S.G. Novikov1,2
1Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University, Volgograd, Russia 2P. A. Volgograd Conservatory. Serebryakov, Volgograd, Russia
Keywords: общество знания, стратегия развития, homo creator, постматериалистическая мотивация, В«новый государственный менеджментВ», инновационная педагогическая деятельность, сетевое образование, knowledge society, development strategy, homo creator, post-materialistic motivation, new public management model, innovative pedagogical activity, network education
The article deals with the priorities of management of education in the context of Russia's transfer to a new stage of development: knowledge society (post-industrial, post-production, post-economic). To determine these priorities, the author applies a combined methodology: the world-system approach of I. Wallerstein, the concepts of the "knowledge society" and the "network society". On the basis of analysis of objective trends of the sociocultural development it is asserted that the management of education should be aimed at the formation of the subject of the transition that will have post-materialistic motivation (homo creator). The author negatively evaluates the concept of «New public management" adopted in many developed countries, as it reproduces the society of the past (industrial, economic). Russia needs a strategy of advanced development, the result and subject of which is a person whose values are "freedom", "justice", "solidarity", "creativity". It is argued that in order for Russian education to fulfill its mission to ensure Russia's transition to a knowledge society, it must have before itself: 1) a clear image of the desired future, 2) a strategy of formation a subject which is guided by post-materialistic motives, 3) financing sufficient to attract young scientific and pedagogical staff, 4) a program for the development of innovative pedagogical activity, networked education and universities.