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Journal of Mining Sciences

2017 year, number 4

Technical Approach to Prediction of Dragline Productiveness in Blasted Rock Handling at Open Pit Mines in Permafrost Zone

Chersky Institute of Mining of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Lenina 43, Yakutsk, 677980 Russia
Keywords: карьер, криолитозона, многолетнемерзлые породы, смерзание, температура пород, драглайн, математическое моделирование, open pit mine, permafrost zone, permafrost formations, adfreezing, rock temperature, dragline, mathematical modeling


The authors describe a technical approach to validating efficient regimes and process flow charts for draglines in open pit mining in permafrost zone; the approach integrates modeling data on temperature conditions of permafrost treated by blasting, geometrical parameters of a dragline face and interaction of work cycle time and face rock temperature in different seasons. It is shown that a dragline has the appreciably reduced productivity in slice-by-slice handling of broken-rock disintegration having negative temperature.