The method for determining the altitudes of atmospheric layers with strong turbulence
A.Yu. Shikhovtsev1, A.V. Kiselev1, P.G. Kovadlo1, D.Yu. Kolobov1, V.P. Lukin2, V.E. Tomin1
1Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Irkutsk, Russia 2V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: атмосферная турбулентность, волновой фронт, телескоп, солнечные изображения, вертикальные профили турбулентности, atmospheric turbulence, wavefront, telescope, solar images, profiles of the turbulence
The modern tasks concerning the methods for recovering the altitude profiles of the atmospheric turbulence are discussed. An alternative method to the Slodar-technique is suggested for determining the altitudes of atmospheric layers characterized by strong turbulence. The method is based on estimation of the space-time crosscovariances between local wavefront slopes on subapertures spaced in the telescope field of view with a known angular displacement of an object observed due to the Sun motion. The turbulence characteristics are estimated for the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope site.