Home – Home – Jornals – Professional Education in the Modern World 2015 number 1
2015 year, number 1
T. A. Artashkina
Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: pedagogical experiment criteria, efficiency of pedagogical experiment, subjective factor, pedagogical risks, representativeness of sampling
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The author insists on the opinion that it is not reasonable and appropriate to blame the Ministry of Education and Science for development and modernization of education in Russia resulted in negative way. The paper says that the Ministry of Education and Science make decisions on education development according to public opinion polls, expert opinions and outcomes of experiments. However, two major factors are not taken into consideration when making decisions and carrying out an expertise; they are inhomogeneous social and cultural environments, here we mean external and internal inhomogenity in relation to education; and lack of a comprehensive theory of pedagogical experiment. The paper focuses on the problem of pedagogical experiment. In the research, the author applied such methods of theoretical research as analysis and synthesis, classification, comparative research, hermeneutic and discourse methods, and prognostic method and case-studies methods as well. The method of scientific observation was applied as a method of empirical data collecting. The main factors of pedagogical experiment influencing its implementation and outcomes are scientific status of pedagogics; significant subjective factor; amount of ratees and representativeness of sampling; pedagogical risks in a pedagogical experiment and impossibility of special pedagogical samples applying received as a result of pedagogical experiment in of specific pedagogical models developed in the course of the experiment; and compensatory mechanism in innovative implementation. So, the terms ‘pedagogical risk’, ‘experimental reliability’, ‘experimental validity’, ‘experimental integrity’ and ‘results’ interpretation’ should become the key notions in the theory of pedagogical experiment.
S. I. Chernykh
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: benefit, social benefit, individual benefit, education, education services, reproduction of education
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The paper reveals a great variety of theoretical and practical research devoted to aspects concerning situation and development of education. The research points out education is more complicated and variable as those philosophic, sociological and economic doctrines which represent education. The scientists describe education in isolation from its immanent properties. The article tries to consider education as moral and material social and individual benefit. The author supposes this kind of consideration allows fulfilling its single way of studying when wealth of education assumes just some ways of its revealing. The author studied publications devoted to similar problem by E. Atkinson, G. Bekker, A. I. Dobrynin, S. I. Dyatlov, I. V. Ilinskiy, R. I. Kapelyushnikov, Ph.Mahlup, G. Schtigliz, T. Schulz etc. and pointed out limitation of institutional and structure-functional approaches to education. Limitation of institutional approach is revealed in “distant studying” of a person as a subject of education and not enough consideration of education as a moral phenomenon which is enhanced by the subject of education (person). Structure-functional approach focuses on studying social nature of education and defines functional significance to be the dominant development and “keeps distant” from its “general nature”. The publication mentions that considering education as a dialectic combination of social and individual benefit allows (from the author’s point of view) fulfilling these weak points and develop new approaches to studying the phenomenon of education. Consideration of this kind allows in its turn escaping extreme views in respect to education, matching education with society psyche or as a “service” or “fitting” its reproduction (as a “service”) with the value law.
S. G. Novikov
Volgograd Conservatory named after P.A. Serebryakov, Volgograd, Russia
Keywords: homo creator, ÿäðî êóëüòóðû, äóàëèçì, global unpredictability, upbringing, post-industrial reality, globalization, ideal, homo creator, nucleus of culture, dualism
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The article deals with the strategy of Russian education development in contexts of globalization. The author argues efficiency of state-public system of training and education is possible due to specific circumstances. Firstly, teachers and pupils should have a clear vision of the future. Secondly, upbringing of the youth should be focused on moral ideals. Thirdly, it is essential to implement the global educational policy. Fourthly, it is necessary to establish public organizations. Fifthly, education must orient each person at authentic cultural values. Sixthly, education should be based on the “law of W. Thomas”. Seventhly, it is necessary to orient homo creator on the post-materialist motivation. Finally, education should be aimed at reproduction of dualistic nucleus of Russian culture.
