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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 4


V. I. Parshikov1,2, Iu. V. Tabakaev3, N. N. Krasnova3, K.A. Kuzmenko3
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
2Institute of Further Training, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
3Head of the Chair of Philosophy and Law at Gorno-Altaisk State University, Gorno-Altaisk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: системно-диалектическая методология, переходность, глобализация, образование, право, управление, system-dialectical methodology, transitivity, globalizattion, education, law, management


The paper makes grounds for the role of dialectical and systemic methodology in the study of the laws of human interaction (the element of social system) and society (social macrosystems) in the analysis of categories and realities: freedom and necessity, social freedom and social necessity, freedom and responsibility, rights and duties of social actors. There authors speak about three main types of system-dialectic relations between an element and a system: 1) maximization of potential interactions of elements in the system and minimization of kinetic interactions of elements (hardness, stagnant type of system); 2) the relative balance of potential and kinetic interactions of elements in the system, which on the whole makes the system the most active (labile self-developing type of system); 3) minimization of potential interactions of elements in the system and maximization of the kinetic interactions of elements (weakened, self-destructive type of system). In the conditions of modern global transition of a society and high dynamics of social relations all marked types of relations of an element and system, the person and a society can be shown. The application of these laws to sociosystems, taking into account the factor of consciousness and the practically transforming activity of the subjects, leads to different types of social organization, to the specifics of the organization of education, law and governance in different states of the modern globalizing world. Accordingly, it is a stagnant, creative and anarchic form of education from different sociocultural systems of the modern world. In Russia, it is necessary to build an educational strategy on its own sociocultural basis.