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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


D. A. Danilov1, T. A. Parnikova2
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
2Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: образовательно-воспитательная среда, внеучебное время, самоактуализация, самооценка, educational environment, extracurricular time, self-actualization, self-esteem


This article shows the results of the evaluation of educational activities developed and built at the Engineering faculty of Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy. The evaluation was carried out according to the criteria of students’ free time. The authors used such methods as questionnaire and observation. The long-term experience in engineer training shows that students realize the necessity to be highly qualified professionals, social active, communicative, self-educated, creative and to have organizational abilities in order to be competitive at the labour market. The problem of self-actualizing professional individual being is not developed in a good way in spite of its theoretical and applied relevance. The problem of student’s self-actualization development is relevant for theoretical and applied research. This research explores some contradictions. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical publications and empirical experience has shown that many researchers speak about the significance of self-actualization, but in fact, the development of self-actualization takes place as a spontaneous process. The university system focuses on reproductive training where the development of students’ personality is not sufficient. The authors see the problem of personality development as a significant one whereas the pedagogical conditions and methods for stimulation of professional self-actualization are still missing.