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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 3


Iu. I. Molotkov1, A. S. Denisov2, V. I. Panarin3
1Siberian Management Institute of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
3Institute of Further Training, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: государственный и муниципальный служащий, компетенции, модель обучения, модульные программы, учебные модули, цели, задачи обучения, управление трансформацией, инструменты реализации, civil servants, competences, educational model, modular programmes, modules, goals, educational tasks, transformation management, implementation tools


Federal Law № 273 “On education in the Russian Federation” endorsed on December 29, 2013 and its Article 76 allows enhancing the rights of further training. Being implemented, this Act shows tendency to enhance non-reliance and development of further training at educational institutions that build professional qualities of civil servants on the high level. This legal accretion of power in the field of further training of civil servants gives educational institutions possibility to build their own educational strategy and transfer to module teaching. This considers not only the nature of public administration but regional specific features of their activities as well. When developing the module programmes, it is necessary to be aimed at the result that assumes obtaining knowledge, skills and new expertise in concrete area of professional activity. This kind of training raises an important problem related to formation of new “transformation” abilities to transfer the knowledge, skills and expertise received earlier to unknown objects and situations where civil servants take important managerial decisions influencing socio-economic environment. The main goal of this training is to develop professional qualities of civil servants when they have further training courses at educational institutions. The other important task is to increase the level of teaching staff mobility. The paper make a case about the relevance of building regional bank of teaching staff data, development of independent certification centres of further training modular programmes and independent centres of civil servants assessment. The teaching staff must have good experience and expertise in the field of public administration.