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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2017 year, number 1

On a variational method of retrieval the wavefront from Shack-Hartman sensor measurements

A.V. Razgulin, E.Zh. Kuzhmaliev, A.S. Goncharov, A.V. Larichev
MGU, Moscow
Keywords: восстановление волнового фронта, наклон волнового фронта, датчик Шака-Гартмана, функционал невязки, вариационный метод, пространственно-частотная характеристика, wavefront reconstruction, wavefront slope, Shack-Hartmann sensor, discrepancy functional, variational method, spatial-frequency response


New method for wavefront reconstruction from measured gradients is proposed on the basis of the solution of variational problem. Spatial frequency transfer function is obtained for its reconstructor. Accuracy of the restoration is studied, by methods of numerical modeling, at different spatial spectra of wavefront distortions. Reconstructor sensitivity is analyzed in the case of data loss in some nodes of measuring grid.