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"Philosophy of Education"

2021 year, number 3


S. I. Chernykh1, I. G. Borisenko2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: MOOC, STEM, education, STEAM education, DSP (digital educational environment), higher education, subject of learning, connectivism

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Introduction. Higher education, as well as the entire education system, is undergoing global transformations today. The creation of a digital educational environment (DSP) is becoming the main trend in these transformations. Massive open educational courses (MOOCs) are a component (perhaps the most developed today) of the digital educational environment. The purpose of this work is to clarify the effectiveness of the use of MOOCs in the educational process and determine the student’s readiness for this. Is higher school sound in the discourse of such preparation of the subject for his/her independent work in the “digital learning space”, in which the level of paternalism is sharply reduced? Methodology and methods of the research were based on the principles of connectivism (W. Flusser, D. Siemens, S. Downs and others) and social constructionism (P. Berger, T. Luckman, etc.). Two of them are decisive. Learning is a process that takes place in an uncertain environment and cannot be completely controlled by the student’s personality. Therefore, the learning process must be supported from the outside, with the help of the Network, and the main task of the student is to include him/herself in this Network, subject to the creation of his/her own learning trajectory (communication). At the same time, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and MOOCs are considered as a kind of communication nodes that ensure the solution of individual learning goals and the creation of a new type of educational community. Research related to assessing their prospects and effectiveness is based on specific reflexive systems developed in the discourse of an interdisciplinary approach. The reflection of the ongoing changes is based on the thesis of the inevitability of the dialectical removal of previously stable (as educational paradigms) behaviorism and constructivism by connectivism. At the same time, it is teaching technologies that often become the basis for discussions. STEM and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Àrts, Mathematics), SCRUM, Agile, Basho, Kaizen and other methods and technologies (in their practical development) confirm a stable line of increasing activity and self-activity student as the main subject of the educational space. How do students know how to use this independence? How effective is it in containing STEM technology? The main thesis confirming the undoubted benefits of STEM is the statement that in this educational environment, students use «both brains and hands», that is, they immediately learn to receive and use knowledge, developing their practical abilities. The authors attempt to confirm or question the absoluteness of this statement. In a concrete pedagogical respect, this is the problem of correlating the theoretical material studied with the help of MOOCs and solving practical problems on the basis of this material. The results of the research. To answer the question, a pilot study was carried out at the Siberian Federal University (so far for two sections of the discipline “Engineering and Computer Graphics” - “Engineering Graphics” and “Descriptive Geometry”). The description of the pilot study at the Siberian Federal University showed that the high test results in the MOOC, obtained during the independent study of the theoretical part of the course, were not confirmed when solving practical problems. This controversial situation undoubtedly requires more thorough research in this direction, since it casts doubt on the effectiveness of planning and managing the learning process in STEM and STEAM educational environments. This, in turn, requires a more thorough study of their pedagogical, psychological and technological foundations. Conclusion. The authors have no doubt that replacing (so far elemental) of instructionism (on the platform of behaviorism) and social constructionism, and then connectivism, is a strategic way of interaction between the individual and the Network. The creation of DSP can be considered both as a disruptive innovation and as the beginning of the formation of a qualitatively different education ecosystem. Networked learning will more and more resemble the «big game» of everyone with everyone, and endowing knowledge (the product of the game) with a personal meaning will carry more and more social potential. However, as private teaching practices show, in order to obtain such results, the architecture of education needs a radical revision, and not in one-step acts and decisions. Blended learning from this perspective can be the optimal means of overcoming the sensations of “shock educational policy” and bridging the gap (along with project technologies) between theory and practice for the student.


I. V. Yakovleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: philosophy of education, fundamental science, reform of the education system, domestic education, philosophical reflection

