and external world in a dialogue with significant other people. This model assumes the consideration of such a dialogue as a process by which a person builds his own life world and himself, as a creative “rediscovery” of the basic truths of human existence, as making socially and personally meaningful decisions in a situation of educational, professional and life choices.