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Geography and Natural Resources

2019 year, number 1


Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 690041, Vladivostok, ul. Radio, 7, Russia
Keywords: природные ресурсы, звенья основного природопользования, звенья сопутствующего природополь зования, "обратное" природопользование, региональное развитие, территориальная социально-экономическая система, natural resources, components of basic nature management, components of accompanying nature management, "reverse" nature management, regional development, territorial socioeconomic system


Spatial structures of nature management are identified in the form of territorial combinations of extracting enterprises (installations and facilities) and resource-containing components of the geosystems connected by the process of extraction of natural resources and its withdrawal from a natural geosystem. The components of basic management (connected with extraction of the basic natural resource), accompanying (connected with extraction and removal of other resources during the extraction the basic resource) and “reverse” (in the form of change in natural-resource potential due to technogenic impacts) nature management which within a particular territory may overlap with one another. It is emphasized that nature management considered at the territorial, spatially least generalized level is always based on using a combination of natural resources, including the territory, water, air, and the like. It is suggested that regional development be also considered at the regional level in the form of the establishment and development of territorial socioeconomic systems. The main components of them are separate settlements directly connected by transport routes as well as the related spatial (territorial) structures of nature management. The scheme of a matrix model of regional development is suggested, which encompasses and reflects the settlements of territorial socioeconomic systems, the natural resources used and the components of the environment. The model provides the means of assessing structural transformations in systems, including when implementing new investment projects. The scheme of regional nature management monitoring is suggested.