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Journal of Mining Sciences

2017 year, number 4

Geomechanical Estimation of Deformation Intensity in Rock Mass above the Flooded Potash Mine

Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Sibirskaya 58a, Perm, 614007 Russia
Keywords: затопленный рудник, растворение соляных пород, математическое моделирование, деформации, разрушение, flooded mine, salt rock dissolving, mathematical modeling, deformation, failure


In focus of the article is minimization of aftereffects of the large-scale accident connected with the flooding of Berezniki Potash Mine in the Perm Krai. The authors construct a synthesized geomechanical model of the flooded mine to show the mining conditions, the process of salt rock dissolution and the elastoplastic behavior of deformation and failure of undermined rock mass in time. Approaches to analyzing intensity of degeneration of load-bearing elements of the open stoping system as a consequence of salt rock dissolving are proposed. The obtained estimates are the parametric framework for prediction of the ground surface deformation using 3D mathematical modeling. The geomechanical calculation results are used in the managerial decision-making on safety of the industrial and civil infrastructure within the hazardous territory.