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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2016 year, number 6

Spatial-Typological Structure and Organization of the Winter and Pre-spring Bird Communities of the Northern Macroslope of the Kyrgyz Range (Tien-Shan)

Institute of systematics and ecology of animals, SB RAS, 630091, Novosibirsk, Frunze str., 11
Keywords: орнитокомплексы, неоднородность, пространство, среда, факторы, связи, структура, классификация, bird communities, territorial heterogeneity, environmental factors, assessment of linkages, structure, classification


Hierarchical classification was drafted and spatial-typological structure of the winter and pre-spring bird population was revealed for the northern macroslope of the Kyrgyz Range. Descriptiveness of obtained classification and structural representations, as well as evaluation of the variability of communities due to environmental factors were determined by linear approximation of quality, Structure and organization of the bird communities in these periods were compared. Overall, the heterogeneity of the bird communities of the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Range in winter and early spring periods is associated with variability in heat and humidity, and presence of built-up areas and mono-crop agriculture. In winter, the avifauna changes more gradually than in the early spring period.