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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 1


T. A. Artashkina
Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: pedagogical experiment criteria, efficiency of pedagogical experiment, subjective factor, pedagogical risks, representativeness of sampling


The author insists on the opinion that it is not reasonable and appropriate to blame the Ministry of Education and Science for development and modernization of education in Russia resulted in negative way. The paper says that the Ministry of Education and Science make decisions on education development according to public opinion polls, expert opinions and outcomes of experiments. However, two major factors are not taken into consideration when making decisions and carrying out an expertise; they are inhomogeneous social and cultural environments, here we mean external and internal inhomogenity in relation to education; and lack of a comprehensive theory of pedagogical experiment. The paper focuses on the problem of pedagogical experiment. In the research, the author applied such methods of theoretical research as analysis and synthesis, classification, comparative research, hermeneutic and discourse methods, and prognostic method and case-studies methods as well. The method of scientific observation was applied as a method of empirical data collecting. The main factors of pedagogical experiment influencing its implementation and outcomes are scientific status of pedagogics; significant subjective factor; amount of ratees and representativeness of sampling; pedagogical risks in a pedagogical experiment and impossibility of special pedagogical samples applying received as a result of pedagogical experiment in of specific pedagogical models developed in the course of the experiment; and compensatory mechanism in innovative implementation. So, the terms ‘pedagogical risk’, ‘experimental reliability’, ‘experimental validity’, ‘experimental integrity’ and ‘results’ interpretation’ should become the key notions in the theory of pedagogical experiment.