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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 3


V. D. Pavlova
Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: аксиоматика, аксиоматический метод, творческие отношения, дополнительное образование, потребности и возможности, культура Vista, axiomatics, axiomatic method, creative relations, further training, requirements and possibilities, the culture of Vista


The article outlines that creative process can be consistent, simultaneous, parallel or indirect. This process requires two conditions: personal demand for creativity and implementation where axiomatic component assumes needs and possibilities for creativity. Axiomatic method proves that effect produced by fulfilment of creative potential can contribute to implementation of personal potential in case of creative attitude to further training. The article reveals the sources and reasons of appearance of creative abilities through further training. The article specifies the order of reviews for creative implementation of abilities where creative process is the core. Creative process assumes the demand of a person for being involved in creative activity, as many technical, material, social and other opportunities are available. The author explores the nature of educational culture of further training in creativity by means of interaction with Vista culture as it reveals the development and changes in further training socialization in Vista retrospective. The article shows that relations that make changes in a person are regarded as recognition and change of possibilities for personal self-fulfillment in creativity in all spheres of life, i.e. social, conceptual, spiritual and material. It is efficient to apply all the possibilities for fulfillment of creative personal abilities by means of creative attitude to further training.