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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 4


N.N. Ravochkin
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, Kemerovo, the Russian Federation
Keywords: дополнительное профессиональное образование, высшие учебные заведения, конкуренция, рынок, перспективы, российская экономика, further training, higher institutions, competition, market, prospects, Russian economy


Further training is the most dynamic area of personnel training for an innovative economy. Flexibility and responsiveness to external changes are the most typical features of educational services of this type. Despite the researchers’ interest, the prospects for this education type development are still not clarified. The author attempts to determine the prospects of university further training as one of its organization options. The study shows that the current situation in the organization of further training in Russian universities is not the same. In many ways this is associated with uncertainty of the purpose of the Institutes of Further Training and lack of understanding of market conditions. It is emphasized that educational organizations, like other subjects of economic activity, find themselves in a competitive environment. The necessity to offer unique and practice-oriented educational services is more important than ever. In connection with the ambiguity and controversy of the development of additional professional education, the author sees a number of promising directions in its development. Guided by a pragmatic method in the study, it is revealed that it is necessary to encompass as many students as possible, by appealing to the student audience. In addition, the prospects are seen in the development of cooperation with enterprises and in the differentiation and diversification of educational programs.