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Introduction. The “Philosophy of Education” journal is a peer-reviewed scientific publication, on the basis of which for twenty years the search for new initial foundations and the development of fundamental socio-philosophical knowledge (ontology of education, epistemology and epistemology of education, axiology of education, praxiology of education, etc.) has been carried out in order to develop a new methodology for the philosophy of education in the field of philosophical (ontology and theory of knowledge, social philosophy) and pedagogical sciences (theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing by areas and levels of education) on topical problems of the “society - education - person” system. Methodology and methods of the research. When studying the publication activity of the “Philosophy of Education” journal for the period 2001-2005, the methodological sources were the traditional fundamental educational provisions, the principles of social existence formed on the basis of historical experience and modern socio-cultural realities, and the laws of social development. Considering that the education system not only reflects the social life of society, but also represents a decisive factor in the development of society, therefore, the solution of the issues of forecasting research directions in the philosophy of education is based on fundamental ideas, concepts and methodology of philosophical reflection. The reliance on the philosophy of education as the main methodological principle of the development and improvement of Russian society is necessary as a strategy for the revival of domestic traditions and innovative development of modern Russia. The results of the research were the analysis of publications ranked according to the rubrics of the journal “Philosophy of Education”, formulated in recent years of publishing activity in accordance with the sections: methodological foundations of the philosophy of education, the philosophy of the development of society and education, the world experience of the theory of pedagogy, the study of educational systems of the East and West, the values and goals of Russian education, human problems in the philosophy of education, the philosophy of education, specific methods and innovations in the practice of education, health-saving technologies in education, questions of the formation of spirituality, the history of the philosophy of education and forecasting in education, which contributed to the creation of an objective platform for the formation and determination of the initial foundations of the philosophy of education as an independent philosophical knowledge about education in the field of social philosophy. Conclusion. The results of the five-year work of the “Philosophy of Education” journal revealed the presence of scientific and methodological foundations necessary for the development of the philosophy of education, necessary for the reflection of reforms and modernization of education. Modern Russian education is unthinkable without philosophical foundations that allow forming rational thinking and a holistic worldview.


E. V. Shtager
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: instructional design, engineering education, disciplinary convergence of engineering university, discipline-concentrate, training resource, ADDIE technique

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Introduction. Achieving metasubject educational results requires specialized didactic support, attracting the trainee attention to the generalized principles of mastering the provided subject knowledge. This approach will make it possible to intensify the formation of a holistic meaning picture of the world. Methodology and methods of the research. As a general scientific base, the ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation) technique was used as a universal tool for system design of training materials. To control the process of formation of metasubject knowledge, understood as the ability to use cross-subject concepts as a mechanism for mastering cross-disciplinary content, the concept of a scientific picture of the world has been chosen. The results of the research. As a training resource, the textbook is considered as information and methodological support of basic engineering disciplines. The objective as the formation of generalized techniques for the synthesis of engineering knowledge is determined as a result of a multidimensional analysis of all groups of competencies of a graduate engineer. It is shown that the procedural basis of the general scheme of presenting substantive information is philosophical analysis and systematization of fundamental concepts of discipline-concentrate. On this basis, the traditional structure of educational materials is optimized. The core of the information array is a reference concept of theoretical knowledge, reflecting the principles of the relationship of the entire conceptual apparatus. A set of training methods based on the proposed information resource is justified. The Kirkpatrick method was used to determine the effectiveness of training materials. Conclusion. Using the ADDIE technique allows constructing educational material in the form of a holistic navigation system, focused on the formation of the foundations of methodological knowledge as the basic elements of a scientific worldview.


V. V. Petrov
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: scientific knowledge production, university dualism, technology transfer

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Introduction. As a result of the systemic transformations that took place in Russian society at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, serious changes took place in the organization of the production of scientific knowledge and its subsequent transfer. In accordance with global trends, Russian universities in modern conditions are forced to focus on “Western” models, where one of the key indicators of success is the production of fundamental knowledge. The paper identifies the key functions of the system of science and education in modern conditions and identifies the positive elements of the previous experience in the development of educational systems that can be successfully adapted in the Russian conditions of post-industrial development. Methodology and methods of the research. The method of philosophical conceptualization used by the author made it possible to conduct a retrospective analysis of changes in the structure, form and methods of scientific knowledge production and its subsequent transmission in the university sector. With the help of this approach, it was possible to identify reforms that had a positive effect on the development of higher education, to determine the reasons why they were carried out and to identify the key elements of the organization of scientific and educational activities that contributed to the successful transition of the education and science system to a qualitatively new level in the changed socio-cultural conditions. The results of the research. It is shown that the university, state and corporate sectors of scientific research, functioning in modern conditions, were formed at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. It was found that the transition period of the second half of the 19th century led along with the development of traditional universities and their evolution to the widespread creation of an alternative scientific and educational sector of an applied nature in the form of technical, agricultural, pedagogical, commercial and other similar types of colleges and institutes. It is substantiated that the simultaneous development of the university and non-university sectors led to the emergence of university dualism, within which the directions and forms of scientific research expanded. It is shown that the university sector is built on the model of integration of teaching and research, while the non-university sector is focused on the transfer of scientific, mainly applied knowledge. Conclusion. As a result of the work carried out, it was demonstrated that the successful development of the scientific and educational process does not require a complete transfer of academic science to universities. It is substantiated that the formation of university dualism makes it possible to simultaneously successfully develop scientific research in the university and non-university sectors.


