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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 2


E. R. Zinkevich, O. S. Kulbakh
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: ценностно-смысловая сфера, ценностные ориентации, профессиональная культура, воспитательная работа, value-semantic sphere, value orientations, professional culture, educational work


Introduction. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure of value orientations of freshmen - prospective instructors-defectologists and clinical psychologists. The interest in the problem is explained by its significance in the formation of the professional culture of future specialists. The publication aims to attract the attention of researchers to the interdisciplinary problem associated with the value orientations of young people. Methodology and research technique. The object of the study is first-year students: future defectologists and future clinical psychologists. The subject of the study is value orientations, their research was built on the basis of aspectual, scientific, pragmatic, system and empirical approaches. For diagnosis, the methodology of M. Rokich was used. The results were processed using mathematical statistics methods using the Statistica 10.0 application package. The results of the study. Addressing the problem is due to the need to form the value-semantic sphere of students yet in the early stages of studying at a university. The results of the study demonstrated the distribution of terminal and instrumental values by the degree of their significance among respondents. Considering instrumental values in both groups in aggregate, we can conclude that the prospective defectologists are characterized by a pragmatic orientation and the prospective clinical psychologists, by an altruistic. We can recommend the expansion of methodological tools aimed at studying the value orientations of students in higher education institutions and review the content of educational work with students of various specialties at the stage of pre-vocational training. Conclusion. A heterogeneous structure of values of the first-year students was revealed, indicating the absence of prerequisites for the formation of a professional culture among the prospective educators-defectologists, while among the prospective clinical psychologists the hierarchy of values is more harmonious and can serve as the basis for their professional development. The scientific novelty of the study is that its results are proof of the need to research the structure of students’ value orientations yet at the stage of pre-vocational training. The study has methodological significance, serving as a reference point for career-oriented work in school. The applied significance of the results are in their relevance for the development of variable educational programs that take into account the professional orientation of future specialists, and for corrective work with students.