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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 4


M. I. Palchuk
Psychology and Pedagogics at Crimean Institute of Post-Graduate Pedagogical Education, Simferopol, the Russian Federation
Keywords: государственно-частное партнерство, социальный диалог, бизнес-структуры, public-private partnership, social dialogue, business structure


In the global economy of the 21st century the relations between social partners have a great variety of configurations. Their interaction is not always expressed in the search for competitive advantages. Lately there is an opposite tendency seen in the fact that the relations have become mutually beneficial. The article is devoted to the analysis of new forms of social partnership in the form of multilateral alliances between vocational education and business structures. Multilateral alliances are considered as an interdisciplinary problem in the context of modern scientific research in the field of economics, sociology, education, as a non-standard form of social relations, a civilized approach to their regulation based on a common policy, regulatory and legal support, and the parties' interest. The main subject of scientific discussions within the framework of intersectoral cooperation is the search for mechanisms of interaction resulting in a number of common approaches which are playing a significant role in achieving consensus in upholding social and industrial interests, quality assurance of vocational education and as a result - employment, competitiveness and mobility of different categories of the population in the labour market. It was concluded that multilateral alliances in vocational education with the involvement of private capital are the current trend of its development.