M. V. Tarasova, V. I. Kudashov
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: education, science, ideal, culture, society
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Unanimous scientific belief in the need for rethinking quality of interaction of culture and education in order to plan new educational mechanisms leads to the necessity of theoretical studies aimed at educational potential of specific scientific ideals of cultural subsystem. Applying of scientific culture ideals in education is one of the most promising areas of research. Sociophilosophical analysis of educational potential of specific scientific culture ideals in educational practice is a necessary step in development of modern theory and philosophy of education. The paper is aimed at explaining the principleû of interaction between the educational potential of scientific ideals and their practical applying in education. The role and place of scientific ideals in the system of culture and ways of their transformation into educational ideals of autocratic or enthusiastic type allows building the model of complete integration between culture and education. It will help to reach efficient belief and creative result. Research in the area of educational quality of samples produced by means of natural science and humanities leads to possible educational technologies conforming to comprehension of those cultural and socioeducational initiatives which lie in cultural ideals served as catalyzing matters of education in culture. The paper analyzes educational capacity of humanitarian scientific and psychological culture and shows that applying of inherent property of the ideal in some technologies of artificial educational system assumes exploring principles of psychoanalytical theory in respect to professional training in “Psychology” and building educational strategy aimed at efficient interaction between three components of human mentality in reaching the goals of creative personality formation as a subject dealing with the world.
V. V. Pavlovskiy
FSSFEI HPE «Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University», Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: reconsideration of educational policy in Russia, crisis of national education, education as the leading element of social development, social democratic concepts of educational development
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The publication reveals necessity to reconsider educational policy in Russia and explains its necessity by the fact that national education has been experiencing crisis for 20 years; it doesn’t provide development of the country in complicated and difficult stages. The dominant groups of the USA, European Union and some other countries influence and apply pressure on Russia in order to revoke its independence and destroy Russia as a unite country. This influence became evident especially in 2014. Education is an integral part of society and government. The president of Russia V. Putin concentrated on important issues of educational development in the country in his Message-2014 to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. At the same time, social imperative is not implemented in Russia on conceptual and system basis. According to the social imperative, education is significant in strategic aspect; it is an element of national security as well. The article represents historic example of education priority development in the Soviet Republic which led to advanced society and country development. The paper analyzes views of some national experts concerning “post socialistic” society and “post capitalism”. The author shows weak influence of the society on education. The author recommends applying systematic implementation of conceptions suggested by parties out of power due to necessity to reconsider educational policy.
S. S. Malina
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Policy of Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: interaction of universities, business and the government, higher education, public-private partnership, innovative economy
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The paper reveals aspects of state regulation of higher education system, the main problems and challenges of higher education development at national and regional level. Not close and strong relations between institutions and economy and social sphere resulted in the fact that education doesn’t correspond to the real needs of the region; it caused the lag of education from effective transformations in economy, social sphere and administrative area. The current situation requires strengthening of Novosibirsk authorities’ influence on higher involvement of institutions into solving tasks of social and economic development, and into competitiveness of Novosibirsk institutions in Russia. The public-private partnership mechanism is considered to be a mechanism aimed at increasing of higher education competitiveness and efficiency of higher education in innovative development. Taking into account limits in regional authorities’ power in respect to the state institutions regulation, the mechanism of public-private partnership can solve a lot of questions appeared when distributing authorities at national and regional level. The author suggests applying and involving higher institutions into implementation of regional projects targeted at dissemination best practical results related to qualified educational activity; this method is determined as one of the most efficient to motivate professional advancement and new progress. Applying of public-private partnership principles in higher education allows getting the following results: 1) High competitiveness of higher institutions; 2) Economic and social requirements in high-qualified staff; 3) Efficient involvement of higher institutions in solving tasks and problems of social and economic development of the country and region; 4) Diversified revenues of higher institutions’ budget by means of high commercial projects, scientific activity and for-profit education.
