2017 year, number 5
A.I. Maksimov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: maksimov@itam.nsc.ru
Keywords: launcher, satellite, spacecraft, launch pad, payload capability, low Earth orbit, geosta-tionary transfer orbit, successful launch
Pages: 639–655
Abstract >>
The paper describes
preparation and launching of the first artificial satellites of the Earth in
the USSR and USA. Statistical data of successful and unsuccessful launches in 1957–2016 are provided. Brief information about
the families of launchers created on the basis of the R-7 (USSR) and also Atlas
and Titan (USA) ballistic missiles is given. The long-time evolution of rocket
launchers is traced by an example of the 50 years of the Delta family (USA)
based on the Thor intermediate range ballistic missile.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050018
K.N. Efimov, V.A. Ovchinnikov, and A.S. Yakimov
Tomsk State National Research University, Tomsk, Russia
E-mail: yakimovas@mail.ru
Keywords: conjugate heat and mass exchange, rotation, ablation, thermal protection material
Pages: 657–669
Abstract >>
Some methods of thermal
regime control for three dimensional flows around a body due to the
simultaneous impact of body rotation around the longitudinal axis, mass ablative
surface, and heat transfer flow in the body shell material are considered. The
solution to the dual formulation allows us to take into account the impact of
non-isothermal shell wall on the characteristics of heat and mass transfer in
the boundary layer. The effect of the body rotation and the injection of cooler
gas on the characteristics of heat and mass exchange in a thermal protection
material is analyzed.
DOI: 10.1134/S086986431705002X
A.E. Zarvin, V.V. Kalyada, and V.E. Khudozhitkov
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: zarvin@phys.nsu.ru
Keywords: supersonic jet, molecular beam, condensation, cluster formation, mass-spectrometry, cluster ionization
Pages: 671–681
Abstract >>
structure of clustered supersonic underexpanded jets of molecular nitrogen and
argon was measured by the method of molecular beam mass-spectrometry.
Peculiarities of application of the molecular beam methods for recording the
supersonic rarefied gas jets under the conditions of weak and developed
condensation (i.e., in the presence of small and large clusters in jets) have
been discovered, identified, and studied. An unusual shape of longitudinal and
transverse cross sections of the clustered supersonic jets was revealed and
explained when scanning with a molecular-beam system. It has been
determined that small clusters and monomers are the sources of double-ionized
monomers available near the flow axis, and dimer ions at the early stages of
condensation, whereas another mechanism of such ion formation dominates, when
large clusters area available in the flow. A marker for fixing the stage
of formation of small clusters in a supersonic flow is proposed.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050031
Zaripov and N.I. Mikheev
Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia
E-mail: zaripov.d.i@mail.ru, n.miheev@mail.ru
Keywords: boundary condition, numerical scheme, circular channel, long channel, resonance, acoustic oscillations
Pages: 683–690
Abstract >>
The influence of properties of
first- and second-order accuracy finite-difference schemes and of the grid roughness
in the computational domain on the prediction of amplitude-frequency responses
of pressure oscillations is investigated within the framework of the problem of
steady-state oscillations in a semi-closed channel. It is shown that Godunov-type
first-order accuracy scheme underestimates the amplitude of high-frequency
oscillations relative to experimental data. Second-order accuracy Lax–Wendroff
scheme leads to qualitative coincidence of a trend of amplitude-frequency response with experimental data in terms
of the harmonics number even at a relatively coarse discretization of a
computational domain.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050043
D.V. Chirkov1,2, P.K. Shcherbakov2, S.G. Cherny1,2, V.A. Skorospelov3, and P.A. Turuk3
1Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: chirkov@ict.nsc.ru, 1doffys@gmail.com
Keywords: numerical modeling, hydro turbines, cavitation, air injection, self-excited oscillations
Pages: 691–703
Abstract >>
At full and over load operating points, some Francis turbines experience
strong self-excited pressure and power oscillations. These oscillations are occuring due to the hydrodynamic instability of the cavitating
fluid flow. In many cases, the amplitude of such pulsations may be reduced
substantially during the turbine operation by the air injection/admission below
the runner. Such an effect is investigated numerically in the present work. To
this end, the hybrid one-three-dimensional model of the flow of the mixture
“liquid-vapor” in the duct of a hydroelectric power station, which was proposed
previously by the present authors, is augmented by the second gaseous component
¾ the non-condensable air. The boundary conditions and the numerical
method for solving the equations of the model are described. To check the
accuracy of computing the interface “liquid-gas”, the numerical
method was applied at first for solving the dam break problem. The algorithm
was then used for modeling the flow in a hydraulic turbine with air injection
below the runner. It is shown that with increasing flow rate of the injected
air, the amplitude of pressure pulsations decreases. The mechanism of the flow
structure alteration in the draft tube cone has been elucidated, which leads to
flow stabilization at air injection.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050055
A.F. Kurbatskii1 and L.I. Kurbatskaya2
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mails: kurbat@itam.nsc.ru, L.Kurbatskaya@ommgp.sscc.ru
Keywords: atmospheric boundary layer, algebraic models of Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat flux, stable stratification, internal waves, numerical modeling
Pages: 705–717
Abstract >>
An explicit algebraic
model of Reynolds stresses and the turbulent heat flux vector for the planetary
boundary layer in a neutrally stratified boundary layer of the atmosphere above
