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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2018 year, number 2

Orographic effects on calculation of the urban heat island intensity

V.I. Demin1, I.N. Kuznetsova2, N.E. Brusova2, M.I. Nakhaev2, I.Yu. Shalygina2, P.V. Zakharova3
1Polar Geophysical Institute, 26а, Academgorodok St., Apatity, 184209
2Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia, 11-13, Bol'shoj Predtechenskij per., 123242, Moscow, Russia
3Mosjekomonitoring, 11/1, Novyj Arbat, 1119019, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: городской остров тепла, антропогенное тепло, микроклимат, орографический эффект, загрязнение городского воздуха, urban heat island, anthropogenic heat, microclimate, effect of topography, urban air pollution


Using 20 meteorological stations in Moscow region as an example, it is show that relief-induced microclimate differences affect the calculations of the intensity of urban heat island in Moscow. Microclimate parameters were investigated on the basis of comparison between the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures and the analysis of large-scale topographic maps. In some instances, variations in the carbon monoxide concentration were used as evidences of microclimate relevant air circulations. The outcomes of the study prove that the urban heat island needs to be investigated using data from rural and urban meteorological stations located in similar microclimate.