V. N. Nikitenko
Research Institute of Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Problems, the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Birobidzhan, Russia
Keywords: Russia, security, national interests, professional education, holistic paradigm
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The paper defines interaction between national interests of Russia and level of Russians’ professional education and interdependence of these two criteria. The author demonstrates common and different features between national interests and national security. The article explains that national interests are supported hat only by developed economy and military power, but professional education of higher quality. The author considers integration of cognitive and affective components to be the main characteristic of professional education quality. Primary, secondary and higher education are considered from the holistic paradigm point of view; it assumes each stage of education is person’s entering the immediate world, remote world and distant one. The professional activity is represented as a converting factor in the uniform social and natural world. The article demonstrates contradiction between secondary and vocational education. Secondary education is aimed at human development whereas professional education is aimed at personality development, which is necessary for skillful and professional work. The author adheres to the history of professional education foundation and development in Russia; he points out critical eye of outstanding Russian surgeon and teacher Pirogov N.I. to vocational education. Thus, he explains that professional education of good quality should be combined with the secondary one. The national interests of Russia are considered to be the unity of internal and external interests of the country. Only versatile and professionally trained people are capable to meet these or that interests. The publication focuses on the problem of limits concerning economic and centric paradigm of development the country and it validates that its economic and military power are capable to provide only highly and versatile educated citizens and professionals of high level. The author suggests considering highly-qualified people not only ones who have diplomas of higher education, but specialists who have primary and secondary education certificates able to get results. It is possible to refer workers, technologists, engineers, service workers, people involved in culture, medicine, public education, military men, research workers and others to the category. The system of institutional and non-institutional ways of education applies training of specialists of this kind. Institutional education includes that part of educational system which is built by society and government in order to assist people of Russia in their intelligent, moral development and vocational training. Non- institutional education isn't represented as institutes, and it goes on spontaneously by means of interaction between a person and other people, culture and nature that finally affects shaping professional interests and successful professional activity. Personal professional success and economic prosperity depend on professional competence. It enhances meeting and protection national interests. Personal responsibility, moral qualities and comprehension of profession relevance for person, society and government are important professional qualities. Lack of these features or their or insufficiency of these qualities is neutral or even harm to national interests of the country because often lead to accidents on fault “the human factor”.
G. G. Levkin1, N. M. Kolychev2, E. A. Levkina3, E. V. Sosnovskaya4, E. A. Gulyaeva2, V. V. Semchenko2
1Omsk State Transport University, Omsk, Russia 2Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin, Omsk, Russia 3Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoyevsky, Omsk, Russia 4Khanty-Mansyisk State Medical Academy (KhMAO), Khanty-Mansyisk, Russia
Keywords: system, feedback, integration, educational process, student, university teacher
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The paper identifies the most important factors, which determine the quality of students training at university; they are professors qualification, quality of teaching and learning materials, quality of educational process, students’ motivation to learning educational programs, social and pedagogical aspects, graduates’ being in demand on the labour market. The author supposes, all the factors should be developed in interaction and influence on each other by means of applying system approach. Education should be built and based on the system approach as well. It is necessary to pay attention not only to official side of educational process (educational programs correspondence to the State Educational Standards), but to the methods the professors apply when lecturing and teaching (organization and technologies of educational process). The research carried out reveals peculiarities in interaction between subjects of educational process in double-degree system and divides the concepts “studying” and “training”. The article analyzes possibilities of applying USSR experience of higher education and enhancing studying by means of applying the modern information technologies. The author concentrates on analyzing interactions in education systems, influence of feed-backs on training results, peculiarities of education alignment and harmonization. The author considers, applying of recommended statements allows strengthening integrity of educational process and developing institution efficiency. Nowadays, development of educational process in higher institutions of Russia is implemented by means of legal regulation. A lot of attention is paid to education system as a whole but not to training which demands attention of all managerial levels in university, including strategic and operating level. It requires attention of scientists and practical specialists to the issues considered.
