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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


N. P. Karamyshev
Altai Institute of Further Training of Chiefs and Specialists in Agribusiness, Barnaul, Russian Federation
Keywords: сельскохозяйственный микробизнес, воспроизводство трудовых ресурсов, рыночные отношения, государственная политика, индивидуальный предприниматель, экономика сельского хозяйства, Agricultural microbusiness, the reproduction of the labor force, market relations, public policy, an individual entrepreneur, agricultural economics


The article defines the role of the agricultural micro-business in the modern economy. The author reveals the reasons for reducing the number of subjects of agricultural micro and consequences of this process. Small business creates the widest range of goods and services worth tens of trillions of rubles. However, when developing and supporting the market relations, it is necessary to think not only about profit. In today's economy, there is a great number of issues that will contribute to more efficient development of agricultural microbusiness. How to connect the initiative of an enterprising man with the interests of society? As to the specific circumstances of life to create an atmosphere of healthy, creative competition? These and many other questions in the very near future will determine in our society, professional and moral character of the middle class - the basis of stability and material well-being of Russia. Perspective directions of development of entrepreneurship in municipal areas, small rural areas is the creation of small innovative enterprises, making it possible not only to create new jobs, but also improve the competitiveness of the local the local economy. The functions of the agricultural business are: food security, in the field-based due to meet the primary needs of the population in food, and self-employment, reducing unemployment and improving living standards in rural areas. The study produced findings that development of agricultural micro will contribute to the sustainable improvement of the well-being of the population in rural areas, the formation of a middle class, strengthening national security and the dynamic development of the entire economy in the long run.