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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 2


A. V. Malanicheva
Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: организация работы учителя, подготовка школьников, ГИА, ОГЭ, ЕГЭ, обществознание, organization of the teacher’s work, training of students, GIA, OGE, social studies


Introduction. The problem of high-quality preparation of students for the state final certification is topical in modern education. This is due to the lack of a single textbook or manual, the content of which would reflect the theoretical material that corresponds to the tested knowledge in the tasks contained in the control and measurement materials of the state final assessment and the current Bank of tasks, with which the student could develop skills to perform tasks of control and measurement materials. Methodology and methods of the research. The object of the research is the process of education in a General educational organization, the subject is pedagogical assistance to the successful preparation of students for the state final assessment in an educational organization. When analyzing the works of T. A. Bocharova, Yu. S. Egorova, N. F. Efremova, L. Yu. Eremina, I. V. Luchina, O. D. Mishina, we have identified activity-based, psychological and content-based approaches. Analyzing the works of B. G. Ananiev, Y. K. Babanskiy, I. P. Poglazova, M. N. we came to the conclusion that the training of schoolchildren is viewed from the perspective of organizing a process aimed at effective learning. Special attention in the organization of the process of learning by schoolchildren is paid to their psychophysiological features (L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, I. ya. Winter, etc.). S. M. Grombakh, Yu. a. Kornarzhevsky, V. M. Polonsky, T. I. Shamova and others were engaged in the problem of control over the process of mastering knowledge by schoolchildren. In the study, we used theoretical and empirical methods of collecting information. The results of the research. We see the solution to this problem in the systematic organization of preparation of school children for the state final certification starting from the 9th grade. The training of students should be based on the principle of continuity of tasks presented in the control and measurement materials of the main state exam and the unified state exam for students completing General education. The implementation of the considered method of preparing students for the state final certification in the schools of Barnaul showed an increase in the level of knowledge, formed skills and abilities of students when performing, both in the form of the main state exam and in the form of a unified state exam. Due to constant changes in the content of tasks of control and measuring materials, the structure of control and measuring materials, this research topic is relevant and promising. Conclusion. In the course of our research, we came to the conclusion that when organizing the educational process is based on the continuity of tasks, students develop skills that allow them to perform tasks of control and measuring materials for a higher score.