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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 2


R. K. Serezhnikova
Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University, Birobidzhan, Russia
Keywords: subjectivization, prospective teacher, professional training, creative personal identity, professional self-actualization


The article reveals the peculiarities of prospective teachers subjectivization, which is revealed in necessity in self-development, self-actualization and which “triggers” the process of ontological personality becoming that depends on student’s potential considered as an intention to be oneself. Personal self-becoming is considered as a process of learning to learn (valuable-semantic relations) which assumes learning the standards of pedagogics. It explains the search for new ways and innovations in order to satisfy the students’ needs in their progressive self-modification and self-actualization revealed as a tangible embodiment of personality modification and activity by means of professional potential updating. The author considers the professional potential to be an inner and creative human power, which is revealed as an ability to self-organization of personal modification and professional modification in order to be skillful. The author suggests, subjectivization implies the potential of making oneself and surrounding environment; the extent the personal abilities are revealed influences the career of prospective teacher and teaching skills which are the factors of professional self-actualization. The research results demonstrate the leading factors of prospective teachers’ subjectivization; they are reflexing as a realization of professional activity, self-esteem as a transformation of professional significance to the values and self-comprehension as an ability to volitional professional activity and behavior. They are developed by means of educational space containing creative work as a development method of students’ creativity. The programme of creative work implemented in Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University included the lessons “I am in the world of teachers”, “Heuristic fundamentals of pedagogical activity”, “Creative acmeology declares about the stages of creativity process in pedagogical activity”, “Outlooks of prospective creative pedagogical activity”, “Dynamics of values in pedagogical activity”, “Personal identity in pedagogical creativity”. The programme reveals the stages of students’ subjectivization and can be applied as an educational space for creativity of a prospective future.