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Geography and Natural Resources

2021 year, number 4


ZH.V. Atutova, D.V. Kobylkin
V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: national park, landscape structure, recreational activities, environmental problems, risk, sustainable development


We made a map of the contemporary landscape structure on the key site (Goloustnoe coast) to analyze the recreational development of the coast of Lake Baikal; based on this map, we identified the main factors of natural attractiveness for the development of the tourism industry. Considering the economic and geographical patterns of the region combined with its landscape and recreational potential, we determined historically formed and preferred types of recreation activities. With a view to reveal environmental problems, we identified the main directions for recreational activities that have the greatest negative impact on the functioning of landscape complexes in the area. It is pointed out that a low level of ecological culture of vacationers is often the chief cause for an intensification of adverse events. Therefore, the risk of crisis situations is borne not only by tourists, but also by the operation of recreational infrastructure facilities. Geoimages obtained by processing images taken with an unmanned aerial vehicle helped to identify the foci of greatest environmental tension, as well as present quantitative parameters characterizing the extent of the negative impact. Having considered the high degree of sensitivity of landscape complexes to anthropogenic impact, we proposed ecotourism-oriented leisure activities that can not only reduce the burden on the part of recreational activities, but also increase the level of environmental morality. Besides, we provided the examples of recreational facilities, already existing on the Goloustnoe coast of Lake Baikal and methods of their management, guaranteeing environmental stability, which is necessary in the implementation of measures aimed at sustainable development of the Baikal territory.