V. A. Nikolayev
"Nasha Shkola" school and kindergarten educational complex, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: pedagogy of development, "living (vivid) knowledge", general education school, pedagogical process, school educational and technological environment

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Introduction. The aim of the paper is to discuss the ways of improving modern school education through understanding and appeal to such concepts as “pedagogy of development” and “living (vivid) knowledge”. Based on the fundamental approaches formulated by Yu. K. Babansky to the pedagogical process as a single holistic process of students’ training, upbringing and development with focus on the modern socio-cultural situation, it is essential to create conditions under which “living (vivid) knowledge” becomes the teacher’s goal and his/her professional self-determination upon the active nature of the pedagogical “action” in organizing new students’ “actions” which leads to the formation of living (vivid) knowledge. Methodology and methods of the research. Philosophy of education, philosophical and pedagogical anthropology, philosophical and pedagogical axiology, psychological pedagogy, the principles of Orthodox pedagogy, and the theory of evolutionary pedagogy are the methodological basis of this research. Methodological basis of this research is fundamental ideas, research methods formulated by outstanding philosophers, teachers, psychologists of the past and present, which have been thoroughly analyzed in this paper, whereas the appeal and devotion to the best traditions of the pedagogy of development and living (vivid) knowledge give the right to consider the author as a successor of their ideas and approaches. The results of the research are defined in the author’s position on perception of the idea of living (vivid) pedagogical knowledge through considering the “formula” of changing pedagogical professionalism and the construction of an educational and technological environment for the development of giftedness in schools. This paper presents approaches to the formation of an educational and technological development environment based on integrative solutions for its formation and development: new pedagogics, new educational content, new assessment policy, new technologies, new processes and managerial superstructures. In conclusion the expected outcomes of school educational and technological environment design aimed at students’ development are formulated. The ultimate outcomes of designing school educational and technological development environment are as follows: a successful and happy student with developed personal qualities and attitudes, who is capable of systemic thinking, understanding communication, and reflexivity. To achieve the specified outcomes, School of Ability Development (“Nasha Shkola”, Novosibirsk) concentrates all its efforts on systemic changes in the organization of the students’ training process, their upbringing and development which will definitely lead to the emergence and manifestation of the norms of living (vivid) knowledge.


M. A. Abramova1,2, E. V. Balganova3
1Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3Siberian Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: market of educational services, labor market, educational program, university, methods and criteria for the quality assessment, competitiveness of the educational program, subjectivity and objectivity of assessment

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Introduction. The authors, referring to the trends in the development of the modern market of educational services, pose the problem of assessing the competitiveness of universities and their educational products, namely, the subjectivity and objectivity of the criteria used. Methodology and methods of the research. The analysis of the criteria used by various methods for assessing the competitiveness of universities is based on institutional, synergetic and communicative approaches. The authors rely on the perception of the university not only as a translator of the social order but also within the framework of the synergetic theory, as a cumulative embodiment of the private opinion of each participant in the process of preparing a student, including him/herself. The result of studying the influence of individual interrelated factors on the learning process is the construction of multi-factor models of indices, including those reflecting customer satisfactions. The results of the research. The paper considers the features of the application of foreign and domestic criteria for assessing the competitiveness of a university and its educational programs, the methodology for compiling university ratings in the context of comparing the subjective and objective nature of the reflection of ongoing processes. The authors draw attention to the imperfection of the existing evaluation methods, which are directly related to the market conditions of educational services and do not take into account the needs of the labour market, state and regional orders. The issue of replacing the real competitiveness of universities and their educational products developed taking into account the projected demand for educational services in various regions of the country, with competition conducted in the wake of fashionable world trends for modern professions, is also pointed out. The authors note with concern the high probability of negative effects from the use of modern criteria for assessing the competitiveness of universities, one of which is an excessive fascination with formal indicators. Conclusion. The presented analysis of the criteria used by various methods for assessing the competitiveness of universities allowed the authors to conclude that the “objective” assessment of the competitiveness of universities depends on a large number of subjective factors. The dominance of subjective indicators in the resulting aggregate assessment of the university and its educational programs leads to a distortion of the picture of the real quality of the educational services provided. This situation leads to the construction of an inadequate strategy for obtaining an education by applicants, and as a result, it disorients students in building their future professional careers and evaluating their opportunities for implementation in their native region.