a homogeneous rough surface is tested. The version of the algebraic model
under consideration is constructed on the physical principles of the RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes)
approximation for describing stratified turbulence, it employs three forecasting equations, and a correct reproduction of the main characteristics of a neutral
atmospheric boundary layer ¾ the components of the mean wind velocity, the wind turn angle, and the turbulent statistics is shown. Test computations show that the proposed model may be used for
goal-oriented investigations of the atmospheric boundary layer.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050067
V.A. Arkhipov and A.S. Usanina
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
E-mail: Usaninaanna@mail.ru
Keywords: solid spherical particle, highly concentrated system of particles, gravity sedimenta-tion, settling regime, drag coefficient
Pages: 719–730
Abstract >>
In the present paper, we
report on the results of an experimental study of the process of gravity
sedimentation of a cloud of monodispersed solid spherical particles with
initial volume concentration C >
0.03, which was performed in a wide range of Reynolds numbers. An
analytical estimate of the settling regimes of spherical particle clouds is presented.
A new method for creating a spherical particle cloud with a high concentration
of particles is proposed. A qualitative picture of the settling process of
a highly concentrated particle cloud under gravity is revealed. A criterial
dependence for the drag coefficient of a sedimenting spherical particle cloud
as an entity is obtained.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050079
A.A. Khalatov1,2, N.A. Panchenko1,2, and S.D. Severin1
1Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2I. Sikorsky National Technical University of Ukraine, “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine
E-mail: Artem.Khalatov1942@gmail.com">Artem.Khalatov1942@gmail.com";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"html";}
Keywords: film cooling, film-cooling efficiency, surface dimples, triangular craters,, transverse trench
Pages: 731–737
Abstract >>
Results of a film
cooling numerical simulation over a flat plate with coolant supply into
indentations of different shape are reported. The calculations were performed for the blowing-ratio changed from 0.5
to 2.0. For comparison, data for traditional film cooling scheme with one row
of discrete cylindrical inclined holes were used. At small value of blowing ratio (m = 0.5), the average film-cooling efficiency is roughly
identical for all indentations tested. With blowing ratio growth, the scheme
with a coolant supply into the transverse trench demonstrates the best results.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050080
S.P. Aktershev, E.N. Shatskiy, and
E.A. Chinnov
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: sergey-aktershev@mail.ru
Keywords: heated film, thermocapillary instability, rivulet structures
Pages: 739–749
Abstract >>
The conditions of
formation of a three-dimensional thermocapillary structure on the surface of a
liquid film flowing along a heater with the constant temperature were studied
numerically based on the derived system of equations. Formation of the
thermocapillary structure was modeled by periodic perturbations in the
transverse direction superimposed on the two-dimensional flow. It is shown in
calculations that transversal perturbations can develop into periodic rivulet
structures on the film surface if the Marangoni number exceeds some threshold
value. It is revealed that the rivulet structure develops when the period
belongs to a certain range, which is determined by the value of Marangoni
number. The results of calculations are in a good agreement with experimental
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050092
V.I. Trushlyakov1, I.Y. Lesnyak1, and L. Galfetti2
1Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
2Milan Technical University, Milan, Italy
E-mail: lesnyak.ivan@gmail.com
Keywords: heat and mass transfer, fuel tanks, gasification, fuel components
Pages: 751–760
Abstract >>
An evaporation of
kerosene and water was investigated based on convective heat transfer in the
experimental setup simulating a typical volume of the fuel tank of the launch
vehicle. Basic criteria of similarity used in choosing the design parameters of
the setup, parameters of the coolant and model liquids, were numbers of
Reynolds, Prandtl, Biot, and Nusselt. The used coolants were gases, including
air and nitrogen; in addition, at the stage of preliminary experiments,
products of combustion of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) were
considered. Boundary conditions were taken for the liquid located on the plate
in the form of "drop" and at its uniform film spread in the experimental
model setup. On the basis of experimental investigations, the temperature
values were obtained for the system "gas-liquid-wall", and areas of
mass transfer surface and heat transfer coefficients of “gas-liquid” and “gas-
plate” were determined for coolants (air and nitrogen) and for liquids (water
and kerosene). The comparative analysis of the obtained results and the known
data was carried out. Proposals for experiments using coolants based on HTPB
combustion products have been formulated.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050109
R.Kh. Bolotnova1 and V.A. Korobchinskaya1,2
1Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics, Ufa,
2Bashkir State University, Ufa,
E-mail: bolotnova@anrb.ru
Keywords: thin nozzle, boiling water outflow, nucleation, mathematical and numerical modeling
Pages: 761–771
Abstract >>
This study presents
dual-temperature two-phase model for liquid-vapor mixture with account for
evaporation and inter-phase heat transfer (taken in single-velocity
single-pressure approximation). Simulation was performed using the
shock-capturing method and moving Lagrangian grids. Analysis was performed for
simulated and experimental values of nucleation frequency (for refining the
initial number and radius of microbubbles) which affect the evaporation rate.
