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Geography and Natural Resources

2019 year, number 1


East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, 670013, Ulan-Ude, ul. Klyuchevskaya, 40v, Russia
Keywords: Восточный Саян, округ, геом, группы фаций, ландшафтная карта, Eastern Sayan, district, geom, groups of facies, landscape map


This article discusses the geosystems of Eastern Sayan within the Okinskii district of the Republic of Buryatia from the standpoint of V.B. Sochava’s theory of geosystems. The Okinskii district is the southwesternmost region of Buryatia. It extends over 190 km from north to south and over 294 km from west to east. The territory of the district is located almost in the center of the Eurasian continent and at significant distance from the oceans: nearly 2900 km from the Taimyr Peninsula of the Arctic Ocean, 3800 km from the Kuril Islands of the Pacific, and nearly 6 thou km from the Scandinavian Peninsula of the Atlantic. The air masses forming over these oceans occasionally reach the territory of the region and have their influence on climatic conditions. In the study area, the geoms level is represented by certain types of geoms and groups of facies located in them. By using these categories, it was possible to identify the unity of relationships on the same site between the lithological substrate, the structure of the relief, soil cover, climatic and hydrological indicators and vegetation. On the basis of the generally accepted graphical model of the hierarchy of geosystems of the Baikal region, using the literary-cartographic method, the technique of key areas, remote sensing as well as field research material, some features of the landscape structure are revealed and a systematic list of geosystems of Eastern Sayan is compiled at the topological level with the description of geoms. The particular groups of facies with occurrence of forest fires were determined. The landscape map of the study area at a scale of 1:1 000 000 is presented.