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Philosophy of Sciences

2018 year, number 2


Vladimir Moiseevich Reznikov1,2
1Novosibirsk National Research State University, 2, Pirogov st., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
2Institute of Philosophy and Law, SB RAS, 8, Nikolaev st. Novosibirsk, 630090
Keywords: частотная интерпретация, субъективистская интерпретация, интерпретация склонностей, колмогоровская сложность, Гильберт, Мизес, Рейхенбах, Колмогоров, Поппер, де Финетти, Шейфер, frequency interpretation, subjective interpretation, interpretation of inclinations, Kolmogorov complexity, Gilbert, Mises, Reichenbach, Kolmogorov, Popper, de Finetti, Shafer


The paper explores various estimates of the material adequacy of Mises’ frequency interpretation. Thus, pure mathematicians believe that it is not necessary, since the idea of chance is successfully studied in Kolmogorov’s theory of complexity. The philosophers de Finetti and Popper also deny the importance of frequency interpretation, believing that its main results can be obtained in other interpretations. The paper shows the uniqueness of frequency interpretation, for example, for the creation of a unified interpretation of the theory of Shafer’s probabilities. It also analyses various estimates of the formal correctness of frequency interpretation. Thus, some pure mathematicians criticize the formal imperfections of Mises’ interpretation, while applied mathematicians note its creativity. Our own argument in favor of frequency interpretation is that according to Mises, his theory is not a mathematical science, but a strict natural scientific discipline about mass phenomena. Therefore, the available critical arguments cannot falsify Mises’ theory.