2021 year, number 3
M.V. Shedij
The Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Orel, Russian Federation
Keywords: situational center, information support, government departments, public administration
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The aim of the work is to analyze the process of the emergence and evolution of the information support system for government bodies of the Russian Federation. The article focuses on the systematization of the conditions for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the Russian system of distributed situational centers of authorities, aimed at analyzing, assessing and forecasting trends in the transformation of realities in various spheres of state activity and providing information support on this basis for making proactive, motivated management decisions. At the end of the work, the problems of implementing the technology of situational centers of government bodies of the Russian Federation.
E.V. Agapov, L.K. Bobrov, K.A. Zaykov
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: geographically distributed computing systems, architecture, job control task, algorithms, comparative analysis
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The work is devoted to the consideration of the main widespread algorithms for scheduling tasks in geographically distributed computing systems. The specific features of the algorithms are characterized and their comparative analysis is presented in accordance with the selected criteria. The main factors that should be taken into account when constructing job control algorithms in geographically distributed computing systems are determined.
S.A. Khrustalyev
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: computer network infrastructure, network infrastructure security, software-defined networks, data transmission networks, fault tolerance, fault tolerance model
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The publication deals with the design and modeling of fault tolerance for secured software-defined data transmission networks. A technique for evaluating the parameters of fault tolerance of a software-defined data transmission network is proposed. An organizational model for building a software-configurable data transmission network based on the design of a configuration based on the principle of dynamic protection with the use of selective transformation, taking into account the probability of failures and allowing to ensure high specified parameters of fault tolerance.
A.V. Inozemtseva, A.I. Kocheeva, A.I. Pestunov, E.V. Chernikova, L.Yu. Shadrina
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: content, search system, technical parameters, foreign version of the website, Internet marketing, higher educational institutions, export of education
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Today all higher educational institutions use Internet marketing technologies to attract applicants. Websites serve as a starting point of this work. They become particularly topical in the context of the «Export of education» project aimed at the attraction of foreign applicants to national higher educational institutions. The study analyzes foreign versions of the websites of Russian higher educational institutions by several parameters: technical parameters, content structure, user friendliness and user behavior on the website. 34 websites formed the sample. The analysis of user behavior at the website made it possible to estimate its efficiency. Following the results of the study it was found that foreign versions of the websites of Russian higher educational institutions need to be optimized with respect to several indicators. Recommendations were given to improve the websites regarding each parameter.
T.V. Sumskaya
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: revenues of the budget, tax and non-tax income, gratuitous transfers, Novosibirsk, budget coefficients, budget expenditures
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The paper considers a comparative analysis of the structure of budget revenues of the city of Novosibirsk, both among other cities with a population of over one million in the Russian Federation, and among the municipalities of the Novosibirsk region. The structure of city budgets was assessed both from the point of view of their provision with tax and non-tax revenues received directly on the territory, and from the standpoint of dependence on transfers from the higher budget for the period 2011-2018. In addition, the possibility of the use of budget resources to identify the main areas of spending in large cities is analyzed. The fact of essential reduction of budgetary independence of the largest cities in the Russian Federation over the period of analysis considered is revealed.
O.A. Lisutin
Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Russian Federation
Keywords: motivation of work, material remuneration, performance indicators, basic educational program
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In this study, we formulate proposals for group motivation of teaching staff, aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the main educational programs of higher education among various categories of applicants, as well as the safety of the contingent of students and employment of university graduates. The research topic is relevant both in terms of theoretical and practical understanding of new approaches to motivating university staff in solving problems that contribute to improving the quality and demand for basic educational services in the market of higher education.
E.A. Krasnobaeva, E.A. Matushevskaya
Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Keywords: controlling, factors, controlling system, management system, controlling tools, cultural organizations
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The article studies the specifics of implementation of controlling in cultural sector companies. Hindering factors and grounds for implementation of the controlling system in cultural sector companies were revealed on the basis of the results of empiric studies. The instruments of operating and strategic controlling were considered. Scientific novelty of the study lies in revelation of the factors hindering implementation of the controlling system and setting of the controlling instruments for measurement of the performance efficiency of cultural sector companies.
N.V. Gorodnova
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: investment and construction sphere, innovations, IT-technologies, BIM-technologies, nanotechnologies, artificial intelligence, robots
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The digitalization of the Russian economy entails the need to introduce information technologies into the construction industry. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematization of the existing experience in the application of innovations in Russia at all stages of the construction process, as well as in the development of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the innovativeness of the investment and construction sphere. It is concluded that the use of innovations, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence improves the quality of the finished product, reduces the time and costs of construction.