O. V. Tsiguleva
Novosibirsk Military Institute of Interior Troops named after General of the Army I.K. Yakovleva of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: reforms, competitiveness, mobility, quality of education, integration
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The article analyzes the development strategy of higher education at the modern stage. The author defines the main directions of higher education development to be competitiveness, mobility and quality of education. Today the quality of education increasingly determines the level of development of any country, becoming a strategic area, ensuring safety and potential of the country. The author believes that the key tendencies aimed at providing a high level of education focus on students' needs and efficient conditions for students training and development. The request of an employer is considered to be very important today. Considering mobility as one of the main directions of development of higher professional education, the author points out that mobility is considered as a key issue of national educational policy. Being one of the most important aspects of integration process of Russian universities and science in the international educational space mobility is an important component of qualification structure of a specialist because of rapid changes in the area of science and technology.
N. B. Lisovskaya, E. A. Troshchinina
Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: career, career way, career competence, structure of career competence, psychological and pedagogical technologies, training, career competence building
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The paper explains relevance of career competence of prospective specialists. It describes the concept of career competence. Career competence is considered to be the element of professional competence characterizing its aspiration, readiness and ability to professional self-realization, which is followed by reflexive vision of, an adequate self-assessment and defining purposeful process and result of development of professional career. The publication defines the structure of career competence which consists of axiological, motivational and activity (self-efficiency, motivation to career, ability to solve career problems), cognitive (career goal-setting and planning), personal (responsibility and adaptability) and procedural components (procedure of career building: steps, stages, periods and dynamics). The author analyzes technologies of career competence of building in national and foreign educational systems. The article describes special course on career competence building “My career”. The theoretical and methodological basis of the course “My Career” is developed by means of applying competence-based approach, personal and activity approach, axiological and the subject - subject ones. The course “My Career” is considered to be the block and modules system of interactive classes carried out in the training way; the course involves students in activity which conforms to development of career orientations, self-efficiency, goals setting, development of motivation to career, ability to overcome career obstacles, adapt to changing environment conditions, development of tactical and strategic planning of career taking into account changes of its speed in the social and economic environment. The course is based on three modules responding to the stages of career competence building; they are focusing module, bringing module and fixing one. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results received during experiment proved efficiency of psychology and pedagogical training «My career» is constructed on the basis of integration between motivational and activity component, cognitive component, axiological one, personal and procedural components of prospective specialists’ career competence building.
L. A. Fedorova
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Center of administrative projects and lifelong learning, resource centre, concept, professional education, system of remote access, technology of e-learning
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The article foregrounds the tendency of transfer to multilevel multiple professional education. The paper is aimed at modeling of cooperation in integrated educational systems (clusters) by means of concept development of information and education resource training centre foundation in the system of remote access. The author analyzed activities in frames of Agreement of Cooperation in the area of Lifelong Learning between FSSFEI HPE “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technology” and vocational schools of Novosibirsk region. The article demonstrates strengthening measures accumulating forces on enhancing quality of professional education by means of integration of all the educational levels. The author reveals scientific and research centre of administrative projects and life-long learning to be the innovation model which allows enhancing professional personnel training for enterprises and organizations of single scientific and educational space. Necessity to found information and education resource training centre in the system of remote access is caused by the tasks of lifelong learning cluster; they are agreed decisions and solutions of cluster participants; participation in innovative projects and applying innovation technologies in education. The Concept defines the goal, tasks, functions and organizational structure of the centre. The resource Centre is defined according to specific features of educational process.
T. S. Ilyina
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: components of communicative competency, professional activity, employers’ requirements
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Federal State Educational Standards of the 3d generation stipulate building of graduates’ communicative abilities as key ones. These abilities are revealed in conceptions of cultural and professional skills. But State Educational Standards don’t take into account their interaction by means of communicative competences. The author considers the problem of State Educational Standards-3 which assumes lack of cooperation and interaction between cultural and professional competences; in her opinion, this problem doesn’t allow building appropriate level of communicative competency which is of great necessity for graduates. The model aimed at building interaction between cultural and professional competences by means of communicative competency takes into account this interrelation. Studying the models existing, the author suggests considering the components of communicative competency model in order to apply new components. The author suggests paying attention to personal-psychological component, intellectual-information component and motivation-reflexive one as it is of great importance to clarify their substantive aspects in order to reach the goal of graduates’ communicative competency building. Also it is necessary to include communicative-network component into the model of communicative competency due to development of information and communicative technologies and their applying in all the spheres of life. This should be done in order to provide applying of all situation models of communication into professional activity. Development of model components allows covering all the aspects of communicative interaction and interrelation to achieve the level of graduates’ communicative skills. This level is necessary for personal fulfillment and career growth.