Validity of 2D and 1D simulation was examined through comparison with
experimental data. The peculiarities of the water-steam formation at the
initial stage of outflow through a thin nozzle were studied for different initial equilibrium states of water for the
conditions close to chosen experimental conditions.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050110
R.A. Khairulin1, S.V. Stankus1, and R.N. Abdullaev2
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: kra@itp.nsc.ru
Keywords: diffusion, melt, lithium-lead system, gamma-method
Pages: 773–778
Abstract >>
Interdiffusion in
lithium-lead melts containing 10.0, 15.0, 18.1, 20.0, 25.1, 30.2, 38.2, 40.1,
43.1, 46.7, 50.2, 60.2, and 70.0 at. % Pb was investigated using gamma-ray
attenuation technique in the temperature range from 720 to 1030 K. It has
been found that the concentration dependence of the interdiffusion coefficient
has a maximum in the vicinity of 20 at. % Pb. This phenomenon is
shown to relate to a tendency of formation of short-range order in liquid
alloys of lithium-lead.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050122
Popov and A.N. Cherepanov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: popov@itam.nsc.ru
Keywords: modification, nano-size refractory particles, impulse laser radiation, convective heat and mass transfer, numerical simulation
Pages: 779–786
Abstract >>
Numerical evaluation of
the laser-pulse modification of a metal layer with refractory nano-size
particles was done. The modes of the laser-pulse action promoting creation of
the flows for homogeneous distribution of modifying particles in the melt were
determined for various amounts of the surface-active admixture in the metal.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050134
A.M. Kler, A.S. Maximov, and N.O. Epishkin
Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
E-mail: maxalex@isem.irk.ru
Keywords: mathematical modeling, thermal power plants, technological scheme analysis, param-eter optimization
Pages: 787–798
Abstract >>
The paper describes
the developed method for analyzing technological schemes of thermal power
plants based on solving problems of auxiliary linear programming. This method
involves solving the linear programming problems to evaluate the effect of
supply and removal of heat or material flows of various sizes at different
points of the technological scheme of a thermal power plant (TPP). The method
effectiveness is demonstrated by the example of the coal-dust steam turbine
unit with nominal electrical output of 660 MW. As a result of its application,
the change of the technological scheme of the unit was found to provide
reduction in electricity cost by 0.3%.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050146
M.V. Alekseev1, I.S. Vozhakov1,2, S.I. Lezhnin1,2, and N.A. Pribaturin1
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: alekseev@itp.nsc.ru
Keywords: supercritical parameters, nonequilibrium phase transition
Pages: 799–802
Abstract >>
is presented for the case of water coolant outflow with initial supercritical
parameters after high pressure pipeline breaking. The nonequilibrium relaxation
model of phase transition was developed and validated. The model describes
both boiling and condensation processes.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050147
V.V. Cheverda1, 2, A.L. Karchevsky2,3, I.V. Marchuk1,2, and O.A. Kabov1,4
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
E-mail: slava.cheverda@gmail.com
Keywords: liquid droplet, local heating, wetting contact line
Pages: 803–806
Abstract >>
The evaporating water droplets on a horizontal heated substrate were experimentally studied. The constantan foil 25 μm thick with a size of 42x35 mm2 was used as a substrate. The
experiments were carried out with a single droplet or with an ensemble of two
or three droplets on the foil. The temperature of the lower surface of foil
was measured by an IR scanner. To determine the heat flux density at
evaporation of liquid near the contact line, the Cauchy problem for the
heat conduction equation was solved using the thermographic data. The results
of calculations showed that the maximal heat flux density takes place in the
region of the contact line and exceeds the average heat flux density from the
entire surface of foil. This is explained by the heat inflow from the foil
periphery to the droplet due to relatively high value of the coefficient
of heat conductivity of the foil material and high evaporation intensity in the
contact line region.
DOI: 10.1134/S086986431705016X