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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2014 year, number 3


N. N. Abakumova
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Kamensky str., 56, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region, 630099
Keywords: efficient contract, payment of the labour, employer, efficiency to activity, pedagogical workman


The article covers issues concerning the forthcoming reform of the system of higher education in Russia. It presents several provisions of the main governmental documents determining the course of the reforms in the public sector and higher education. The article is focused on different points of view to the effective contract. Most authors consider the effective contract as a changed variant of the labour contract, which corresponds to the definition of the effective contract in the remuneration system’s incremental development program. A special focus is on positive and negative consequences of the effective contract’s adoption. The effective contract’s main advantage is that it will link the remuneration of labour to the volume, intensity and quality of work completed under the labour contract and it will determine teaching employees’ salary level making it competitive with other sectors of economy and on the regional labour market. The article studies the matters how to create favourable conditions of effective contract’s adoption because without them it will be hard to achieve a positive effect of the higher education reform. Different authors express their attitude towards the criteria of teaching employees’ activity appraisal in the effective contract. The data and criteria of the activity efficiency, the amount of emoluments, the amount of rewards for achieving collective results of work must be properly understood by both employers and employees, with no ambiguity.