I. B. Ignatova, I. A. Grichanikova, N. V. Posokhova
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod, Russia
Keywords: sociocultural sphere, transfer, innovations in the area of culture and arts, institution of culture and arts
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Nowadays, there is a necessity in searching for new innovation research which is defined in scientific publications as sociocultural innovation theory. The necessity appeared due to the problem of mechanisms of technologies transfer in the area of culture and art and the fact that area of culture and art is rich of innovation capacity based on deep scientific and creative research carried out in cultural and art scientific centres. The problem deals with changes in culture and art which are not caused by innovation products applying. The basic ideas of sociocultural innovation theory are deeply integrated into the Russian system of training highly qualified specialists for the sphere of culture and arts. Transfer of institution of arts and culture to innovation development assumes its significant innovation activity. Activity of State State-Funded Institution of Higher Education “Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Arts” serves as an example of innovation model implementation in the area of culture and arts. Significant changes have occurred in Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Arts over 12 years of its development. They are characterized by strengthening of some characteristics in higher institution, strengthening of academic process and development of faculties of institution type. It is possible to underline applying of institution as experimental ground for enhancing research and innovation activity and reorganization of research and innovation activity management. It resulted in decentralized management and research and innovation activity being corresponded to goals and tasks of institution development. All mentioned above has made a basis for institution transfer to innovative development, the way of great transformations, high results in innovation development and applying new kinds of research methods based on sociocultural innovation theory.
S. Kh. Vyshegurov
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: expertise, competence, environmental competence, education quality, specialist qualification, education environmentalization
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The publication reveals reasons and factors of social intensity caused by contradiction between nature and society. The author refers changes in goals and meaning of life in contexts of postindustrial society; loss of human values reflected by postmodern philosophy; prior market interests to these factors. The necessity to investigate existential issues concerning environmental intensity and problems of environmental safety appears nowadays. Many publications related to interdisciplinary research of global risky society point out necessity of the same kind. The article is aimed at updating aspects concerning environmental competence of a specialist. The author considers weak environmental competence to be fundamental of destructions built in all genesis levels, from global and general to routine ones. Education is targeted at building environmental competence as a systematic characteristic of educational subject. The author connects this statement with quality of education and points out that education quality depends on professional skills of a specialist and interacts with education. The paper considers environmental competence to be invariant of professional competence but it defines its specific characteristics. The characteristics include flexibility, interdisciplinary approach, integrity and sociocultural nature. The author pays attention to subject criteria of environmental competence.
L. P. Zagorulko
Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: language education, social processes, the ethno-linguistic confrontation
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Since education is a fundamental social process, which we need to understand as ontological one, the author believes that the research of the ontological problems of language education can be conducted by means of philosophy of education in order to understand what geopolitical processes are reflected in the existing language education; what extent the language affects an adequate analysis of the processes taking place in society. The situation occurred in Ukraine is very indicative in this respect. The dominant ethnic group implements a function of socio-cultural violence in the territories conquered, namely in Donetsk and Luhansk self-proclaimed republics. While the example of the Republic of Belarus indicates that the constitutionally endorsed bilingualism in the post-soviet space allows to maintain a stable social situation in the country. Since in accordance with education as one of the most sustainable social institutions next generations are reproduced, therefore the type of education developed by a culture is essential to the formation and regeneration of civilization. Since the beginning of all education is the knowledge of the language, therefore the requirements for language education in modern conditions are defined. Consequently, the level of development of the society is in general higher or lower depending on how exactly the system of education including language education responds to public needs. Thus, it can be argued that intractable conflicts are ethno-linguistic confrontation in Ukraine. Views of residents of Ukraine about the future of their country depend on what part of the country they were born and what language is native for them. This once again confirms that the problems of language education are not only linguistic but first of all social problems.