S.A. Danilkova
Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
Keywords: stages of internal audit, audit theory, Marxist theory, theory of rational randomness, theory of dependence on resources, institutional theory
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Based on the study of the economic literature of Russian and foreign authors, the historical stages of the formation and development of internal audit are considered, the approaches of scientists to the periodization of internal audit are systematized, the strengths and weaknesses of various opinions are determined. The author revealed the content of the theories of the audit with the indication of their advantages and disadvantages, and justified the author’s opinion on the issue of the evolution of internal audit in the context of various criteria and organizational and management theories, the directions for the implementation of internal audit in the context of managerial theories are indicated.
L.M. Rerikh
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: developers, housing construction, escrow accounts, equity holders, project financing
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Negative aspects in the practice of financing housing construction at the expense of citizens and legal entities led to the search for new methods of paying for housing construction in order to prevent the growth of long-term construction, the emergence of new defrauded equity holders. The article presents material on the implementation of project financing by developers of the Novosibirsk region through the use of escrow accounts. The uncertainty of the long-term prospects for the application of the existing method of financing housing construction, the lack of a firm position on the part of the government of the Russian Federation on alternative payment mechanisms are noted.
Yu.G. Shvetsov
Altai State Technical University named after Polzunov, Barnaul, Russian Federation
Keywords: digital economy, science and practice, labor, entrepreneurship, commodity relations, capital, property, taxation, budget, intangible assets, two-tier economy, money, finance, free time, education
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The article discusses the basic provisions of the theory of the digital economy, synthesizing the practical experience of its formation in Russian society. The new content of commodity-money relations, the leading role of intangible assets in it, the objective nature of the monopoly of electronic money, which have lost a number of its specific functions, and the transformation of monetary institutions into multi-disciplinary financial concerns are substantiated. It is proved the need to exclude individuals from the sphere of taxation and its focus on the fiscal accounting of intellectual, digital property and capital, to turn the budget into a financial instrument of redistribution of gross public product in favor of non-working citizens. The concept of a two-tier economy is introduced, in which the class of intermediaries parasitizing on its achievements is gradually eliminated.
A.V. Zonova, V.M. Karaulov
Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russian Federation
Keywords: expanded model of open economy, controlled parameters, formation of value, final product consumption, generation of budget and national income, movement of funds
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The issue of development of expanded (open) model of economic performance, making it possible to account for the specifics of any country or region inclusive of internal and external factors, was considered. An expanded economy model is based on the core economy model containing the system of controlled parameters. Mathematical formulas of the models are presented. The study revealed the principle of the model construction and the way the system of controlled parameters in the expanded economy model makes it possible to «customize» the model against specific conditions of national, regional and sectorial economic performance.
A.V. Ganicheva1, A.V. Ganichev2
1Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver, Russian Federation 2Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russian Federation
Keywords: random variable, sample, variance, Chebyshev’s theorem, probability distribution law, number of observations
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The problem of reducing the number of observations for constructing a confidence interval of variance with a given degree of accuracy and reliability is considered. The new method of constructing an interval estimate of variance developed in the article is formulated by three statements and justified by four proven theorems. Formulas for calculating the required number of observations depending on the accuracy and reliability of the estimate are derived. The results of the calculations are presented in the table and shown in the diagram. The universality and effectiveness of this method is shown. The universality of the method lies in the fact that it is applicable to any laws of probability distribution, and not only for the normal law. The effectiveness of the developed method is justified by comparing its performance with other known methods.
E.I. Kaibicheva
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: socially oriented noncommercial organizations, noncommercial sector, municipal support, regional management, rating of municipal formations
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One of the incentives of active work regarding support of noncommercial sector for local government bodies is the municipality position in the corresponding rating formed in the region. The article presents the review of the approaches used by regional authorities with regard to formation of the ratings of municipal formation regarding support of socially oriented noncommercial organizations. A conclusion was drawn that the latest methods present the synthesis of experience and new realities of the development of noncommercial sector.
S.G. Karepova, A.N. Pinchuk, S.V. Nekrasov, M.V. Kostolomova
Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: new social reality, theoretical approaches, threats, challenges, trends, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, security, consolidation, prospects, technology
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The article deals with the features of new social reality in line with modern determination of societality and technology. The authors consider the basic theoretical approaches to realizing and studying this sophisticated phenomenon. It is noted that there are the conceptual lacunas, which require making out a more comprehensive system of theoretical knowledge about modern social reality from science. From the authors’ view, the article considers the most comprehensive prospect of modern thinking on this issue. Special attention is paid to the specificity of the phenomenon itself, its key directions and determinants of development as well as the threats and challenges which cover in-depth societal, technological and information segments of the society development. Consideration has been given to the key technological externalities of modern social reality within which issues of safety in the newest high technology make actual, workplaces and competences of employees transform, ethical issues, information threats, mind control, etc. are analyzed. This research area in perspective is noted to contain a strong research potential in both theory and practice.