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"Philosophy of Education"

2013 year, number 6


V. N. Turchenko
Keywords: reform, science, education, scientific-educational sphere, nanotechnology, Skolkovo, scientific and pedagogical community, politics, law


Science and education are like communicating vessels. Therefore, they represent a single sphere, defining the future of the country and nation. The Russian scientific and pedagogical community and its highest representation, Russian Academy of Sciences, having agreed with the false thesis of «de-politicization», have actually waived their constitutional rights and become a weak-willed target of violence by the dominating traitors. An analysis of the open scientific literature and electronic resources shows that the «liberal reformers», having destroyed the economy, are delivering final blows to science and education, suppressing the mind and soul of the nation. The pogrom (demolition) of the domestic scientific-educational sphere leads to destruction of the Russian statehood, which is in the interests of other States, primarily, the United States. Thus, a professional and civic duty of scientists and teachers is to do everything possible to stop the pogrom-makers and to put forward an alternative strategy for the Russian scientific-educational sphere.