O. V. Glinkina
Russian New University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: educational space, European educational system, university, higher institutions, reforms, higher education, private institutions
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The article reveals comparative analysis of higher education system in such Western countries as the UK and Germany. The paper focuses on the general and particular in models implementation, role of the government in foundation and development of higher educational space, possibilities for any kinds of people to get vocational education. Non-governmental sector of higher education adopts one of the key features; it is strong sustainability in difficult conditions of market economy and strong governmental control. Competitiveness of private institution depends on its position as a higher institution. Any private institution focuses on training competitive specialists of new (market) formation; it is its strong point which requires much costs. There are a lot of requirements to graduates; they are modern and up-to-date knowledge in the field of market economy, theory and practice of running business, ability to self-education and training, foreign language proficiency, ability to adapt quickly to changes in professional area and market. State institutions are restricted in possibilities in this respect due to bureaucratic way of management; inflexibility and strictness of curricula and limited range of specialties. It is private institutions which are able to carry out market mechanisms efficiently providing work of private institutions as they have great possibilities to invest money in research and scientific development. Private institutions are more active than state ones; they apply market opportunities and set prices for education and training; they are based on the factor of effective demand whereas state institutions are aimed at covering the costs. All mentioned above assures us, that private higher institutions have great outlooks and possibilities for working and development in higher education system.
S. A. Ganina
Russian New University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: educational paradigm, values of education, phenomenon of childhood, the inherent value of childhood, humanization of childhood space, autocratic pedagogy, education stereotypes
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The paper reveals the problem of paradigmatic shift in national pedagogics on the basis of classical and modern publications analysis; it considers transfer from classical (“Knowledge”) paradigm to competence building one. The competency building paradigm underlying modern modernization processes in the field of education is assessed as being contrary to the values and outlooks of development of both individual and culture in general. The analysis introduces the concept “phenomenon of childhood” as a method for evaluating educational paradigms and values of modern education. Educational system, especially preschool educational and secondary one, deals with children. The situation concerning children in the modern world is estimated as critical one in terms of understanding and assessment of childhood by adults, and problems of relationships between adults and children. The article makes conclusion about the necessity to understand the phenomenon of childhood as the foundation of educational system in Russia, especially due to the dominant position of general teaching stereotypes and approaches of autocratic pedagogy. Therefore, all the modernization processes in education and society are to be failed if there no paradigmatic changes in adults consciousness in respect to children. Socio-philosophic studying of childhood phenomenon is based on interdisciplinary approach and it is significant for founding new paradigms of modern teachers’ consciousness. The studying allows generalizing philosophic and pedagogic knowledge and other subjects in order to found new concept of childhood phenomenon which corresponds new comprehension of values and significance for modern society.
V. I. Kudashov1, O. V. Novoselova2
1Institute of Humanities in Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: higher institutions of Russia, international integration of universities, world university rankings, academic mobility, advancement of national education
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The paper is devoted to Structural shifts in mobility and certifies they demonstrate integration processes and developing competition of different countries for students at international education market. According to UNESCO outlook, the number of students studying abroad can reach 7 million people by 2025. In some countries, profit gained of educational export is so high that it makes the budget. However, the educational export of Russia cannot be considered as profitable one. The article reveals the place of Russian universities in the international educational space and analyzes situation in the Russian universities, which slows down the process of internationalization. Nowadays the number of international students trained in universities of Russia is about 2.5 %; this criterion doesn’t take into account students from the former Soviet Union countries. World university rankings have become an integral part of the global higher education system. High rank of university assumes contribution to country image and improvement of its positions according to other important criteria. The task regulated by the presidential decree includes entree of five Russian universities the top one hundred research universities by 2020 (in accordance with the main world ranking). Many Russian and international experts see this task as more than ambitious. While building an appropriate infrastructure which conforms to the international standards, universities face some problems that slow down international universities integration. Studying the situation of higher education modernization in Russia, researchers identify such problems as less funding in comparison with the leading universities of other countries, the language barrier and slow changes in academic culture of Russian universities. University community will experience significant transformations, which may take more time than it was planned before. Educational community and the government do not have clear guidelines and strategies to make Russian education popular abroad; the system of educational programs advancement and support of international students trained in Russian are very weak.
