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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 4


V.V. Petrov1,2
1Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: общество знания, наука, образование, исследовательский университет, knowledge society, science, education, research university


In the context of systemic transformations, the Institute of Training of Personnel for Scientific Research focuses not only on the scientific community, but also on authorities. The changes that occurred in the Russian society at the turn of the century have revealed a serious inconsistency of the domestic university system for the training of scientific personnel, which was formed at the industrial stage of the development of society, the requirements of a society based on knowledge and information. On the one hand, the existing conservatism of university education is a way of self-preservation of the system, on the other hand, a knowledge-based society presents qualitatively new requirements for the training of scientific personnel in universities that have failed to adequately respond to the challenge of the time. The organizational culture of the German model of of university education, which not only was closer to the Russian one than the others, but also underwent significant changes in the series of numerous social upheavals and crises in the last century. As a result of the interdisciplinary analysis, the key principles of the organizational culture of German universities were revealed in the context of sociocultural transformation of society from the point of view of selection of entrants; сoncluded that the rejection of the idea of equality of all universities and the same ability of all students and the adoption of the right to «double choice» will allow universities to select the best students themselves without infringing on the rights of entrants, preserving social and strengthening academic criteria Such an approach, in turn, will lead to strengthening of the positions of domestic universities in the world educational market in terms of the quality of the training of intellectual personnel for scientific research.