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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


N. L. Rumiantseva
Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: редукционный, устойчивое общество, общественные блага, идеология, ценности, культура, экономическая, политическая, reductive, sustainable society, social goods, ideology, values, culture, economic, political


The article explores the problem of narrow specific training of specialists and therefore inefficient decisions and solutions taken. The paper shows the necessity to develop the system thinking and world outlook. This approach is regarded as the key task of further training in the Federal State Educational Standards. The article tries to develop the way of this goal achievement. The author makes the case to develop the approach to the strategic combination of scientific, philosophic, and social knowledge. The paper is aimed at foundation of basic concept of this knowledge. The strategic knowledge must be based on the subjects and curriculum. The authors suggest the system and dialectic approach to the foundation of the fundamental concept and teaching Humanities. The article considers the concept “public benefit” in this approach and shows its difference from the concept “social goods” and concept “public benefit” in the reductive approach. The author takes into consideration two types of social values: cultural values and ideological values. The authors show that close relation between these values is necessary for the sustainable development of society. The article contains the notions of ideology, economic and political social sub-systems. The authors highlight the differences in notions reviewed by reductive approach and system-dialectic approach.