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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


M. P. Iatsenko
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: историческое познание, историческая гносеология, эволюционистская парадигма, historical knowledge, historical epistemology, evolutionary paradigm


The article highlights the features of historical knowledge in the context of globalization, one of the important characteristics of the power which is the interpretation of history. It is proved that it is carried out in the interests of the subjects of globalization, that is, the leading countries of the West at the expense of “the second and third worlds”, so the ideologues of globalization are not interested in the objective study of the past. According to the author, the unity of history as a complete unity of humanity will never be completed. History is closed between the source and purpose, it acts as the idea of unity. A man is on the way of his great historical path, but he does not complete it by means of the achievement of ultimate goal. The unity of person is considered as a historical border. This means that achievement of completed unity would be the end of history. History is regarded as a movement under the banner of unity subordinate to the views and ideas of unity. In our historical consciousness, the idea of mankind becomes concrete and visible only in real history and in its entirety. The predictive function of history in many ways seems to have paradoxical nature as a historian is engaged in the investigation of the past. The unity of history as a complete unity of humanity will never be completed. The interpretation of the historical experience of other nations facilitates the elite responsible for making the decision, the decision broadcasting to the masses.