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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 2


Yu. V. Lebedeva
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Concept of developmental teaching, problem-based learning, psychological and educational support, innovation


The article reveals the issues of innovation technology introduction into educational process of higher institution that emphasizes motivation needs of students and teachers, and focuses on the special educational conditions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual. The paper analyzes scientific psychological and pedagogical literature and reveals the problems of innovation technology introduction into educational process of higher institution. This article reveals the contradictions between the theory-targeted education and graduates’ implementation of the acquired knowledge in professional area. Modern processes in the field of education, socio-economic conditions of society define sustainable development of the entire education system, which is not conceivable without innovation, but associated with certain difficulties; they are drastic changes in academic subjects; teachers awareness of necessity in transformations and changes; psychological readiness of all the subjects of educational process for innovations in education; possession and active applying by teachers self-cognition approaches, self-esteem and self-development; communicative competence of teachers; socio-psychological and emotional climate in institutions, etc. The author declares two main areas of introduction of innovative technologies into educational process of the university which allows to carry out this activity more efficiently; they are preparation for students’ acquisition of knowledge by means of modern technologies; readiness of teachers to knowledge transfer by means of approaches and ways of thinking which allow to see relations between the studied objects. The article considers the framework of developmental teaching and emphasizes the relevance of introducing principles and didactic foundations of concepts in the educational process. The author pays great attention to issues of continuity of higher education and requirements of an employer to graduates who expressed a demand for it in the level of communication, the level of formation of professional competencies, mental flexibility and level of intelligence.