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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 3


D. S. Cherny
Kurgan Border-Troops Institute of the Russian Federal Security Service, Kurgan, Russian Federation
Keywords: глобализация, информационное общество, информация, информационное управление, Globalization, information society, information, information management


The relevance of socio-philosophical features of the global world of information management is explained by the formation of new characteristics of social evolution. Due to expansion of global processes, we can observe the transfer of society to new system stage that poses the problems related to management as significant ones. Information culture of society is targeted at computers that is the important factor that makes modern system of management. The problem is that internet changes significantly the conditions for development of power, money, right and knowledge, which are the main sources of national management. Information management of the global world becomes relevant and necessary condition for realization of social structure that defines specific features of practical changes of social relations. Informatization is a strong source of various processes in social development therefore informatization keeps strategical relevance in civilization development. It means that development of new social and energy technologies, science, education and culture have prior position. This is a fundamental feature of social informatization; it explains its specific role in civilization development; it puts forward civilization development in national and international policies. The globalization of new computer information environment of the world society and its expansion in all countries and regions is a new wave in modern information revolution.