R. K. Serezhnikova, O. Yu. Smachnaya
Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University, Birobidzhan, Russia
Keywords: creativity enhancement, subjectivity of student, theatre activities
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The article considers the subject-competence concept, reflecting the problem of professional and pedagogical training in three interpenetrating planes: the plane of the creative development of the individual student (individually-creative aspect), the plane of attitudes of prospective teachers to professional activity (motivational and valuable aspect) and the plane of the subject activity (reflective and innovative aspect), which determines the ability to examine the mechanism of updating the creative potential of prospective teachers through the operating and values. This assumes necessity of searching for ways to promote the best revealing of student creativity on the basis of his individuality. According to the authors, this assumes a qualitative rethinking of the nature of educational process at university aimed at creative experience, emotional and value attitude to the world, which is revealed in enhancing creative potential of the personality. The authors consider the scope of theatre activities to be one of the efficient conditions of educational process at University. Students’ stage is considered as a process pedagogically organized and regulated by the teacher; the process is based on the game "actor"-student, contributing to self-creative development of personality. The programme of studio-theatre ETS was developed and implemented in frames of enhancing self-development and self-realization of students. The programme was aimed at enhancing creative potential of the student personality in the scope of stage activities. The programme can be used and applied in higher education not only as a scope of creativity enhancement but as a mechanism of prospective teachers’ professional realization.
B. V. Fedotov
NSAU, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: educational technology and environment, deviant and addictive behavior, social values, standards, social security
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The publication is devoted to studying different forms of deviant behavior among students trained in higher institutions. The author adheres to the history of the problem. The paper demonstrates that deviation took place in all the societies in different eras; changes in deviant behavior occurred due to transformations within social systems and social relations. All mentioned above enhanced new views and values in society, especially in the youth. The author explains new social values and standards by means of social development factors. He analyzes the reasons of deviant behavior in modern students and its progress. The article considers deviant behavior to depend on satisfaction with material and moral needs; assessment of deviant behavior should be based on moral and law criteria. The author pays specific attention to educational environment which should prevent students from conflicts. The publication takes into account multidimensional nature of deviant behavior among all the social groups. But when we shift students of higher institutions into specific group we see deviant behavior depends on academic progress of the student. Due to this fact the paper focuses on motivation to studying. Personal social security is considered by means of consideration of threatens from social deviations and the role the person acquires as a way of protection from deviations. The author represents research results on this topic and explains prevention from deviant behavior of students on macro and microlevel.
I. N. Izvekov, O. A. Zimovina
“Institute of Educational Technologies RAE”, Sochi, Russia
Keywords: family, genealogy, generation, continuity, genealogical values, genealogical culture, value-genealogical approach, identity
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The article considers the reasons of national educational tradition to remember and honor relationship as continuity of several family generations which is lost by many Russians nowadays. The tradition is revealed in genealogic culture of people, their respect, honor and admitting the microhistory of their family and its role in national history. The paper focuses on the fact that genealogic culture is the basis of moral education, civic consciousness and personal patriotism. Genealogical culture allows person not only to imagine and keep in mind life and culture of ancestors, their way of life, customs and traditions but identify himself with his ancestors. The publication explains why genealogical culture is becoming of great importance in Russia in context of building civil society. It is very significant for education and upbringing in family and cooperation between family and institutions. The paper demonstrates conditions of genealogical culture development in regional social institutes and public organizations. The article analyzes possibilities to enhance efficiency of state educational policy by means of applying regional family policy conceptions in the regions of Russia.