Vertical stratification of excited molecules by self-consistent electric field in the lower stratosphere
T.A. Belyi1, Yu.A. Zelenin2
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:205:"1Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Palladin av., 32, Kiev, Ukraine, Postcode 03680 2The International Foundation “Chronograph”, Odessa, Ukraine, 65080";}
Keywords: электрическая стратификация, метастабильные молекулы, тензор напряжений, electric stratification, metastable molecules, tensor of tensions
Stratification of isotropic ultraviolet emission of atmosphere (λ = 1200-1270 Å) by vertical electric field has been considered as a static polarization of highly excited metastable molecules of ozone cycle (O(1D), O(3P), O2(a1Sg+)). Thermodynamic valuations and scalability of Van der Waals collective interactions have been obtained based on the concept of the Rydberg fluid of excited subsystem of atmosphere that plays an important role in stabilization of ionic layers. Additions to the classical tensor of electric field tension of atmosphere Tik have been considered within the limits of the model of average self-consistent electric field (nonlinear-Poisson equation). Polarization components of the tensor Tik stabilizing the system have been calculated. The model of dynamic field-adiabatic dielectric permeability ε(r) as a function of local potential has been proposed.