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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2001 year, number 7

A Project of Bipolar Field-Effect Transistor (IGBT) 50 A 1800 V Manufactured on the Plates of High-Resistance Crucible-Free Silicon with the Orientation (100)

Eugenie V. Chernyavsky1, VladiMir P. Popov1, Yuri S. Pakhmutov2,Yuri N. Mirgorodsky3 and Leonid N. Safronov1
1Institute of Semiconductor Physics,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pr. Akademika Lavrentyeva 13, Novosibirsk 630090 (Russia)
2Angstrem Co., Yuzhnaya promzona, Zelenograd, Moscow 103460 (Russia)
3Technological Center, MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow 103460 (Russia)


A design of high-voltage IGBT transistor is proposed. The transistor is manufactured on a high-resistance substrate using the NPT technology. Numerical modeling of the manufacture and of the static voltage-current characteristics is carried out. The possibility to increase the working voltage to 1800 V is demonstrated.