Turbulent mixing of total ozone content and aerosol loading of the stratosphere
O.E. Bazhenov1, A.V. Nevzorov1, N.S. Salnikova1, A.V. Elnikov2, V.A. Loginov2
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia 2Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia
Keywords: time series, stratosphere, integrated aerosol backscattering coefficient, total ozone content, Fourier transform, inertial turbulence scale
We present the time series of the total ozone content and integrated aerosol backscattering coefficient in the stratosphere obtained at Siberian Lidar Station in Tomsk. Annual harmonics are distinctly manifested in the frequency spectra of energies of these time series, as well as the semiannual component in ozone time series. Representation of the frequency spectra of both stratospheric constituents on a logarithmic scale made it possible to identify in these spectra the intervals, characteristic for turbulent motion and, hence, cascade energy transfer from larger to smaller eddies and, in particular, in the energy spectrum of the total ozone content. However, the slope of the linear interval is not -1.67, as it would in obedience to the Kolmogorov-Obukhov law, but smaller (-1.22), indicating the presence of an additional energy source which contributes to the frequency variations in the total ozone content.