A. A. Izgarskaya1, E. A. Gordeychik2
1Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: education, inequality of education, world-system approach, peripheralization, social transformations, engineering mentality

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Introduction. Modern education provides the functioning and reproduction of the system of world division of labor. This fact allows the authors to argue that the problem of inequality in education goes beyond the problems of one state and the society under its control, and therefore an adequate methodological approach is needed to describe and study it. The authors attempt to consider the mechanism of the formation of educational inequality in peripheral societies in which social contradictions are most clearly observed from the perspective of the world-system approach. Methodology and methods of the research. The authors use the theoretical constructions of the world-system approach of I. Wallerstein, S. Amin, F. Cardozo, the ideas of the representatives of the world-system paradigm in comparative education of R.F. Arnove, T. Griffiths, and the concept of a vicious circle of inequality in education by R. Flecha. The authors point to the closeness of ontology, the complementarity of R. Flecha’s ideas and the world-system approach, and propose to synthesize these concepts. On this basis, and also relying on the results of research of a number of theorists of comparative education (M. Carnoy, M. Bray, G. Orfield, Zhao Yong), economists (A. Alesina, E. Spolaore), the authors reconstruct the functioning of R. Flecha’s model of a vicious circle of inequality in education in peripheralized societies from the perspective of the world-system approach. The results of the research. The peripheralization of society presupposes the process of its integration into the world system of division of labor through a narrow specialization of the economy, the formation of export-oriented industries, the destruction of industries and spheres that are not associated with this process, and, as a result, the emergence of surplus labor, economic stratification and marginalization of the population. The costs of the education system as one of the main institutions for the reproduction of the labor force turn out to be excessive and are reduced, the system itself is being reformed. The authors of the paper show that the reform of the education system proceeds in the general direction of integrating society into the world system of the division of labor, when the elite forms priority consumption patterns in a peripheralized society (including patterns of knowledge and education), borrowing they from the countries of the core and the hegemon of the world system. On the one hand, the formation of priority patterns leads to the displacement of their own educational culture, the imitation of the masses of the elite and the uneven spread of the patterns. Since full compliance with the priority patterns is unattainable for the majority of the population, its imitations are spreading. On the other hand, in bureaucratic areas such as education, the introduction and transformation of priority patterns creates a need among the elite to control, rank and reduce those who do not correspond to the idea of «priority». New borrowing and the spread of priority patterns allows the elite to retain the right to symbolic power and perpetuate emerging inequalities. Conclusion. On the basis of the results obtained, the authors propose for discussion questions about the prospects for improving the constructed model and the possibilities of interpreting on its basis the empirical material of the transformation of societies in the post-Soviet space.


S. F. Vasilyev, I. V. Demin
Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: teaching philosophy, practical philosophy, philosophical practice, pragmatism, spiritual exercises, theoretical position, life position, problem situation

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Introduction. The expediency of practical emphasis in teaching philosophy at a university is caused by a general “practical turn” in the purpose and forms of the existence of modern philosophy. This “practical turn” does not mean abandoning the theory, but it requires a practical element in the perception of philosophy. For philosophical courses at a university it is extremely important to change the very conception of their construction in order to bring it in line with philosophical practice. This paper attempts to clarify the fundamental concepts and norms that form the foundation of a practically-oriented vision of a philosophy course. Methodology and methods of the research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was constituted by metaphilosophical attitudes, linking philosophy with mainly a human-creative function, tasks of spiritual self-transformation of a personality. The authors rely on personalism as an orientation that has manifested itself in many forms of theoretical and practical construction of reality, as well as ideas of P. Hadot, M. M. Bakhtin and M. Foucault. This generalized approach allows us to consider the spiritual experience of an individual as openly and multilaterally as possible, avoiding the risks of abstract theorizing, and hence the concomitant impersonalism, arising in the implementation of metaphilosophical approaches of scientific and “prophetic” philosophy. The results of the research. If the result of the study of “pure” philosophical theory is a thought-out theoretical position of a student on any philosophical issue, the result of the study of a practically-oriented philosophy course is a certain life position, which is associated with a theoretical position. The paper differentiates the concepts of theoretical and life positions, presents a typology of the relationships between these positions, justifies the need for harmonious interaction between them. In the practically-oriented purpose of teaching and learning philosophy, it is possible to distinguish at least two interrelated forms of philosophical practice: philosophical praxis-2 as the most important task - spiritual and personal practice, self-transformation of a personality, achieved through the fruitful mutual enrichment of theoretical and life positions, and philosophical praxis-1, aimed at identifying practical consequences from theory and representing an intermediate step on the way from “pure” theory to philosophical praxis-2. Conclusion. The practical emphasis in teaching philosophy at a university can help to achieve better learning, increase the level of students’ motivation and the importance of philosophy as a discipline, forming a holistic outlook of students on the basis of various methods of philosophical practice.


