2013 year, number 2
L.E. Panin, A.R. Kolpakov, R.A. Knyazev, N.I. Tsirelnikov
Keywords: изолированное сердце, адреналин, дигиталис, липопротеины высокой плотности, кардиотоническое действие, isolated rat heart, high density lipoproteins, adrenalin, cardiotonic action, digitalis
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The ability of rat plasma high density lipoproteins (HDLs) to increase the frequency and amplitude of isolated rat heart contraction without considerable increase of oxygen consumption was revealed in Langendorf model. 30 min perfusion of solution with adrenalin in the regime of recirculation diminished the contractility of myocardium and increased heart oxygen consumption. The addition of HDLs in the perfusion solution protected the heart from the negative adrenalin action. The established inotropic effects of HDLs may have various mechanisms and make high density lipoproteins pоssible candidates for the endogenous digitalis-like compounds.
A.N. Ryabikov, Z.Z. Guliev, S.K. Malyutina, Yu.I. Ragino
Keywords: ожирение, подкожный жир, премезентериальный жир, ультразвуковое исследование, метаболические факторы, факторы риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, популяция, obesity, subcutaneous fat, premresenteric fat, ultrasound examination, metabolic factors, risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, population
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The aim of present analysis was to investigate the correlations between the ultrasound parameters of subcutaneous and premesenteric fat and cardiovascular risk factors, anthropometric and biochemical parameters and behavioral characteristics in a population sample. The object of the study was a random population-based family sample in Octyabrsky district of Novosibirsk (324 men and women aged 18–64 years old). Ultrasound examination of heart, vessels and abdomen was conducted, the thickness of subcutaneous (SF) and premesenteric (PF) fat was measured in every second subject, totally in 163 subjects. In studied population sample of men and women aged 25-64 the value of ultrasonic PF and SF thickness strongly correlated between themselves and were associated with the anthropometric parameters (body mass index, waist-hip ratio, skinfold thickness) measured by standard methods. Ultrasonic indicator of PF thickness positively correlated with the level of blood pressure, proatherogenic lipid parameters (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-choleaterol), blood glucose and plasma insulin levels and was inversely related to the level of HDL- cholesterol. Ultrasonic indicator of SF thickness was similarly correlated with blood pressure and insulin level, but in contrast to the thickness of the PF was not associated with the lipid parameters and blood glucose level.
A.S. Yakovleva, O.A. Mirolyubova
Keywords: ишемическая болезнь сердца, факторы риска, Fas-опосредованный апоптоз, coronary heart disease, risk factors, Fas-dependant apoptosis
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Aim. To assess an activity of Fas-dependant apoptosis and its links with classical risk factors in patients (pts.) with acute and chronic coronary heart disease (CHD). Material and methods. We scrutinized 126 pts. with CHD: 84 pts. (1st group) - on 10–14th days of myocardial infarction (MI) and 42 pts. (2
nd group) with stable CHD. Control group consisted of 77 volunteers without CHD and metabolic syndrome (MS). Serum levels of apoptosis activator sFasL and its inhibitor sFas were measured by ELISA. SPSS for Windows 19.0 was used. Results. The frequency of classical risk factors in 1st and 2nd groups did not differ significantly, both sFas (37.8±24.4 vs. 22.1±9.3 ng/ml, p = 0.021) and sFasL (86.2±24.5 vs. 63.8±22.7 pg/ml, p < 0.001) levels being higher in 2nd group. Besides biomarkers concentrations were higher in 2nd group than in controls. In the whole cohort of CHD pts. we revealed correlations between sFas level and age (ρS = 0.330, p = 0.001), sFas and CC (ρ = –0.591, р < 0.001) and МВ-CC (ρ = –0.484, р < 0.001) levels. The level of sFasL correlated with HDL-С level (ρS = 0.329, p = 0.017) and was higher in arterial hypertension (79.8±31.2 vs. 60.1±24.1 pg/ml, p < 0.001). In the 1st group sFas/sFasL ratio was lower in pts. with full-component MS than in those with 3 components (204.7±43.8 vs. 464.4±196.4, p = 0.024), sFasL level being higher in DM/hyperglycemia. In the same group the number of coronary lesions appeared to be sFasL level predictor (β = 0.28, р = 0.016): F(2,65) = 496, p = 0.001. The pts. survived MI were characterized with higher sFasL level: 85.6±25.4 vs. 73.3±31.4 pg/ml ( p = 0.001). The concentration of sFasL (ρS = –0.362, p < 0.001) and sFas/sFasL (ρS = –0.341, p = 0.007) correlated with post-infarction period duration. Conclusion. Pts. with CHD had higher sFas и sFasL levels in comparison with controls. An activity of Fas-dependant apoptosis was associated with MS, survived MI and coronary lesions confirming its role in CHD development. The levels of sFas and sFasL depended on post-infarction period duration that may be of great significance as to prevent repeated coronary events.
