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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2019 year, number 7

Total ozone content over Tomsk in 1994-2017: results of statistical analysis

O.E. Bazhenov1, A.V. Elnikov2, S.M. Sysoev2
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
2Surgut State University, Surgut, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, Russia
Keywords: общее содержание озона, его годовой ход, распределения вариаций, автокорреляционная функция и Фурье-спектры, квазидвухлетние колебания ОСО, total ozone content, annual total ozone behavior, distributions of variations, autocorrelation function and Fourier spectra, quasibiennial ozone variations


We presented the long-term (1994-2017) M-124 ozonometer observations of the total ozone (TO) content over Tomsk. They were used to determine the annual behavior with the corresponding standard deviations. After the long-term (a total of 8766 points) time series was processed to remove the annual oscillations, its variations were examined for a normality of the distribution. Next, the data obtained (also after being processed to remove the periodicity) was used to calculate the autocorrelation function. A harmonic, corresponding to the annual TO variations, predominates in the Fourier spectrum. Half-year oscillations with an order of magnitude lower amplitude were also detected. However, the Fourier spectrum contained no quasibiennial oscillations, quite often mentioned in the literature. They were extracted using simpler methods of statistical analysis.