A. V. Ekaterinushkina, N. S. Zhdanova, Yu. S. Antonenko
Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: experiment, empirical research, Master’s degree model, educational program, design

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Introduction. The competitiveness of the Master of design is ensured by a complex of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies formed in the process of implementing the educational program of the University. While in the Bachelor’s degree program the educational process is aimed at training a specialist of the applied level, in the Master’s degree program, at acquiring the skills of research work. The work of the future Master of Design has not only personal, but also social significance. The methodology of research of undergraduates is a quasi-professional model - a system of methods and means of scientific and design activities in conditions as close as possible to the professional profile of the designer. Methodology and methods of the research. The main part of the Master’s thesis is an experiment, where students must demonstrate all their research skills and abilities. The general methodology of scientific experiments was developed quite a long time ago and today represents a coherent system. However, it also became clear quite a long time ago that each area of activity has its own characteristics that change both the general provisions and the result of the activity. In the field of design, some experimental work has already been accumulated, but a strict system has not yet been built. In addition, in the training of designers within the two-level educational system “Bachelor - Master”, there is still a lack of continuity in the acquiring of certain competencies. Modeling the empirical part of the research always contributes to the effective promotion of the student on the path to professionalism. The empirical model is a matrix for planning an experiment and allows minimizing the number of necessary tests. Its structure provides stable and variable components, the presence of which makes it not only universal, but also provides opportunities for various options, depending on the topic and purpose. The results of the research The implementation of the empirical model is carried out by masters in stages. Each stage is accompanied by its own set of methods and data processing. The topic and purpose of the research of undergraduates is a reference point for obtaining new data about objects, for example, clarifying groups of criteria - functional, ergonomic, aesthetic; determining ways to achieve higher consumer qualities, etc. In accordance with the model, at the first stage, undergraduates analyze the basic interior, set its initial level and make a forecast for the possibility of achieving a higher level. Next, there is a selection and implementation of impacts on the design object that provide an increase in the declared groups of consumer qualities, on the basis of which primary recommendations are formulated. The author’s project allows checking and correcting the wording. As a result of the research, a set of universal methodological recommendations for a certain typological group of interiors is presented. Conclusion. The implementation of the empirical model in the research work showed the sufficiency of all the elements of its structure and their logic, which led to the effective achievement of results. This was shown by the successful defense of Master’s theses. The model allows coming to an understanding of the importance of teaching, personal motivation and activity, providing a higher level of competence formation, most fully recreating the professionogram of a designer of the highest category.


Yu. V. Loginovskaya
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: creative potential, creative consciousness, criteria for creative development

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of creative potential as an attribute of consciousness and the creative formation of a person. The emphasis in modern education is placed on the development of human potential, which determines the prospects for the future development of the country. A key aspect of this process is the development of the creative potential of students. The purpose of this study: to analyze the concept of creative potential from a philosophical and methodological position, which will reveal its essential characteristics and develop criteria for creative development in the educational process. The focus of the research is developing criteria that distinguish the creative consciousness, characterized by high creative activity, from the ordinary one. Methodology and methods of the research. A methodological analysis of the principles, conditions and forms of manifestation of creative potential as an attribute of consciousness makes it possible to single out the main parameters of conscious creative activity, in the course of which creative potential is developed. This study uses a systematic approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. The methodology for studying creative potential also includes logical-semantic and cultural-historical aspects. The results of the research. As a result of the analysis, the main characteristics of creative consciousness, formation and the presence of creative potential have been identified and presented. The concepts of human and creative potential have been clarified and delimited. The criteria for determining the creative potential (the presence of an observer, paradox, self-organization, etc.), which distinguish creative consciousness from the ordinary, are highlighted and substantiated. It is shown how creativity correlates with the inner world of a person. The main educational approaches that contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential of a person are given. Conclusion. Comprehension of the concept of creative potential from the standpoint of the philosophy of consciousness expanded the understanding and possibilities of its research. Philosophical and methodological development of criteria for creative potential allows them to be applied in the educational process through the types of educational interactions in which the creative aspect of consciousness is activated. The selected criteria can be used in pedagogical practice and further philosophical, pedagogical and methodological research.