A.A. Kuznetsov, K.N. Khristoforov, A.V. Sukhanov, Yu.I. Ragino, M.V. Ivanova, S.N. Duma, V.V. Gafarov, M.I. Voevoda
Keywords: артериальная жесткость, скорость пульсовой волны, компоненты метаболического синдрома, гипертриглицеридемия, аrterial stiffness pulse wave velocity, components of the metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia
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Now to the independent predictors of cardiovascular events include indicators of arterial stiffness. It is shown that the arterial stiffness and, in particular, pulse wave velocity is increased in patients with the metabolic syndrome. It is of interest to what exactly the components of the metabolic syndrome, regardless of age is associated pulse wave velocity. We studied 63 individuals (45 women and 18 men) aged 56–78 years. The components of the metabolic syndrome was determined according to the criteria of ВНОК 2009. Pulse wave velocity in the carotid-femoral segment determined the device SphygmoCor. When analyzing the data in univariate model was registered significant association of pulse wave velocity with the age of participants ( p = 0.001), hypertension ( p = 0.009) and hypertriglyceridemia ( p = 0.004). Multivariate analysis with the simultaneous inclusion in the model variables such as age, sex, abdominal obesity, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, hypo-alpha-cholesterolemia, hyper-beta-cholesterolemia, fasting hyperglycemia, has revealed that out of all of these components of the metabolic syndrome, a significant independent determinant of pulse wave velocity, along with age ( p = 0.008) are only hypertriglyceridemia ( p = 0.024).
A.N. Bazhenov, A.L. Maslyanskiy, E.P. Kolesova, I.N. Penin, M.D. Cheshuina, A.V. Kozlenok, O.P. Rotar
Keywords: ревматическое заболевание, дисфункция эндотелия, комплекс интима-медиа, атеросклероз, rheumatic disease, endothelial dysfunction, thickness intima-media, atherosclerosis
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Identification of subclinical lesions of the heart and blood vessels in patients with rheumatic diseases (RD), as well as the comparison of subclinical markers of cardiovascular lesions in patients with RD and RD patients without having one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Surveyed 56 patients (15 men and 41 female) at the age of 45.2 ± 13.42 years with different rheumatic diseases. For the comparison group surveyed residents of one of the districts of Saint Petersburg (50 people). All patients have been conducted questioning, characterizes lifestyle, risk factors, co-morbidity and drug therapy. Anthropometry were measured in weight, height with a calculation of body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference. Endothelial dysfunction study conducted on the EndoPat 2000 (company “Itamar Medical Ltd, Israel): reactive hyperemia index (RHI) and augmentation index (AI). Dysfunction of the endothelium have registered a value of RHI<1.64. Echocardiography and ultrasonography of carotid arteries with the assessment of the thickness of the thickness intima-media (TIM) conducted by Vivid 7 high resolution sensor 7 MHz. Central pressure values determined on device SphygmoCor (Australia) by applanation tonometry. The speed of pulse wave (SPW) carotid artery, femoral artery measured the sphygmography method on the device SphygmoCor PWX. On an empty stomach identified glucose and lipid levels (Hitachi-902). Average levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, SAD/DAD, BMI in groups not significantly different. Identify correlation titer of antinuclear factor with RHI, p = 0.53; AI (EndoPat), p = 0.47; PP, p = –0.43. Among persons 1 group (systemic sclerosis) frequently detected RHI<1,64 and SPW>9.6 m/s compared to the 2nd and 3rd groups of patients with RD. We have identified correlate titer of antinuclear factor, reactive hyperemia index (RHI), augmentation index (AI, EndoPat), the central pulse pressure (PP) show integration structures of the cardiovascular system in the pathological process in RD, including asymptomatic from the system.
M.N. Torgashov, A.I. Paltsev, V.S. Myakotnykh
Keywords: дислипидемии, посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, ветераны войн, dislipidemia, post-traumatic stress disorder, veterans of wars
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Investigated peculiarities of violations of lipid metabolism and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in 161 patients – veterans of the military actions on the territory of Afghanistan and the Northern Caucasus in the age 25–69 years. The dependence of the formation of dyslipidemias and related changes of atherosclerosis in the young age of neuroendocrine effects, accompanying the effects of combat stress and promoting accelerated aging. After 15-25 years of participating in hostilities, the intensity of PTSD and its influence on the development of violations of lipid spectrum may decline, and the leading role in the pathogenesis of dyslipidemias goes to age-related changes that accompany a process of accelerated aging veterans of combat operations, and to pathological disorders of metabolism in the liver associated with alcohol abuse and the consequences suffered infectious diseases.
Yu.P. Nikitin, G.I. Simonova, K.V. Makarenkova
Keywords: коррекция дислипидемий, медикаменты, correction of dyslipidemia, medicines
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Dyslipidemia is one of the leading risk factors for atherosclerosis-associated cardiovascular disease, along with hypertension and smoking. Not only non-drug measures have great importance in the correction of this risk factor, but also cholesterol-lowering medicines. Now the statins are recognized as the most effective and safe. However, its effect of the maximum dose is insufficient or accompanied by side effects in some patients. Currently, several new classes of drugs have tested in clinical trials: cholesterol ester transfer protein inhibitors, blockers of apoprotein B synthesis, analogue of thyroid hormones; immunological intervention ways are developed, by monoclonal antibodies in particular.
D.V. Denisova
Keywords: атеросклероз, новые исследования, профилактика, лечение, atherosclerosis, novel investigations, prevention, treatment
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Reviews of some of the scientific problems related to the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis discussed at the 81
th Congress of the European Society of Atherosclerosis (EAS) 2–5 June 2013, Lyon, France.