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Professional Education in the Modern World

2019 year, number 3


L.A. Overchuk
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: принципы непрерывного образования, LLL-Lifelong Learning, ключевые компетенции, андрагогика, модернизация института высшего образования, информационное общество, principles of continuous education, LLL-Lifelong Learning, key competences, andragogy, modernization of the Institute of higher education, information society


The article discusses the relevance and the main problems of the implementation of Lifelong Learning (LLL) in the system of higher education as a continuum and the basis for the full inclusion of the individual in the life of a knowledge-based society. The key normative documents, principles and conditions for the formation of LLL are identified, the terminological characteristics of the concepts of continuing education and the knowledge as a product of society are determined. Particular emphasis is placed on the change of the axiological paradigm of education and self-improvement of the individual in the process of transformation to the Knowledge society. The problem of LLL in higher education is considered by us from the standpoint of the dialectical unity of the interpretative framework of holistic and individualistic approaches, including those, based on the results of study by T. Parsons, A. Geddens. The search for new meanings and values of education should be associated with the study of the individual as an educational subject, and not only with the consideration of the University in its social role and functional purpose, depending on the world's education models. The idea of continuing education is not the latest of modern concepts of society related to the reform of the education system. Nevertheless, the creation of a new infrastructure for self-improvement of the individual in the conditions of the University, based on technological and methodological opportunities developed within the framework of the concept of continuing education, is becoming an urgent problem of Russian society, in which the professional development of people of all ages is complicated by the rapidly changing structure of the labor market and structural unemployment, largely associated with hyperproduction of graduates with higher education. The mechanisms of adaptation of Knowledge to the changing needs of the individual and society should also be well studied and in demand by all actors of the higher education system, contributing to the development of a just and socially oriented society.