E. S. Tikhomirova
Gorno-Altaisk State University, Gorno-Altaisk, Russia
Keywords: spiritual and moral development, philosophy of upbringing, highly moral personality, self-improvement, consciousness, inner world, development management

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Introduction. The author examines the problem of education and upbringing that has become urgent in the modern Russian society. The problem relates to the spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the individual; the social demand for a highly moral, socially active person with spiritual values formed in Russia has been highlighted. Methodology and methods of the research. The object of the research is the spiritual and moral upbringing of the individual in the modern Russian society. The subject of the research is particular approaches to spiritual and moral development and upbringing of a person in the modern science. The philosophical and socio-philosophical approach in the research provides an analysis of a person, their nature and multidimensionality as the basis for their development, takes into account the mutual influence of a person and society against each other, contributes to a synthetic understanding of the complex process of human development and improvement. The author takes into consideration the philosophy of consciousness which allows considering the development of spiritual and moral qualities in a person through the lens of improving their inner spiritual world and the development of the properties of consciousness. The results of the research. Some modern approaches to human development (V. P. Veryaskina, D. I. Dubrovsky, A. V. Ivanov, M. V. Zhulkov, etc.) have been analyzed, the relevance of addressing the development of consciousness and thinking of the individual, the transformation of their inner world in the process of spiritual and moral development has been substantiated. The analysis highlights the necessity of a comprehensive study of the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual as a system, the refinement of the methodological and procedural framework of the further applied activities in this area, taking into account the developments in the philosophy of consciousness, phenomenology, philosophy of heart, philosophy of the Russian cosmism, as well as other concepts which deal with self-development and self-improvement of the personality, management of the personality by their own development, work on the development of their consciousness, definition of the methodological role of the category of consciousness in this system. Conclusion. The paper outlines the prerequisites and conditions for the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual in the modern Russian society. According to the author, these are increasing the role of the individual in managing his/her spiritual and moral development, the formation of an environment which encourages this development, introduction of the modern applied and methodological solutions, application of socio-philosophical and interdisciplinary approaches and research, development of interaction and cooperation in the area of concern, building a new system of spiritual and moral development and education, taking into account the modern scientific achievements in the development of consciousness and thinking, focusing on the development of specific moral qualities of the individual and their inner spiritual world, the processes of self-knowledge and self-improvement.


L. S. Afanasyeva
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: the third mission of university, permeable university, transformation of education, the model of the university of the future

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Introduction. The paper examines the transformations taking place in the higher education systems of European countries, associated with the decisive role of universities as centers of innovative development and economic growth. A new model of the university proposed by the University of Lincoln (Great Britain), permeable university, has been studied. Examples of practical implementation of the idea of a permeable university are given. Methodology and methods of the research. The paper analyzes the problem of transformation of higher education in the conditions of changes and uncertainty of the development of society as a system of social relations. The theory of open social systems by Talcott Parsons is used as a research methodology. The development of the university education is considered on the basis of the three main missions of universities at various stages of society development. The paper examines the approaches of B. Clark, A. Gibb, J. Bronstein, L. Leydesdorff, H. Etzkowitz and others to the problem of the university 3.0 functioning. An overview of the changes in the higher education systems of foreign countries is presented. The basic documents and initiatives related to the reform of the Institute of higher education and the implementation of the main decisions in the field of higher education are analyzed. Examples of the application of the entrepreneurial university model in other countries are given. The focus of the research is aimed at studying a new model of the university - the permeable university - as a response to global changes in society. The results of the research. The paper describes the reasons for the need to change the trajectory of higher education development in the sense of permeability, provides the main characteristics of the university of this model, the opportunities of the higher education system, allowing it to respond to the challenges of modernity, and lists the obstacles that prevent it from achieving the necessary changes. The idea of a permeable university is demonstrated by analyzing the practices of rethinking the educational and research functions of the university, as well as the participation of the university in the society. Conclusion. In the modern world, the university cannot stay away from the challenges facing society, and therefore it is forced to look for the new forms. The permeable university model enables the institute of higher education to quickly respond to changes in the external environment, establish closer ties with society participants at all levels and to produce a positive impact on society, implementing both traditional types of university activities and entrepreneurial projects.