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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2014 year, number 5


C. HГјttich1, M. A. Stelmaszczuk-GГіrska1, J. Eberle1, P. Kotzerke2, C. Schmullius1
1Friedrich-Schiller University, Löbdergraben, 32, Jena, 07743 Germany
2GAF AG, Arnulfstrasse, 199, Munich, D-80634 Germany
Keywords: remote sensing, SAR, MODIS, time series, forest change monitoring, near-real time


Forest cover disturbance rates are increasing in the forests of Siberia due to intensification of human activities and climate change. In this paper two satellite data sources were used for automated forest cover change detection. Annual ALOS PALSAR backscatter mosaics (2007–2010) were used for yearly forest loss monitoring. Time series of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI, 2000–2014) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were integrated in a web-based data middleware system to assess the capabilities of a near-real time detection of forest disturbances using the break point detection by additive season and trends (Bfast) method. The SAR–based average accuracy of the forest loss detection was 70 %, whereas the MODIS-based change assessment using breakpoint detection achieved average accuracies of 50 % for trend-based breakpoints and 43.4 % for season-based breakpoints. It was demonstrated that SAR remote sensing is a highly accurate tool for up-to-date forest monitoring. Web-based data middleware systems like the Earth Observation Monitor, linked with MODIS time series, provide access and easy-to-use tools for on demand change monitoring in remote Siberian forests.